419Eater.com is a site where they bait Nigerian scammers. Makes for very funny reading - the webmaster fools them into posing for really embarrassing pictures and they do it because they think they're gaining the trust of the person they think they're going to rob! (and of course because they don't get the joke)
JoinedPosts by glitter
Nigerian astronaut stuck on Soyuz
by Sirius Dogma ina very funny new piece of spam email.
i wonder how many suckers they will get.
subject: nigerian astronaut wants to come home .
what is the first lie in the bible and who told it?
by zen nudist ingen 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
gen 3:4 and the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die: [from eating of the tree].
gen 3:5 for god doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil
I have two BIG problems with that:
1: Adam and Eve had to knowledge of good and evil, yet they were punished for disobeying and it was only by disobeying that they gained that knowledge. They didn't know any better!
2: Us?!!! I think there are a couple of other places where "Us" is used as if there is more than one God. -
Scary Pictures in the Live Forever book
by Surfacing in.
i remember as a kid being freaked out by two pictures.
one was of the demons floating away leaving their screaming wives and babies during the flood, and the other was the collage with the gas mask guy and the kid holding his hands over his ears and the dead guy with the chopsticks..... oh yes, did i mention that i wasn't allowed to watch the care bears movie as a kid because of the "frightening and demonic" scenes?
I think I remember the demons, but I don't remember the gas mask or chopsticks. Can anyone post scans? I think my mum left her Live Forever book with a study about 12 years ago.
Blood recycling machine bought by JW community
by Wallflower inaccidently came across this news article from the scunthorpe telegraph :.
'recycling' could cut blood shortage .
Do ordinary JWs know all these loopholes or do they think that "no blood" means "*no blood*"?
I can see the Hospital Liason Committee getting involved and clairifying things when children are involved, but would the hospital just take an adult at their word and refuse/risk the operation? -
A question for the Athiests....
by desib77 ini have a question for those who do not believe in god.....how do you feel that life came to be?.
i'm certainly not criticizing anyone's beliefs.
i'm just trying to figure out what i believe and am curious about all viewpoints.. desi
Creationists sometimes say things like "if you blew up a pile of bricks you wouldn't get a house".
This is the only planet we know that currently has life on it. This is how it is, this is all we have experience of.
Maybe we *are* the only planet out of the infinite number of planets in the infinite Universe that currently has the precise conditions for life to flourish on it.
Maybe if you blew up and infinite number of piles of bricks you *would* get a house. -
Jews object to Mormon practice of baptizing dead Jews
by Gopher inhttp://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=519&ncid=519&e=6&u=/ap/20040410/ap_on_re_us/baptizing_the_dead
jewish group: mormons still baptize dead .
fri apr 9, 9:28 pm etby mark thiessen, associated press writer.
Ohhhh I misunderstood when I read the thread title, I thought Mormons were smuggling Jews' bodies out of hospital mortuaries and funeral homes and dunking them! What they really do is really arrogant and stupid. Hey I'll do whatever I want in life and pray to whoever I want and some Mormon will be baptised for me and I'll go to heaven... is that how it works?
Carmel - well done!
A: Lied about
W: Lied to
WT: Liars -
What Do You Really Know About The Bible?
by Gadget indid you learn a lot about the bible while you were a jw?
try this bible quiz!.
I don't think the Bible even *needs* distorting and twisting to make excuses for evil acts - it's there in black and white: abuse women, kill your children, commit genocide and God will love you.
What Do You Really Know About The Bible?
by Gadget indid you learn a lot about the bible while you were a jw?
try this bible quiz!.
Jehovah does NOT Communicate with the Watchtower Society!
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe watchtower, august 1, 2002 issue, pages 14 and 22:
the watchtower, june 15, 1957 issue, page 370: .
the watchtower, june 1, 1955 issue, page 333: .
I can't believe they actually said something stupid like this... most JWs think things are run by God don't they (except when there's something wrong when it's "imperfect humans" and therefore not their fault...)? Wouldn't it be beneficial for the WT to let them carry on believing that? The JWs will just say "well of course Jehovah isn't communicating with anyone today, it's enough that the organisation was chosen as God's organization in the past"
I can't wait for the elder who brings my mum's mags to come so I can show her this.
/me dons tin-foil hat - it sort of seems like they're wondering how far they can push it with outrageous statements (basically saying they *aren't* God's organization), toying with the brainwashed dubs to see how far they'll blindly follow. Does the GB truly believe all this?!
Edited to add: Undisfellowshipped - can you post scans?