I got brainwashed for a while the seemed to be very convincing.
i asked a dub this question, and have heard similar things in the past.
if i asked a dub why they believe in the divine appointment of the watchtower as jehovah's one and only organization i think they would answer in the following way.. 1. because of the success of the org, and all the info they put out, and the preaching work.
it has to be divinely directed, there is no other explanation.. 2. because of how well what the org teaches matches up with the bible.. 3. there has to be one true religion!
I got brainwashed for a while the seemed to be very convincing.
sorry no raised-a-dub responses here!
just ex-jw who joined as adults.
on another thread i pointed out the idea that most jw who join as adults, do so out of a need to compensate for or as a reaction to some bad experiences such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, a time of upheaval, or just a plain old poorly developed sense of self.
For me it is the controlling aspect of the JW's and scripturals.
Over the years there are a few texts interpreted by the watchtower that i saw differently. They used to interpreted one test during asemblies and i used to tell me it is not what the text is saying.
I think i can read very well and the text given is saying something else.
I used to preach to my family quit often, after the new comprehension in 95 that the separation of the sheep and the goat will happen when Jesus Christ will come back here on earth i no longer preach to them. I realised if the separation will happen when JC comes in it is evident that they will choose the lord way.
Also personel things happened to me that make me see they have too much control over the flock as if they were God themself. One example of that was, all ministerial servants had to go to one day course in 2002 to help them having more responsabilities whithin the congregation, like sherpeding calls which i went a few of those later on, what struck me during that session is how the speaker from bethel apply those scriptures to give them the right to go into the brothers personal life. I freaked right there. I felt in disgussed over that. Hey I was on my way out.
do you think the wts would physically torture and even execute "apostates" if we all lived in a context that allowed them to do so?
much as the catholic church did in the middle ages when they had the opportunity to treat their dissenters as they wished.
already the way the gb wants apopstates treated is as vicious as can be, manifests a deeply seated maliciousness and animosity and is calculated to hurt as much as possible under the present day circumstances.
I believe if they can disfelowship you ..... definitely they would stone any apostat if they law would allow them to do so, just like some extremist in the middle east would do.
well i made publisher a couple of weeks ago.
i shared that story on here.
but now iam getting pressured into being baptized in september.
I think you've been blackmailed.
Love for religion........humm!
i've just been informed that there are a growing number of spanish speaking jw apologists who are flooding the spanish speaking net with nonsense about the usual so-called "apostate lies", and attempting the usual lying defenses of the jw organization.
apparently these are mostly mexican jws.
some of the defenses seem to be relatively new in the sense that they've not been covered before in english.. since i don't speak spanish, and i know of few present spanish jw-critical resources, there's a real need for spanish speaking ex-jws to respond to these typically braindead attacks.. i've also been informed that a brazilian jw has been translating the spanish jw defenses into portuguese, so if there are any portuguese speakers willing to help out, please let me know.. alanf
I'd like to have some fun. Let me know where.
thanks for all the welcomes and advice., i especially liked jcanon's line of biblical only reasoning, also thanks to mrsjones and that great link to the k.i.s.s.
approach of alleymom.... a little background info for those interested.
i am 55 yeras old and was raised as a roman catholic, i went to catholic schools for 8 years.
Be carefull The JW's are very good at seducing new ones.
Every member knows what to tell a new member to keep you in. You will see the beautifull things only.
Think that the congregation as a sting or comploting to get you in only.
while doing the watchtower study for this week, from the june 1, 2005 issue, i was literally floored by paragraph 2: "after [paul's] having prayed three times for relief from 'a thorn in the flesh,' he received jehovah's reply: 'my undeserved kindness is sufficient for you; for my power is being made perfect in weakness.
i thought paul said he "entreated the lord"???
It is the proof that the society is antichrist.
It is their way to give honor to Jehovah.
Too bad, they are blinds they do not have Christ in them.
A christian is a follower of Christ. They follow Jehovah.
Which remind me that Christ say to come to him.
brief history:.
both my wife and i have faded from the borg for about 10 years.
we still maintain close relationhips with the dubs in our family on both sides.. my wife's sister has not only faded, but she has become an ordained minster, thus my mother in law calls her an "apostate" and refuses to have any contact with her.. her 4 year old daughter will stay with my family for about 2 weeks in august.
I think it is not honest from your wife to do that. The in-laws have to be prohibited to see the child since the refuse to see their own daughter, sorry they have to suffer for following man made rule without any compassion what so ever.
Christians should always show love.
How would you wife think of the situation if you tell her that you would talk to the situation to your sister in law?
i'm new too posting here but i've been lurking since the summer.
how i came across this site?
a brother at one of them conventions warned us about 'sites on the internet that can threaten our faith' and i was like "psh if this is the truth, what information could possibly do that?
Welcome to the real congregation Texas Flood!
Here you find all kinds of people. Myself i was trigger to look at the internet, only a cult can tell people not to go to the internet because they are using as a method to discourage the JW not to find the truth about them.
They are misrepresented God
i've read some posts here and i could see that you were helping each other so i thought i could post & maybe get some answers :-).
i've known the jws since i was little my mom was going to the kingdom hall but then we stopped cos our life was too complicated and we didn't have time for that thought we kept studying at home with a jw as i got older ( teen years ) i hated the study book but never told my mom or anybody i didn't wanted to hurt my mom i love her so much!.
a few years ago i finally told my mom that i hated to read thoses books because i get so bored & that i wasn't interested in it , i do believe in jehovah's and jesus' existence thought but i so hate what the org ask us to do like don't dress like that , go to meetings .... first reaction i got from my mom was so you wanna die but then after a long talk she understood , no matter what i'll love her forever.
Hi cookiegirl!
Welcome to this forum!
Well don't you worry about the witnesses saying they are the only one to be saved. The fact of the matter is if you are a christian and believe in Christ you shall be saved. It is as simple as that. Jesus said to come to Him no one else, the watchtower is one of the last place to go. As they put man tradition first instead of the Lord.
Read the scripture as history. No religion can save you. It took me 15 years to know that the society is a false representation of christianity.
welcome again