I must admit I did not sample the wonderful stuff you gave us as I cannot stomach liquor- but my friends did and they
said it was pretty good. Thanks again for the thoughtful gift.
ok, for those of you who were thinking of a novel by salinger: [x] wrong!.
we're talking the best whiskey made with canadian rye.. even the russians agree: canadian rye, for what it is worth, is the best!.
americans have bourbon: they win hands down with their special blend.. scotland, has single malt scotch (dalwhinnie, rayzor's fav!
I must admit I did not sample the wonderful stuff you gave us as I cannot stomach liquor- but my friends did and they
said it was pretty good. Thanks again for the thoughtful gift.
ok, for those of you who were thinking of a novel by salinger: [x] wrong!.
we're talking the best whiskey made with canadian rye.. even the russians agree: canadian rye, for what it is worth, is the best!.
americans have bourbon: they win hands down with their special blend.. scotland, has single malt scotch (dalwhinnie, rayzor's fav!
oops-duplicate post
what is the worst thing that can happen if a brother/sister moved in with a worldy person?
both are of the same gender.
can there be reproof, elders meetings, loss of privledges?
Ha ha ha!!!! I was talking about the OTHER use that was implied.....
what is the worst thing that can happen if a brother/sister moved in with a worldy person?
both are of the same gender.
can there be reproof, elders meetings, loss of privledges?
If it's a brother, it would still be in his best interest not to be seen by others in the congregation in a store buying Vaseline.
Now THERE'S a dated stereotype.......
Noone uses that stuff anymore.......
Get with it!!!!
singer robert palmer dies at 54
friday, september 26, 2003 posted: 8:36 am edt (1236 gmt).
Johnny Cash
John Ritter
Robert Palmer
Hmmmmm.......They say celebrity deaths happen in threes........?
again and again the holy bible has proven its inspired historic accuracy.
check this out:
God makes the animals and parades them before Adam to see if any would strike his fancy. But none seem to have what it takes to please him. (Although he was tempted to go for the sheep.) Note that in these verses, God makes the animals after making Adam, whereas in the first creation story (1:25-27) the order is reversed. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. But we know that the animals were not created instantaneously from the ground, but rather that they evolved over millions of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new species of insects are discovered and named each year. 2:18-22
why are jehovah's witnesses affected with so many false teachings that doesn't exist in gods' word?
why do they not show christian love to all people, including those who are disfellowshipped or disassociated from the congregation?
why do they favorite the members but not the exmembers?.
no epiphany whatsoever, but i was pondering this subject tonight on my way back home from work.. there are many subjects on the matter of health, and of course: post jw, our mental health.. for most of you, how would you rate your present mental health?.
comparitively, our physical health, depending upon what ails us, we can generally heal and feel better after brief or extended recovery time.. mental health on the other hand, is definitely long lasting.. i've been almost 20 years outside of the jws, but i think it nearly took me that entire 20 years to get where i am today.. sad, but true.
anyone like to contribute their thoughts on this matter.. thank you.
I try to take things one day at a time. It's tempting at times to think that the world is out to get you.
I find great comfort in knowing that everyone is more or less in the same boat as me and in the belief that there is a reason for all the crazyness. We might not find out the reason until after this life but I can live with that.
Everyone has problems and negative thoughts from time to time. IMO, anyone who claims otherwise is deluding themselves.
some billboards are getting attention in
some reported seeing one or two messages, but the newspaper listed all of them.
here's a list of all variations of the "god speaks" billboards.
All this anger toward the Society turned toward God...shameful...regretful.
Kinda big assumption on your part, isn't it?
Actually, in my case, it would be anger towards religion in general.
Think of all the pain and suffering it has caused over the generations.
BTW-when was the last time God answered one of your prayers? Just wondering......
I'll rely on myself, family, friends, and karma thank you.
i will go for weeks, months, sometimes a year without sex.
then, if conditions are right and i am particulary attracted to a man, i will bed him.
if the lovin' is good, i might bed him again.
Now, in my younger days, I made the same mistake. But the men that I dated, who didn't "love" me in return, got me out of that habit. I don't know, maybe I became callous or colder because of my youthful experiences.
It appears we have something in common.
Six years ago, I allowed myself to get hurt terribly by someone I developed feelings for who didn't return them.
It was great fun when we got together but otherwise he was a jerk.
Never made that mistake again......