MexiCanaMerica? CanaMexiMerica? AmerExAda?
Globalization is coming
Earth.....but it has to lean a little to the right to suit me. LOL
has anyone else heard about this north american union?.
i've read a few online news articles about this,....has anyone else heard of this??
in brief: its supposedly where sometime in the very near future mexico, usa, and canada will come together in a similar manner to the eu.. thoughts?.
MexiCanaMerica? CanaMexiMerica? AmerExAda?
Globalization is coming
Earth.....but it has to lean a little to the right to suit me. LOL
i have never owed a flag, certainly never flown one at my home.
today i hung one proud and high on my front stoop.
i bought two of them - one will likely be hung in the back entrance area.
I was never patriotic before - in fact my definition of patriotism is most likely an individual feeling more than a group dynamic. Those who never had the privilage of showing honest respect for the symbol of freedom that the US Flag stands for IMO, most likely appreciate it far less than I do. As Blondie said, if you are not deprived you don't look at things the same way, perhaps
I agree totally. I am very patriotic on a personal level. When I won elected office for the first time, the first ordinance that I got passed was requiring all local boards and committees to begin their meetings with the pledge. The local jw's were horrified because now anytime they had business before the zoning or planning or whatever MY evil apostate rule would serve as a reminder that they no longer had power over me.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; } .style2 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style5 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; color: #996699; } --> what can 25,000 members on this board do?have you ever wanted to do something really great and re-.
ceive recognition for it?
one thing that many of us on this board have in common is .
Run my own consulting firm related to Federal law compliance...
Speak regularly to large and small audiences in both the corporate and public sectors.
My work requires that I spend a considerable amount of time working with State and National Politicians so I have become fairly well connected (not powerful but connected).
just had a buddy up to the ranch.this is his story:.....a friend of mine saw his dog with a dead animal in his mouth covered in was a dead bunny..not any dead bunny..this was the nieghbours family pet friend was shocked and didn`t know what to do.he knew the nieghbours would get very upset that his dog had killed their pet bunny..the nieghbours weren`t home right now,so he came up with a plan..he cleaned the dirt off of the dead bunny and put it back in it`s pen and hurried home..a little while later,the nieghbours came home..a few days later my friend and his nieghbour had a chat..the nieghbour was angry and upset..the nieghbour said:"last week our family pet bunny died.the kids were upset and me and the mrs thought we`d have a funeral for the bunny with the kids and give it a nice burial..well,a few days ago,some sick bastard dug the bunny out of the grave and put it in it`s pen."!
I don't care who you are...that's funny right there.
i feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
I do not want people to be allowed to harm themselves or to get tatoos or to mutilate their bodies.
As far as a tattoo goes...again I ask...Who areYou to tell Me or Others whether I can get a tattoo or not ? Why shouldn't I be allowed ? Just because you don't like them..or are "offended"...or even "outraged" ? Maybe I don't like people to dye their hair blonde....but that would be only temporary right ?
Maybe I don't like people who ski or skydive or do other extreme sports. Maybe I don't want them to be allowed to do that because they could get hurt and be disabled forever...or worse, be killed. Maybe I am offended, outraged that they would endanger themselves skiing. Should I have the right to tell them to stop or raise a big issue with them because I am offended ?
Of Course not...its not rational. I don't have to join them in their extreme sports or take risks that are not needed. I don't have to watch the extreme sports shows that just pop up on my TV screen without notice (except for the TV guide listing), I can simply change the channel or even turn off the TV altogether.
i feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
I am going to send a notice to Ebay expressing my feeling
Ebay ?? Did I miss something ? Or is someone's foil hat just a liiitlle too loose today ?
i feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
Re; "lower back" tattoos for women.....
Check with your Doctor and Hospital FIRST....It is VERY TRUE at the hospitals in our area.
"Conclusive studies" are one thing but Policies/Regulations/Health Laws can be different from one area to another.
Better to ask before you get the tattoo than to get in done and find out on the way into surgery/childbirth...whatever.
i feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
I am a tattoo owner...they are a part of me not just some fashion fad but I agree with most ofthe posters here...there are some styles that I like and some that I don't but it is not up to me to say what some other person should or should not have for a tattoo.
I do try to talk to young people who ask me about my tattoos and I stress the them that it is a lifelong statement and they should really think about what they may want before rushing into a shop and getting a "Bart Simpson' mooning or flipping the bird. Even then...if that is what they want and it has meaning to the...more power to them, its their skin.
For most people tattoos have a very person meaning but the lastthing I thing or worry about when I get a new tattoo is "Oh my God...what will other people think". In fact in the case of my "Kruppel" tattoo, the whole point is to make people ask what it means and hopefully feel a little uncomfortable so that they think about the issue.
ONE WORK OF WARNING TO WOMEN.....If you are a young woman you may want to think carefully about tattoos over your kidney or lower back area. My wife works in the surgical unit of a large regional hospital and many Anesthesiologists (sp) will not perform an (epidural ? / Spinal) whichever...many won't use that location for anesthesia during surgery if there is a tattoo for childbirth.
there many to choose from --------------how about .
" millions now living will soon be dead" (with no hope of a resurrection)--------------that means your unbaptized freinds and family members.
"how we have created god in our image" (jealous, hatedful, petty).
"Sign of The Beast Tattoos Removed Here"
Blah, Blah, Blah -- Yadda, Yadda, Yadda"................
i feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
occult Secret Societies....prepare the masses to accept the eventual mark of the beast.... I'm sure that is the reason behind the current craze.
Oh PULEEEEZE ! LOL Tattooing and body modification has been around for centuries.... "Secret Societies" ??? You've really got to be kidding right ? Tattoos are the lastest piece in all of the secret conspiracy theories ??? Oh My God !!!...somehow the Free Masons shot their mind beam past my tin foil hat and made me tattoo my infant son's feet on my chest. Not at a sign of my love for my premie son who nearly died...but as a sign to all the other Masons that I am now under the control of the beast....Oh the shame...Oh the horror.....
RandyW (of the slapping my forehead and shaking my head class)