Many of the JWs I know may never make it past 6. It's some gulf between 6 and 7. And 7 's only thinking you'll write. when a JW begins to think he'll write, then he's meat for Armageddon already.
Posts by hurt
10 Steps to Apostasy
by teejay injanh posted this over at kent's.
i think it's pretty funny... and accurate.
ten phases in the development of an apostate
Possible war- and post-war-scenarios 1-5
by Erich inin this gulf war "2", we have to calculate with the following possible war-theater-scenarios: .
war-scenario 1: (likelihood smaller than 20% ) .
the usa and their allied forces are marching in in baghdad within the next 2 weeks.
A variation of your Scenario - 2 is probably playing
A Man Of His Word.
by Englishman inreuters news agency states that tony blair has, at last, obtained a marginal majority in the percentage of brits who are behind the war on iraq.
56% of uk citizens now support the war and the numbers are increasing steadily despite the number of british casualties.. at present, the brits in iraq total forty thousand, almost a third of the entire uk army.. it's a strange thing, but i saw this moment coming 18 months ago.
it wasn't on 9 / 11 when the nytc was bombed, but on the following day.
Tony Blair stands out and tall as leaders come. He is decisive, strong, astute. A man of his word. A honourable man. After listening to his speech about unpopularity being the "price of leadership and the cost of conviction", I was simply smitten. It was him against a larger part of Britain. Brave man.
Apheresis Blood Donation Acceptable for Witnesses?
by Jourles inapheresis blood donation is a process where whole blood is removed from one arm, centrifuged - removing particular components such as plasma, platelets and white blood cells, and then the remaining blood is returned to the donor usually through the other arm.
a continuous circuit.. the society's current stance on autologous and allogenic blood donation is this:.
*** w00 10/15 p. 31 questions from readers ***.
brilliant point!
Confronted with this kind of reasoning, a sensible Elder would probaly tell you to simply do what your conscience allows making sure you don't sumble anyone. Now, that's a Catch-22. But then, ut has nothingto do with the internal inconsistency of JW position on blood. Thanks for your relentless research on the subject of blood.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-23-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 3-23-03 wt study
february 15, 2003, page 18.
(the reviewers comments are in black or within parentheses.
Another matter in that weird article...
They gave the number of those getting baptised weekly as about 5,000. when did it becomethat bad? Only about 250,000 per year for the billionhours spent in feet shufflingin field service? and it's bad statistics by bible standards. In Jesus' days, they would count only the men. so, how many of the 5,000 weekly new are women and children? How many are children of Jehovah's Witnesses. I remember those words from the Revelation Book: their waters are drying up...
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-23-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 3-23-03 wt study
february 15, 2003, page 18.
(the reviewers comments are in black or within parentheses.
Room, blondie...
y'see, I got to the meeting cos they've been after me all this while. The CO's coming sometime next month, or the month after,a nd they're trying to keep the house in order, and I have somethings to put in order too. So I got the mag, this three-piece stuff. I managed to miss the 2nd article, cos they're talking about me being weak and all that. So, this article, after parag 9, I thought something grand was coming. And the Writer kept going round and round, and the brothers and sisters, my, intelligent people, were answering those questions. I thought I'd missed something, but then this isn't years ago. Years ago, I'd have assumed there was some Spiritual Truth hidden somewhere and that I was thinking too earthly. So they were explaining this nonsense about seed being the fruit and all that. And they were saying it didn't matter where the seed fell, that the fruit was neither new disciples nor Christian qualities, but more fruit. Vital question: how do you produce more fruit if planted seed doesn't fall on "good soil". no one's askingthat question. And the amazing thing is the guys in Writing knew JWs will swallow it all. I miss my old congregation. There's this very brilliant brother there. He conducts the Watchtower. But I trust him. Whenever such nonsense appears, he would look surprised from the platform and say: uhmm, uhmmm, to whatever anyone who strained to explain such stuff said. The boys in Writing are sinking to deeper depths. They're playing gymnastics with scripture, but they're falling flat on their backs all the time. Why they would give apostates this kind of ammunition I wouldn't understand. And all the JW drones, nodding like robots to nonsense....
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-23-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 3-23-03 wt study
february 15, 2003, page 18.
(the reviewers comments are in black or within parentheses.
Did anyone see what the Society now says bearing fruit means?
What fruit? Well, after a wheat stalk sprouts and matures, it produces as fruit, not little wheat stalks, but new seed. Likewise, a Christian produces as fruit, not necessarily new disciples, but new Kingdom seed.
Therefore, the fruitage in this case is neither new disciples nor fine Christian qualities. Since the seed that is sown is the word of the Kingdom (WTS doctrine), the fruitage must be a manyfold duplication of that seed.I think these extracts are from paragraphs 10 and 11, I'll check to be sure. But could anyone explain what the Society is straining to say here? What is the SEED, and what is the FRUIT, or in Watchtower terminology, the FRUITAGE?? I'm at a loss. The Writer rigmaroles from seed to fruit and says the fruit is the seed or some nonsense like that. The analogy collapses like a house of cards when you notice that it says new seed cannot be produced unless it falls on "good soil", which negates the objective of comforting people working in so-called unfruitful territories. What were the guys in Writing thinking? And those GB members who sign on the articles, didn't they think one of 6 million dubs would notice this nonsense?
About Lies....
by Utopian_Raindrops inwhen he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie].. .
the use of theocratic war strategy.
285-286 use theocratic war strategy ***.
Thanks for sharing...
There is a broader aspect to the Jehovah's Witness definition of lies. It depends on determining who is worthy of being told the truth, that is, should I determine that you do not deseve being told the truth, then it is not a lie to tell you otherwise. I should add that JW apply this subset of their definition of lies in preaching, where the truth is hidden from prospective witnesses; sometimes this may not be done deliberately (and this probably applies to the less experienced JWs), but is routinely done by elders and the like.
by pr_capone inhey all!
i dont want to go into alot of detail to quick but aside from the un bit... what is some relatively easy to prove/explain information that i can bring to who is an elder?
need info specificaly on the 144,000 as well.
There is,of course, some point in reasoning with current JWs. The problemis doingit effectively, without all the hot air. A thoughtful comment, without being pushy, particularly if very brief, and delivered without criticism, could get the thinking-type JW really thinking. I'e seen this happen to an elder I casually mentioned the UN matter to. there was no argument or any overt attempt at concincing him. Just mentioned how disaapointed one was that the Society will be hunting with the hares and running with the hounds; condeming the churches of Christiandom and at the same time preparingthe papers for registration with the UN DPI (Department of Public Information), and that the requestion for deletion was too close to the Stephen Bates article for any comfort. He did his own research. His findingout stuff. I'm unhappy formakinghim unhappy. But try making omelette without breaking eggs... So just take it easy. Don't do it with all that steam in you. Easy does it. It's a slow process, like evolution...
Whites Only Please.....
by Utopian_Raindrops in*** w52 2/1 pp.
*** w56 10/15 pp.
*** g77 10/8 pp.
WT Quote: (extract from first post)
Many colored persons practice color-prejudice against their own people. Lighter-colored Negroes will shun the darker ones. Some from the Western Hemisphere look down upon the very dark ones from Africa. In South Africa, whites discriminate against the mixed coloreds, the mixed coloreds against the native blacks, the native blacks against the Indian coolies, and in their native India the Indians discriminate against the no caste or outcasts. Who is innocent to throw the first stone? Can we not see that all classes of the human race are evil, that if we start reforming we shall be lost in an impossible task, with endless discriminations and many varieties or injustices to beat down, which crusading social and political organizations of this world have hopelessly fought for years?
Racist dogs! What briliant argument. The nitwits that spewed forth this nonsense would make a case that they stood firm still. Disgraceful fundies.