I read an article on Thursday about this case where the prosecution's psychiatric report was that she was insane. It said that her husband woke when the baby was crying, but that her two other sons obeyed her when she asked them to basically hold still while she killed them, they didn't yell for their dad... chilling stuff - reminded me of the film "Frailty" in a way.
I'd like to say/ask something about *not* guilty by reason of insanity - she did it because she was insane; surely she's *guilty* by reason of insanity (ie she presumably wouldn't have done it otherwise) - does this mean that if/when she is no longer insane she's free to go? If she's fit to stand trial, doesn't that mean she's mentally healthy now?
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Don't care if she's insane or not, this woman should be executed.
That's a sickening attitude, surely even if a person believes in capital punishment they would still feel the execution of a mentally-ill person is as immoral as execution of a minor or retarded person?
I hope the surviving little boy (despite severe injuries resulting in disability) and his father can start to move forward with their lives, and that the mother gets the help she needs.
JoinedPosts by glitter
Texas woman found not guilty by reason of insanity of stoning her kids...
by TresHappy intexas mom who stoned sons not guilty
saturday, april 3, 2004 posted: 8:57 pm est (0157 gmt) .
laney departs the courtroom following closing arguments in her capital murder trial saturday.
Instead of the memorial...
by meat pie ini watched the classic video 'the wicker man'.
a bit dated, but a great story even so, and quite apt too.. and i shall have 'a little something', as winnie the pooh would say, before bedtime.. what did you do?.
"The Wicker Man" = excellent taste in horror films! :)
I spent the memorial time explaining the whole lot about JWs to a non-JW after he witnessed my mum (inactive for about 7 years, missed the last 3 memorials) in full JW mode on the way to the memorial. -
Which was scarier... the torture scenario or the Armageddon scenario?
by Gopher infor those of us who grew up in the jw's, there were a couple of scary scenarios presented, one supposedly to happen before armageddon, and armageddon itself.. before armageddon, all jw's were going to be chased around by worldly nations because they would be the only religion left on earth, satan's system having destroyed "babylon the great" (all religions outside jw's, we were told).
so as part of that, jw's would be persecuted worldwide for being religious and proclaiming the "kingdom".. now -- connect that with the actual persecution that happened to the jw's as documented in the annual "yearbook" and in the pages of the watchtower magazine.
sometimes the details of what happened to jw's when in confinement were quite graphic and frightening.
I was terrified of the Great Tribulation.
If I was in bed but not quite asleep and someone knocked on the door I sometimes used to get scared that it was someone coming to persecute us and that my dad would betray us.
I used to practise trying to be perfectly still and quiet in case I had to hide or pretend to be dead (this was at about age SIX).
At the KH I used to always want to sit out of the line of fire from the main door and the fire-exit incase soldiers came in so I'd have time to get under the chairs or under bodies.
I was scared of having to set fire to my mum.
These things have been a reality in the lives of too many children throughout history. No book publishing company in a rich, generally-safe, FREE nation has any business telling children in a rich, generally-safe, FREE nation that these things are GOING to happen to them.
The only part of Armageddon I was scared of (being a good little JW) was my non-JW friends dying - I wanted Armageddon to come when they were staying at our house so we could take them to the KH with us and we'd all be safe.
I used to imagine walking to the hall during Armageddon (obviously no busses would be running during the Big A). -
A JW just telephoned me... heh heh heh...
by Quotes init must be the end-of-the-mont-scramble to get time in.
i just got off the phone with a gentleman who, talking approx 1000 words per minute, so that i could almost not understand what he said, identified himself as "navin", and wanted to "share a scripture with me".
he clearly did not know who i am or my history, or my website hobby.
I would be scared to death if I picked up the phone and the first thing the caller said was "I'd like to share a scripture with you" - it sounds too much like the beginning of a horror film or something! :)
Excellent phone conversation - hopefully Navin had a good hard think... unlikely but *hopefully*. -
Dial-up internet and unwanted long distance phonce calls
by JH inmy neighbour just came over and showed me her bell canada bill.
she had 500$ worth of long distance phone calls made last month, that she didn't make.
they were all made to spain.. she phoned bell canada and they said it was probably done by someone on the internet.. how can that happen?.
What happens is dodgy sites can put a new dialler on PCs.
Spybot S+D
ZoneAlarm Firewall
Would you wear a crucifx?
by orangefatcat inmy wonderful husband knows that i have been a religious person most of my life and while he despises jehovah's witnesses with a passion, he knows that i still believe in god and christ.
he being a greek orthodox and a wonderful human being he bought me a beautiful crucifix of jesus on a cross.
it is black stone and silver and says on the back of the cross, alpha and omega.
"A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do you think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a ******* cross? It's kind of like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on." Bill Hicks I agree with that. I wouldn't wear a cross, let alone a crucifix, if I was a Christian.
Yes or No----Do You Believe That JWs Are A Cult?
by minimus ini believe they are "cultlike" but i don't think they are a "cult"........and you?
Of course they are!
Is Islam a religion of peace?
by onacruse inthe october 2003 christianity today has an article entitled "competing claims about islam...is it a religion of peace or of violence?
" selected quotes (no link available):sometimes the religion is shown as violent, promoting jihad (holy war), and providing theological justification for acts of terrorism.
at other times, especially when american adherents to islam are represented, the religion is described as one of peace.. "either view of islam can be demonstrated by just picking certain verses in the qu'ran and certain illustrations from history," fuller seminary professor dudley woodberry says.
Hence, the problem that Tony Blair now has with people in one area of the UK demanding Sharia law.
Where did you read that? People in an area of the UK want Sharia law? *What area*?
Calm down, there's no religious revolution going on here!
Is Islam a religion of peace?
by onacruse inthe october 2003 christianity today has an article entitled "competing claims about islam...is it a religion of peace or of violence?
" selected quotes (no link available):sometimes the religion is shown as violent, promoting jihad (holy war), and providing theological justification for acts of terrorism.
at other times, especially when american adherents to islam are represented, the religion is described as one of peace.. "either view of islam can be demonstrated by just picking certain verses in the qu'ran and certain illustrations from history," fuller seminary professor dudley woodberry says.
Islam is no less peaceful than Christianity. And neither true Muslims nor true Christians are violent anyway.
There are frightening and disgusting passages in the Bible and there are Christian fundamentalist nutters too.
One of my mum's best friends is a devout Muslim (*devout*, not a fanatic hiding behind a religion) and she and her family are amazing people, and there's no doubt in my mind they're representative of the vast majority of Muslims and humankind as a whole.
A Gem in the Awake
by glitter inthere's a great example of how ignorant jws are in the november 8th awake (oil: will it ever run out).. on the letters page: (the writer is from the ukraine, so i *hope* something's been lost in the translation... but why would they print it if it was?).
"i wish to express my appreciation for the article "young people ask... what's wrong with cheating?
" (january 22 2003).
There's a great example of how ignorant JWs are in the November 8th Awake (Oil: Will it Ever Run Out).
On the letters page: (The writer is from the Ukraine, so I *hope* something's been lost in the translation... but why would they print it if it was?)
"I wish to express my appreciation for the article "Young People Ask... What's Wrong With Cheating?" (January 22 2003). I am a university student and I have had the habit of cheating since I was in the fifth grade. I always questioned whether cheating was right, but I couldn't find an answer. This article is thus a real treasure. I'm changing my ways with my next test, for which I am now studying."
Has the Awake had articles on how to tie your laces, wipe your bum and that intentionally repeatedly smacking your face into walls is a bad idea yet? I hope for this idiot's sake they have!