I understand, my grandma is 87, and I dont think she has alot of time here either. Just do what you are doing, and love her til the end of her days.
i have never felt more helpless in my life.
my grandma is sick, dying, and there is nothing i can do.
when i look at her, i see this echo of a woman that once was vital, strong and alive.
I understand, my grandma is 87, and I dont think she has alot of time here either. Just do what you are doing, and love her til the end of her days.
i have only posted a few times so far, and i dont want to sound like a constant complainer or whiner, but i really need someone to talk to and some feed back.
we used to go to the elders with problems, and i have turned and leaned on you all now.
first i would like to thank you all for your kind and caring feedback.. my daughter has broken my heart.
Thanks everyone. I think I need to give her some TOUGH LOVE. She moved her stuff out last night and I really dont know what she is going to do, but I can honestly say I do have peace about it. I think we have really done too much. She needs to except responsibility for her own actions, and the other children need to know there are consiquences for your actions. One of the yonger ones is a 13 year old girl, and she need to have good examples in front of her.
(((((((((((((((((((jesika)))))))))))))))))))))) I love you too!!!!
thank you all
my 4500 kilometer trek came to an end last night in victoria.. the move went well, as one would expect when one lives out of a suitcase and duffel bag in a 7x13' room.... hope to see the vast majority of you come visit at one time or another.... i have to save vancouver island, and time is running out.. tata.
Congrats Bad seed. I hope you enjoy your new place as well as i am.
Moving is tiring, but is all worth it when you are done.
i'm quite new to this forum (only a handful of posts).
but from what i've read up to now, it seems apparent that some of you have abandoned your belief in a god.
is this because of trauma brought about by the jw religion?
I agrree with scootergirl, jw's left a bad taste in my mouth too. I believe in God and Jesus Christ. Have not found or decided where I want to attend yet. Do most of my studying at home.
it's so much fun to enjoy sunday football and not feel guilty.
we use to run home after the meeting then they changed the time to 2:00pm and that just blew the day thank goodness all that is behind me.
I know, isnt it wonderful!
Me and hubby sat down with a few beers and hot wings and had a ball. Wannta know what else is fun that we were not able to enjoy as jws. He is a football coach for our sons team, and it is a BLAST!
i have only posted a few times so far, and i dont want to sound like a constant complainer or whiner, but i really need someone to talk to and some feed back.
we used to go to the elders with problems, and i have turned and leaned on you all now.
first i would like to thank you all for your kind and caring feedback.. my daughter has broken my heart.
I have only posted a few times so far, and I dont want to sound like a constant complainer or whiner, but I really need someone to talk to and some feed back. We used to go to the elders with problems, and I have turned and leaned on you all now. First I would like to thank you all for your kind and caring feedback.
My daughter has broken my heart. We have been so close, maybe too close. As some of you know, she became pregnant about 7 months ago and she is only 17. The worst part is this is her second child. My husband and I have 6 children. This is deffinately a house full, because she has lived with us with her son also, and now pregnant with another boy. I have NEVER made her feel like she could not stay with us. We have both worked and taken care of her and her son. Not any problem to do so, we love them both. The problem is she is very rebellious, and since she had her first child, at 15, she has the mentality that she is GROWN, if you know what i mean. So she feels as though no one can tell her what to do, or her son. We have been fighting on a daily basis, because of the situation with the young man that has her pregnant now. He was a baptised brother, and she was studying for baptism. They neither one go any more, he was not df'd, but she lost all her privilages, and was terribly shunned. Anyway, they just expect us to let them see each other and go out on the weekends. Well the biggest problem is my husband hate him, because (I mines well tell you why) she became pregnant because they had sex in our house late at night while EVERYONE was home and asleep. That takes big balls in my opinion, so it is quite hard for hubby to look him in the eye. And before anyone judges us, I know it takes 2, so we blame her just as much, but he is 21 and she is 17, I thought he should be alittle more responsible, even though I drilled her over and over and over to use protection. She cannot use the pill, or other types of birth control, she has a terrible reaction to them.
Ok, so now, we have been fighting constantly, because she is mad at me because I had to go back to work and could not watch her son so she could work. She blames everyone else for everything and feels like everyone owes her something. We got into it really bad yesterday over her boyfriend, who by the way has been out of a job for 5 months, and is an electrician ( i know there is work out there). My husband is a forman on a construction site, and offered him a job at $12 an hour, and he said he didnt like that TYPE of work, whatever, hell, I'll pick up blocks for $12 an hour. hehe
So anyway, we are yelling and screaming yesterday, and she balls up her fist at me. Now I dont know about any of you, but that is a no no in this house. She refuses to abide by our rules, and yes at 17 there are still rules. Well that made things worse, I grabbed her by her face, I didnt hit her but she got mad and pushed my hand away. That was it, I told her if she did not do as she was told, she had to go. She said "I'm leaving then". So she calls loverboy, to come and get her. This big chicken shit, (sorry had to go there) pulls up in front of the house, down the street and makes her walk to his car with 2 garbage bags full of clothes, 7 months pregnant.
I dont know what to do. It is so stressful when she is here, my husband knows, that I am constantly sick. She moved out when she first found out she was pregnant, but the girl she moved in with got evicted, so she had to move back home.
I have done all for her I know to do, I dont know what else I can do, and it is breaking my heart. I know kids and even grown people have to learn by mistakes, I just dont know what she is going to do with 2 kids at 17. I cry myself to sleep all the time. And the one thing that stuck out in my head she said when I asked her what their plans were (and I dont want her to get married if she doesnt want to marry him) she just says, i dont know yet, or we'll think of something later. There is no later, the baby id due in 3 months and they have no plans. Oh, and here's the real kicker, he picked her up last night to take her home with him, but he still lives with mommy, Wonder what mommy has to say about this.
Well thanks for listening to my lengthy story. Please help me with some suggestions. And please remember, maybe not in her eyes, she is still really a child.
here is a list of contradictions between what the watchtower society says and what the bible says:.
the watchtower says that judas iscariot left the lord's evening meal (memorial) before jesus instituted the new covenant and passed the wine and bread.. what does the bible say?:.
luke 22:13: they went, found things as he had told them, and they prepared the passover.
Pateaton, What I would suggest to you is that you read from a bible that wasnt translated by someone who had 2 years of experience in translating Greek scriptures, and was only self taught to translate Hebrew scripture, and translated a so called bible for only those of the jw faith.
Because your scripture proves absulutely NOTHING!!
i was fingering the daisies in a bouquet of bright spring flowers.
i mean guys buy girls flowers.
i was nervous.
All I can say is I wish I had a friend like you. Thank you for sharing that story, it really touched my heart. I hope all is well for you both.
i have just added an audio tape on mental illness among jehovah's witnesses by jerry bergman.
it is interesting to hear the reasons why jehovah's witnesses have a much higher rate of mental illness than the normal population.
I know from personal experience, that i have had depression, anxiety, fear and every other emotion that you could possibly go through after leaving. It is from all the things beat into your head, and the mental confusion that you are doing the wrong thing by leaving or not conforming to their way of life that you are doing some deadly wrong thing that can cause you to feel like you are crazy. I have known many people that felt like they were loosing it in the beginning when they left, but the majority of them, like myself, have never been happier.
could someone please help me with some suggestions!!
my family has been out for about 4 1/2 months now.
we have been inactive for a few years off and on.
Golden girl, she is only 17, and I would not want her to get married, especially if she is not ready or does not want to yet. I dont think that is having her priorities messed up. Even if she is pregnant, that doesnt mean she has to get married. I think that is using your noggin.