I believe that people in general are born "good" and will grow up being good. I cannot prove this, though, except emperically, and that is not enough.
If you believe that most people are good you are deluding yourself; if you think the opposite of evil is good. Yes most people are good but not by the way you define good. In Psalms 146? (for those that do believe in God) we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I like to believe that babies are born good with the potential to be good, but realistically that doesn't happen.
Okay: perfect/unevil-God, evil/imperfect-Satan, HumanBeings/capable of being good,bad,evil, but not perfect
Yes I do believe in God and I do believe that He is perfect. I don’t delude myself into thinking that I’m smarter than Him.
I'm a logical guy, and I can smash any argument that is specious, or that expects people to accept a definition in an argument/question because MOST people accept that definition. Often enough, MOST people are wrong.
I cannot prove this, though, except emperically, and that is not enough.
Somehow I find these comments rather contradictory. You say you can smash any argument that lacks any merit and then further down you say you can’t prove what you say because of your own experiences. It really comes down to what you personally believe and you Farkel just have an opionion like everyone else, not necessarily based on fact. Maybe I’m kind of dense; please enlighten me.
I personally believe that in a sense it is truly simple. We humans like to make it complicated. Maybe it makes us think that we are more intelligent than we really are. Yes I like a heated debate but you seem to think that somehow that you are intellectually superior to anyone else here on this board and I’m sure in the real world also. I somehow think that you are in pain and struggling with the answers like everyone else here. But please don’t be so condescending. Am I reading you wrong; if so I apologize; but I don’t think I am. Please don’t check my grammar and spelling. Yes I am a bit annoyed the past few days and maybe I’m just taking it out on you. Oh by the way, at work last Saturday I was listening to Ave Maria by Schubert and thought about you. Being a Schubert fan you can’t be all bad. I just wish you would show that side of yourself more often.