hi gumby --
i wasn't singling you out as "the advocate". indeed i think questioning, scrutinizing are a good things and should ultimately serve to strengthen faith, if indeed that faith is based on truth. i think a lot of problems come from NOT questioning, searching, seeking, and in fact i think that this is what happens with new jws in the conversion process: at one point they simply give their minds over to the wts to dispense "truth", instruction, rules of conduct, etc. and ultimately they become victims of brainwashing. again, acts 17:ll. it's up to each one of us to do this, but unfortunately many abdicate this responsibility. how sad. so often when some eventually discover the lies, they equate the wts with God and so turn their back on God as well, as i did for so many years.
it only seemed to me that some of the responses to aguest/sf had the tone of mockery. i also looked back into her posting history a bit, and i also discovered that some would even like to censor her. questioning, joking, lighthearted teasing i think are fine. mockery and censorship, on the other hand, seem not to be in the spirit of this forum. we should all be able to express ourselves freely.
thank you again aguest/sf. i will continue to watch for your postings with interest.
my very best to you, your sister, nowisee