JoinedPosts by BadJerry
What is your job/career? Like it?
by ashitaka ini'm a deskside support guy working for a service company, at one of their contracts.
i enjoy fixing things, although some of the customers could use a good knock on the skull sometimes.. i make pretty decent money for what i am doing.. for me, it's what i've wanted to do my whole life.
i had a computer from the time i was born, and love it since then.. what do you guys do to bring home the bacon?.
This made me laugh :)
by betweenworlds inthis was a cartoon i saw in the sunday paper today.
it's a strip called "non sequitur" done by wiley miller.
the strip is very long so it doesn't ever all fit in the scan.
Thanks, forgot to ask my son to scan this. I wonder how many JW's Sunday morning had that 'toon stuck in their "little" minds all thru the Sunday talk???????? Didn't fall off my Sunday brunch bench laughing but did smile.
What are you all listening to tonight?
by El Kabong init's a saturday night, what music are you all listening to?
for some reason, i'm in a disco mood.
i got alicia bridges "i love the night life".
HBO - Rolling Stones concert - kept my ears open but my eyes shut - don't want to be reminded how old Mick, Keith and I are! But, you know, the Stones still ROCK!
I've Invited The Dubbies To My Home!
by SpannerintheWorks inyes, i have invited one of my wife's (jw) "friends" over this sunday!
i have been informed by my wife that xxx is "really nice".
"yes", i replied, i am sure that many atheists are "nice" also.
IF I were ever in a situation where an active JW was socially present (and didn't know me), I'd ask about the blood thing and where their stand is now (what is allowable, what's not) and then follow it up with organ transplants (OK, not OK, change, etc.). I think the one eye-opener to many is that their governing body is not be listened to as if they were inspired (actual Watchtower article states that - at work so don't have reference) since they're not! Then ask them what they really believe in! Sounds fun, but hope you don't piss off (is that OK Simon) the wifey....
Watched it a couple of times. It sure was better than anything else on Friday night - that time-slot. My teenage sons all made time to watch it, but the youngest one couldn't tear himself (or his mother) away from AFV. Thank god we didn't throw out all the tv's when that elder suggested it!
Yes - I married an alien (sometimes she even glows in the dark!). No problem here except if they marry for the wrong reason (i.e. shake up the parents, make a social statement, etc...)
Thank God no one was watching.....................
by Jesika ini was putting clothes in the dryer the other day and went to turn it on and it wouldn't start.
i couldn't figure out what was wrong since i had just taken some clothes out of the same dryer.
i looked down and noticed i hadn't closed the dryer door .
My turn - long time ago was working in a paper mill in Northern Minnesota. Had just graduated high school and was considered the new kid at the plant. The honor that goes with that is you have to work the overtime shifts whenever they ask or you are out. After working 5 in a row, Sunday off (they paid triple time so the old farts took that) and 3 more, I met my uncle who was just coming into work. I had been standing in the parking lot for who knows how long and my uncle asked me what I was doing... I told him I really didn't know if I was supposed to be going to work or going home! He just laughed at me and asked me to hand him my lunch. He looked inside, began to laugh even louder, then told me to go home. The lunch-box was empty. Thank God none of the other workers asked me later what the big joke was...
I need advise please
by WildHorses ini once posted about my son, and his being given a ticket for public intoxication.
well, he came home a while ago drunk.
i flew off the handle and we had a few words.
This has got to be tough...not sure if there are active AA members here, but if not, one of they guy's on my software team is and has been for over twenty years. He started on his downward spiral path in his teens, hit bottom in his early twenties, and climbed back into society over several years. Great guy and would be willing to exchange some thoughts on the subject. Email me if you'd like to visit with him. He's helped alot of people like your son....
Saw it last weekend with the three sons. Everyone had a good time and yes, we did pick it apart for things already sited, but it has set the stage for The Two Towers this weekend...
Operation Gall Bladder
by unclebruce ing'day apostates, .
last week i was feeling a bit off and in some serious pain, so i climbed aboard the bush beast and headed for the hospital.
(to visit a doctor after-hours or without an appointment isn't done in this part of the world) luckily for me bega district hospital is only a fifteen minute drive from my bolt-hole in the hills.
And if you can spin a story or two like that, you're welcome here in the 'ol heartland of the U.S.A anytime! Come on, we all want more stories like this one - maybe Simon needs to set up a special section just for story telling time....and I mean all this in the most kindly way!