I think Mrs. Parkin is giving us all the finger.
a selection of wholesome, uplifting, edifying, upbuilding theocratic images, through which we can relive the wonderful privillage of humbly, tirelessly and thanklessly slaving for the majestic and triumphant organisation.
making the circuit overseer feel at home.. observing mom in the field ministry.
the circuit overseer shares his personal experiences.
I think Mrs. Parkin is giving us all the finger.
a man who was pushed too far
patrick henry sherrill, like his fiery revolutionary namesake, was a patriotic american.
after lettering in three sports in high school, he joined the marine corps and became a weapons expert.
Patrick Henry Sherrill, like his fiery revolutionary namesake, was a patriotic American.
After lettering in three sports in high school, he joined the Marine Corps and became a weapons expert. Following an Honorable Discharge, he joined the Oklahoma Air National Guard. Never marrying, he lived at home with his ailing mother and spent his spare time contacting fellow ham radio operators.
In l985 Patrick Henry scored high on a United States Postal Service entrance examination and was hired as a letter carrier for the Edmond, Oklahoma post office. He worked hard and passed the tough 90 day probationary period. Proud of his job, proud of his uniform, and proud to be a public servant, Patrick Henry could not understand why his superiors were never satisfied. The harder he worked, the more they expected from him. He was giving 100 percent and they wanted more. There was nothing left to give them but blood.
On August 19, 1986, two supervisors, Bill Bland and Richard Esser, Jr., escorted Patrick Henry into an office and took turns giving him a verbal beating. It was all a well-rehearsed act. They knew Patrick Henry was an excellent worker and figured that a reprimand would motivate him to work even harder. Supervisors were evaluated by how much mail they moved and upper management did not care how they did it. An employee who was "running scared" could be a considerable asset towards motivating the other workers. Mr. Bland was in especially good form this day and ended his harague with a threat to fire Patrick Henry if his performance did not improve.
Patrick Henry left the office a visibly shaken man. That afternoon he phoned union headquarters to ask about a transfer to maintenance. The answer was not encouraging. Driving home, Patrick Henry began to get angry. He knew he was a better letter carrier than most of his co-workers. In high school football, the Marine Corps, and the Postal Service he had always given his best. Now he was going to be fired. It wasn't supposed to end this way in America.
On August 20, 1986, Patrick Henry made his last sacrifice to the system he believed in. Stern-faced and sober, all anger drained from his body and replaced by a determination to do what he knew to be necessary, he dressed in his best summer blue uniform, placed two .45 Colt government-issue semi-automatics, a .22 caliber pistol, and ammunition in his mailbag and drove to work as usual at 6:45 AM.
Entering the large, new brick post office, Patrick Henry strode towards Supervisor Esser. The .45 caliber Colt Model 1911-A1 was a weapon that required concentration. Thumbing off the two safeties, Patrick Henry lifted the weapon from his satchel and pointed it at the ceiling, reaching across with his other hand to pull back the slide and jack a round into the chamber. Coming closer, almost to point-blank range, he extended his arm until his elbow locked and slowly brought it down while he sighted across the barrel. Being careful to squeeze, not jerk, the trigger, he applied the five pounds of pull necessary to fire the weapon.
It discharged with a blast that sounded more like a shotgun than a pistol. Supervisor Esser was leveled by the tremendous impact of the flat-nosed slug as it tore a gaping hole through his body. The recoil knocked Patrick Henry's hand upward. As he lowered it again, he aimed at nearby postman Mike Rockne. Too stunned to flee, he too was gunned down.
Everyone either hid or fled towards the exits. Patrick Henry chased several of his co-workers through a side entrance and shot one, then shut and bolted the door. His victim, mortally wounded, managed to crawl to the parking lot before collapsing from loss of blood.
Methodically going from exit to exit, Patrick Henry began to seal the building. While securing the doors, he noted the location of those who had failed to escape. He started toward the lobby entrance, but had to stop to reload. Seven bullets to each magazine, one in the chamber. It took less than a minute.
Systematically searching the workroom floor, he flushed several employees who were hiding in gurneys or under letter cases. He envisioned a target on their upper torsos and seldom missed his mark. Working fast and efficiently, he took less than five minutes to slaughter everyone in the large work area at the rear of the building. Two undiscovered supervisors who cowered in a broom closet would later sardonically admire the speed and skill with which he performed his grisly task.
All that remained were a few clerks and some office personnel in the front of the building. Most had already fled through the open lobby entrance. Patrick Henry strode past several clerks and shot several others. Not everyone deserved to die.
Having traveled in a circle through the building, Patrick Henry was once again in front of the body of Supervisor Esser. Less than 50 bullets had killed 14 employees and wounded seven in less than 15 minutes. As he stood staring at the carnage, his concentration gave way to a feeling of revulsion.
Would Supervisor Esser now concede that he had worked hard enough? There was only one way to find out. Patrick Henry raised the pistol to his head, sobbed, and squeezed off one final round.
When the body count was tallied, it became the third largest mass murder by a lone gunman in United States history. Publicly the Postal Service feigned shock and outrage, but privately they had expected it for quite some time. Incidents of violence were on the increase and two supervisors had been killed in Atlanta the previous year. In the next three years there would be 355 reported (undoubtedly many went unreported) by workers on supervisors and 183 by bosses on workers. Few of these would ever become public knowledge.
Nothing could be allowed to disrupt the flow of mail. The gore was mopped from the brown linoleum floor and Edmond's post office was open for business as usual the next day. Dick Carleton, general manager for the Oklahoma division of the Postal Service, countered charges of worker abuse by saying, "If there were so many problems, would you have everyone showing up for work on the day after a tragedy?" Bill Shockey, Edmond's former postmaster, commented that everyone who came to work "performed like champions." Although Supervisor Bland originally admitted to police that he had threatened Patrick Henry with dismissal, the Postal Service told the press that he had merely been "counseled".
Psychiatrists who had never met Patrick Henry or visited Oklahoma attributed his behavior to "factitious posttraumatic stress disorder", a fancy term for self-induced battle fatigue. By 1986 many negative articles had been printed in the United States about the problems of Vietnam-era veterans. They had lost the war and were rapidly becoming the scapegoats of a society suffering from moral decay. In contrast "shell-shocked" veterans of previous wars had been the recipients of respect and understanding from a grateful nation.
"Crazy Pat" became the Postal Service's official party line explaining the incident. Postal inspectors circulated stories about "Crazy Pat" dressed in fatigues, peeping in neighborhood windows. He had once rode solo on a bicycle built for two and someone remembered that he had smiled too much at his twentieth high school reunion. By proving his insanity, the Postal Service sought to avoid any question of its own sanity. A one time neighbor, Charles Thigpen, commented that everyone wanted "quick answers. And since Pat's not alive to defend himself, they don't have to be the right answers." http://massmurder.zyns.com/patrick_sherrill_02.htm
In particular, note the above part in red font that I've also purposely highlighted with yellow. I personally have known certain managers who would make use of this very tactic simply because they didn't have the backbone to responsibly deal with the ones who were actually guilty of waste. What the manager would do is exploit an employee whom the manager had learned to be easily intimidated--an employee who as a rule was a conscientious, hard-working individual. The theory being, that the harder this employee would work, then the wider the gap in productivity between him and those whom the manager felt wasn't performing to the best of their ability. The idea was to hopefully get more productivity out of the "deliberately slow" ones, even if it had to be at the expense of the one who was already doing a sufficient job. There are indeed managers who will stoop to any level in order to acheive a coveted promotion.
Anyone else here ever witness this phenomenon?
the following is copied from the un site:"how does dpi assist ngos?".
the dpi/ngo section at united nations headquarters provides a number of services to its associated organizations.
for example, the section: provides ground passes which grant a main and an alternate ngo representative access to the dag hammarskjold library.. .
The following is copied from the UN site:
"How does DPI assist NGOs?"
The DPI/NGO Section at United Nations Headquarters provides a number of services to its associated organizations. For example, the Section: Provides ground passes which grant a main and an alternate NGO representative access to the Dag Hammarskjold Library.
My question to all you here is: Other than the privilege of having immediate access to the said "Library," what did the WTS have to gain by its being an NGO?
were any of you here, or perhaps on the old h20 forum, when the poster known as "you know" made all those crazy predictions?
there used to even be an exclusive site maintained by someone who kept an up-to-date record of all the predictions this screwball made ... all of which failed to come true, of course.
does anyone know if that site still exists?
Were any of you here, or perhaps on the old H20 forum, when the poster known as "You Know" made all those crazy predictions? There used to even be an exclusive site maintained by someone who kept an up-to-date record of all the predictions this screwball made ... all of which failed to come true, of course. Does anyone know if that site still exists? If it does, would you mind posting the URL to it? I've noticed that many of you here believe that "You Know" is the one who runs the e-watchman site. I think that a site that reveals You Know's past record, if indeed such a site still exists, should be of intense interest to all those who regularly post at his "guest book". Why they all think that he's the greatest thing that's happened since genuine breast milk. They've bowed down at this guy's feet so many times now that they've all forgotten how to stand upright. Won't you please do those poor folks a favor, by going over there to the "guest book" and enlightening them about this kook's past failed predictions. I'll even provide you with the link: http://www.e-watchman.com/gbook/index.php
Can any of you remember any of his past predictions? What were they exactly?
How many can you remember?
cazry pweor of the hmuan mnid.. .
aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at cmabrigde uinervtisy,it deosn't mttaer in.
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the.
cazry pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,it deosn't mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the
frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.The rset can be a total mses and
you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae ! the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
amzanig huh?
the human and chimpanzee genomes differ by just 1.2% between the coding genes.
professor svante paabo, from the max planck institute, leipzig, germany, is investigating which genes are present and the manner in which they are expressed.
in particular, he believes the key lies in the degree to which they are expressed in each species:
*scratches ass* *sniffs armpit*
You sniffed your "armpit" after scratching your "ass"?
You're one smart monkey!
I suppose you're gonna tell us now that you wash your hands before handling your bananas.
i went to my mail box to get the mail.
usually i just get advertisements and bills.
today was a surprise, i got three checks from a laboratory that had processed some blood test for my physical several months ago.
I went to my mail box to get the mail. Usually I just get advertisements and bills. Today was a surprise, I got three checks from a laboratory that had processed some blood test for my physical several months ago. I didn't have insurance then and I had paid $575 dollars to them. I got a refund of the full amount, no explaination.
Ole Robert Tilton has surely put his spell on ya, I tell ya.--Schizm.
"Somebody is going to their mailbox ... YES! ... And to their great surprise, they find 3 unexpected checks!!!"
"Yoweeeeee.....I think I feel another one coming on ....... "
"Oops, false alarm."
"If ya wanna have money you gotta givva me your money!!!"
who dares disturb czar during his slumbers from the board?
e-watchman dares!
very well, some of you seem to be in love with apocalypse already boy... look ye, upon his works, and despair.. from his latest commentary:.
E-watchman critiques the Borg for their misleading innuendo and propaganda, therefore, he must be held to the same standard.
By all means! Want another example?: E-watchman has condemned the WTS for its "association" with the United Nations as an NGO, yet he himself had at one time requested that Simon place a banner advertising the e-watchman site here on this "apostate" forum. See: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/67019/1.ashx Now ain't that something!!!
Seems that e-watchman can see everyones flaws except his own.
Here's a relevant thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/68263/1.ashx
who is the anonymous person behind e-watchman?
many here have wondered and/or speculated about who runs the e-watchman site.
for some of you oldtimers here, what follows will likely remove any and all doubt as to who the person actually is.
Who is the anonymous person behind e-watchman?
Many here have wondered and/or speculated about WHO runs the e-watchman site. For some of you oldtimers here, what follows will likely remove any and all doubt as to who the person actually is. Note the dead-give-away clue here in what e-watchman has said just today:
So, what does all of this mean? Where are we headed? The Author of the Triple Curve states that the financial system has now entered into the final phase of disintegration. He predicts that the dollar will collapse before the end of the year and that the only undecided outcome is who is going to "eat the paper"—meaning, who is going to absorb the loss—the international financial system or the nations of the world? http://www.e-watchman.com/commentaries/mar_12_financial_doom.html
By the way, what ever happened to the website that used to keep an ongoing record of all of ole what's his name's failed predictions?
the letter the un posted on their site regarding the wt affiliation with the un is great news!
kudos to everyone who made this possible by taking the time to write the un!
although most on jwd see this as a big victory, most have expressed that there will probably be many active jw's who will find it suspicious or will turn a blind eye.
Quotes says:
Objection: ... this [is an] example of theocratic warfare.
Response: see previous point. Add: if that were the case, then why stop the NGO association when it becomes public knowledge? The war is still going on, and whatever could be gained by having NGO association could continue right up until the UN decides to dissassociate the Watchtower. If it was such a good, clever, strategy, why did the Watchtower terminate it earlier than necessary? Sorry, that one doesn't pass the smell test.
Consider this: If your enemy has a gun (arrow) trained on you, what is the smartest thing for you to do? Just stand there and get shot? Or, run? Of course the wise thing to do is to run. But, how will you run? In a straight line? Or, in a zigzag fashion? Of course a moving target is much harder to hit than a sitting target.
*** Rbi8 Psalm 60:4 ***4 You have given to those fearing you a signal To flee zigzag on account of the bow. Se'lah.
*** yb93 217 Malaysia ***Alfred Wicke’s fiancée, Thelma, was sailing from Sydney to Singapore to marry Alfred and join him in the pioneer work at Penang. However, when her ship was several days out from Perth, the outbreak of World War II was announced. All windows and portholes in the ship were blacked out, and a zigzag course through the Indian Ocean became necessary to dodge possible enemy submarines. But Thelma arrived safely, and their wedding took place a week later. Then they drove the 500 miles [800 km] to Penang, where Sister Wicke became the first Australian sister to serve as a pioneer in Malaya.
*** w88 3/1 15 My Life in Jehovah's Spirit-Directed Organization ***On Monday morning, August 24, 1942, two Scotland Yard detectives arrested me for deportation. They took me by train to Glasgow, Scotland, where I was held overnight in the medieval Barlinnie Prison. The next day I was escorted on board the British cruiser S.S. Hilary, where I continued under custody. It took 13 days for our convoy of 52 ships to cross the Atlantic in zigzag fashion to avoid German submarines. Escaping their torpedoes, we made it safely to Halifax, Canada! Now set free, the next day I went on by train to New York, arriving on September 10.
So, in answer to Quotes question: "Why did the WTS stop the NGO association?" In view of the above, that souldn't be too hard to comprehend? Such manuever was merely the continued usage of the art of Theocratic Warfare. If the WTS had remained in that fixed position it would have been a sitting duck ... so it MOVED!