bttt for stephanus, who i think is around somewhere.
JoinedPosts by nowisee
for the pet lovers, ....and for stephanus
by nowisee inthis is a story i recently wrote about my cat, squeak:.
i said goodby to squeak yesterday.
having had to do so has been a most humbling experience.. i have been thinking back over the last l8 years of her life.
Your favorite Watchtower oddities
by logansrun inyou know, there are some things phrased that are just so, so....watchtoweresque.
what are some things you see that remind you of some wt foibles?
one thing that always cracks me up is when an article or book (or post) uses too many exclamation points.
the thing that always drove me crazy was "setting the example".
the sisters should "set the example" and wear proper clothes and makeup.
we all should "set the example" by studying, preparing, service, etc. etc. whatever it is they are trying to get you to do.
everyone should "set the example" in seeking out proper entertainment, e.g. not go to movies they deem inappropriate.
you know, it all seemed so hypocritical, like they were only doing what was right to "set the example", for show, for appearances. sooo self-righteous.
seems to me being Christian is BEING like Christ in thought and deed not "setting the example" by some human standard. to me it is something you work out between you and Him. not with the idea that, oh if i do everything in the "theocratic" way people will see how good i am and learn from me.
well thanks for letting me get THAT off my chest.
Happy about having been a JW?
by Brummie inare you happy to have been a jw?
is there a constructive side in it all for you?
or do you wish you had never seen their culty smiles?.
i won't repeat what cruzanheart and dj said....just know that i echo many of their sentiments.
one other positive thing that the wts did for me i believe.....
i inherited the raging hormones of others in my family, a highly sexual little creature in my teens...yet i still had deep fear of God and my parents so in a sense i believe that the wts served as a restraint on me....
i often think i would have ended up as a pregnant teenager...
there was a point when i was l7 when i seriously considered getting on a bus and heading out to mustang ranch in, nv, you know, to be one of the girls.....
well neither thing happened to me. would they have? i'll never know for sure but something held me back. certainly life now would be totally different and i can't believe in a positive way.
Was There Ever A Circuit Overseer That You Couldn't Stand?
by minimus ini know this has been discussed before but i think a fresh thread on this will be enjoyable.
no, not really.
actually i liked most of them, some more than others.
joe codespoti was a ticket as well as his wife. i remember she threw someone's cat into a swimming pool saying, "oh....cats LOVE the water....!"
the one i thought was a little strange was district servant, bro weining (sp?). he was the most UNfriendly person. you would say hello to him and he would look the other way ignoring you. in retrospect it almost seems like he was doing something he knew he shouldn't be doing. wonder if he is still in??
I'm stressed
by shera inhello people who read this post by me..... sometimes i don't know why i start my own threads...not any body really responds to me.i thought i had friends here,that i could whine and be a big sookie to and that would be ok.sorrie if i offend anyone here who does care.. well,some of you may know i have a disabled child with autism.i am at my end of my rope with him.i love my son a great deal but sadly to say.i may be placing him in a home.for he can get the help he needs.i know there isnot much help for austic people and i know i basically get no help for matthew.
(petty i am still thankful for what you tried to do for me,you mean a great deal to me) i have asked for help,over and over.i asked for teaching for myself,for i could help my will not be givin to me.
i get some goverenment help for my son,whcich is 300 a month for care , doesnt help at all.people want 10 an hour or more to take my son out,and i have to pay for places to bring him....gezzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
dear shera,
there is not much that i can add to what has been said before....please know that we are thinking of you and feeling for you. sometimes that seems so inadequate to say, but it is true.
i will keep you in my prayers,
much love, nowisee
To Lurking JWs
by somebody in3/15/98 wt pages 10 and 11.. dangers of following men.
a "sect" has been defined as "a group adhering to a distinctive doctrine or to a leader.
" similarly, those belonging to a "cult" have "great devotion to a person, idea, or thing.
excellent post. i just hope that those who need to see it do, and get the point.
my husband wants to know......
by nowisee in.
every night when i come here i come with a glass of red wine in hand and a slice of brie.... my husband wants to know what your snack of choice is while visiting..
every night when i come here i come with a glass of red wine in hand and a slice of brie...
my husband wants to know what your snack of choice is while visiting.
Then & Now
by RAYZORBLADE ini think this post may be an absolute: no brainer
personally, when i was an active naive jw, i studied the bible and could rattle scriptures off, left right and centre.
real good fundie.
hi rayzor,
i have been thinking about your questions all day wondering how to respond. so i guess i will just answer your questions as honestly as i can..... i don't want to be preachy - been there, done that. but you did ask and so this is where im at.
for me it is not a matter of still believing the bible, because for 26 years (or so) i had shelved the bible completely. i thought it was just too confusing or i was just too stupid to make any sense of it. events over the last couple of years caused me to reach for it in desperation and i began to open my mind to it really for the first time i think. my faith had really been totally shipwrecked and i was godless, and for all intents and purposes "hopeless". one point not too long ago i began to search again, and tried to the best of my ability to begin reading without looking through the lens of the wts. what i discovered as i read and prayed was a loving Savior, Eternal Father, who wants to put His arms around each one of us, if only we will allow Him. salvation by grace, a free gift for ANYone who will receive it. nothing we can do to earn it, just take it. just believe.
yes i had moved away - about as far away as you can get in various ungodly behaviors and not sure if you caught it on another thread, but i was led into "the new age" pretty deeply, owning my own bookstore, running psychic fairs, exploring all kinds of beliefs and practices, attending wiccan circles, etc. my experiences with the new age were thoroughly disillusioning and i soon discovered that they had no real answers, just ideas that would produce some illusory and usually very temporary comfort for some....and not surprisingly, as in so many things of this world, was largely about power and making money for a select few.
i now have come to believe again that the bible is indeed inspired, though the message of it is not what the wts taught. it is really ALL about the Savior and his love for us. what convinces me is that it was written over l600 years by 40 people in 3 languages, covering many many subjects and details, but the theme is consistent: the redemption of humankind by the Christ. hundreds of OT prophecies were fulfilled in the Christ - to me it does not make sense that this was just coincidence. the apostles and early christians gladly went to their deaths defending the resurrection of the Lord. it does not make sense to me that they would have done this willingly without reason, considering, especially that someone like paul was a former persecuter of christians...
do i want to debate.... well not really, i would be willing to defend as much as i possibly can but i do now consider myself to be a spiritual babe, just beginning to learn to "walk" again. i would just urge everyone to make this same search...., you might be really surprised at what you would find. and i would be inclined to point towards others on this forum who are much more eloquent and versed than i am.
i do affirm what goofy said, that the whole obligation is summed up in Love, and God is Love.
my love to you, rayzorblade. you are very special to me.
What are your 5 favourite films of all time?
by ScoobySnax inbeen done before i'm sure, but here we go......... 5. shawshank redemption.
4. air force one.
3. wizard of oz.
sorry scooby, i just can't help myself....i will not repeat ones others have mentioned though there are some on my list...
to each his own (40's - olivia dehaviland)
yankee doodle dandy - i love james cagney dancing every time
high noon - grace kelly pacifist with that shotgun to the rescue!!
north by northwest
splendor in the grass - the best movie natalie wood ever made - should have gotten oscar
cocoon - the way things really should be
silence of the lambs - i actually was in love with hannibal
sex, lies videotape
forrest gump
a brilliant mind....
3 recent ones that made huge impression:
25th hour - spike lee - having actually watched 9ll could not help but be moved by this metaphor of nyc
chaos (french subtitles - great female empowerment film - go see it!)
has anyone else here seen SECRETARY?? my oh my oh my
Posters that make an impact
by JH in.
what posters do you like the most on this forum and why?.
well i haven't cyberbated over anyone here YET........
but Farkel, watch out!!