10. The complete absence of Jesus
of course why would post armageddon be any different than pre-armageddon?
what a glorious weekend!
hope yours is too.
weather down here is just perfect.
10. The complete absence of Jesus
of course why would post armageddon be any different than pre-armageddon?
based upon your knowledge and experience, what would you say is "the greatest story ever told"?
striking back a la empire and the demise of the second death star
i found this at h2o - lmao!!!
but the person posting was serious.
"actually thats a good metaphor for true christian soldiers.
why would the demons need a real account to begin with? why would they pose as an exJW harrassing JWs? Why wouldn't they just try to "bring reproach on Jehovah's name" and post vulgar things under the guise of a real JW.
nearly everyone that posts here says mostly negative things about the witnesses.
a few will speak of certain jw's that were helpful to them while they were going through difficulties.
in the situation that you find yourself in now, do you feel that you hate jw's?
Hate the WTS for its lies and crimes.
Angry at the attitude and opinions ALL JWs have concerning certain things.
Only frustrated with the JWs themselves, In large part due to the amount of time and effort that counts for nothing with the next one you have to deal with. In other words, it would be nice if they would "pass it along" instead of in one ear out the other - keep on misrepresenting the trinity etc....
as a jw, i was taught the wrong idea of what the trinity is.
the concept of the trinity does not teach that the father is the son.
I've always heard the trinity being explained as the father ,son and holy ghost being all the same .
Then you have always heard wrong.
as holy ghost and is a third spirit
no again
Trinitarians often claim that jesus was indeed God almighty and not merely a servant of God almighty of which you have to discount a large part of the new testament to conclude this.
Actually you have to discount a large part of the New Testament to deny it. Jesus was MERE? That takes a LOT of scripture-denying.
If that is true about the holy spirit actually being jesus than how can people be filled with it ?
The HS is Jesus? I thought we just got done explaining to you that Jesus is not the Father.
Most times that I've seen drawings and such that depict the trinity they usually show a 3 faced deity not a one faced.
Most times when I see a JW depiction of Jehober his face is blank. WHAT A FREAK!!!!! Pardon me, I cant help it if some people must paint odd pictures. I think the JWs need a taste of their own medicine in which we use all their Jehobistic depictions against them. Oh, and Jehober is no more a nonsense word that Jeehovaw.
The way I see it is that jesus was granted all authority over heaven and earth from higher up due to his obedience in proving satan a liar.
The way you see it, Jesus is just a fairy tale right?
I think peopel get confused due to the baptismal ceremony that includes the father son and holy spirit.
don't forget the multitude of other scriptures that have us "confused."
There are other scriptures that make it confusing such as when jesus said he that has seen me has also seen the father.
Keep going. You have posted about 0.001% of them so far.
The belief in a trinity was actually started by pagan culture.
The belief in God's Son coming to earth was also "started" by pagan culture. The belief that the Supreme God cast other gods into Tartarus was also "started" by pagan culture. The belief that the world is going to come to an end was also "started" by pagan culture.
And while I would agree that the Son is NOT the Father or vice versa according to Trinitarian teaching, isn't that one in essence but not in personhood stuff rather difficult to comprehend?
I can honestly say I understand it just fine because the bible is very informative. The Unity of the Father the Son and the HS is very simple and easy to understand. The Trinity is not God. The Trinity is a concept that explains the unity of the Father the Son and the HS.
"Was Jesus praying to Himself????!!" In a strict sense, he was, if all persons in the one Godhead are co-eternal and uncreated.
No he wasn't. He was a Man praying to His God and a Son who was praying to his Father. He was not praying to himself unless you are saying he is the Father. It is only a problem for the Oneness crowd.
The Father claims to be the creator ALONE in Isaiah.
Replace "The Father" with YHVH. I know you understand but just for the sake clarity.
ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00.
apiece on those little bottles of evian water?
try spelling evian backwards: naive.
Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant
like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?
The lack of a peeing section is why I don't go in anymore.
"I am" is reportedly the shortest sentence in the
English language. Could it be that "I do" is the longest sentence?
Took me a few seconds but that is good.
Last night I played a blank tape at full blast.
The mime next door went nuts.
I thought I wasn't going to get that one.
That is an interesting way of looking at it.
Heck, if every JW in the world lived here, He would wipe out the entire earth, and when he turned his attention, to Los Angles conuty, he would only have to kill 1/2 of all the people.
It is silly because not everyone dies at Armageddon as the WTS wants you to believe.
i'm not quite sure how to start this one, i'm new here and feel a bit of an outsider.
my sisters and mother are jehovah's witnesses and have been as long as i can remember.
i however, chose to follow a different path.
Al Bundy would weigh the gravity of the situation with big eyes for a second then knock him out.
I would rather be guilty of a lie than of murder any day.
If I had to choose I would also but I was just trying to point out the irony of your suggestion albeit quite piously ;)
they don't even have 1 million publishers in the US.
I suspect about 85-90% of publishers are baptized and the number of publishers tends to fluctuate between 890,000 to 950,000 in the US although I think they have peaked above 1 million in the mid 90s before the Net got big.
I would venture a guess at about 820,000 baptized in the US.
for the past few years the questions from readers in the wt have been pathetic rehashes of old material, or just stupid newbie quetions answered in the pe book.
i know that they must be getting thouands of well thought out questions from sincere readers, yet none of these questions make the column.
i know that this is not surprising to many here.
They said they didn't know what we were referring to and that we should practice normal intercourse in the missionary position
Where in the bible does it say missionary position is normal? Is revervse cow-girl considered normal?