Hi everyone.... Just a quick, personal thought about the subject under discussion...
I am very busy in the Truth... I am not a servant nor a pioneer... I just keep myself busy - doing what I can to try to be a genuine disciple of the Master, Jesus Christ. I study with several people and enjoy that very much - I do my bit to support the congregation in various ways and hey guess what? I have several hobbies too!!!!! I write and record my own music - I play keyboards and guitar, I listen to loads of new music (even though I am in my 50's now. Some of the new bands on the scene in the UK are great! The new Maroon 5 album is excellent!) I write books (9 to date!) and am involved in researching my family tree (Managed to get back to 1585 so far!!!) I take my eight grandsons out whenever I can....no not in the ministry... but for walks and to the cinema and just messing about in the park etc.... Life is not easy as I battle with what will prove to be a terminal illness - but I find time to get enjoyment from every aspect of my life. My advice to those who are hung up about whether to do this or that, whether to have hobbies or not is simple........ Get on with your life. Be balanced! Be Happy! Do what you want and serve Jehovah the best way that YOU can. You won't answer to any man in the final analysis. Be true to God and true to yourself.
Take care of one another...