Here is a bit of the transcript for this morning's program, it is just sicking, these "elders" the "christian congregation" should be held accountable!!! They should be made to pay!
Graham Davis is the programs interviewer:
GRAHAM DAVIS: Whether or not the congregation here has been told Dennis Evans is a convicted paedophile, we can't establish. But, on previous form, probably not. For parents are sometimes kept in the dark even while their children continue to be molested. We'll call her Lyn. She's a mother whose son was being interfered with. The molester confessed to church leaders. She wasn't told. How do you feel about the fact that the elders didn't tell you?
'LYN': They knew that he was coming to my home. They knew what he had been doing to my child.
GRAHAM DAVIS: And in fact he says in this correspondence, doesn't he, "I told the elder what I did to Bo." There's proof ...
'LYN': Yes.
GRAHAM DAVIS: ... that they knew.
'LYN': Yes.
GRAHAM DAVIS: And they didn't tell you.
'LYN': No.
GRAHAM DAVIS: Do you regard that as a betrayal of the trust that you had in them as elders?
'LYN': Absolutely.