i am so sorry for the loss of your pet. just keep thinking of all the joy it gave you and how lucky you were to have him. even if they are gone they stay in your heart.
my best wishes, nowisee
ok so it is his anniversary for one year in the forum today.
this morning he got up to find his house rabbit oscar was flopped on the floor, so he took him to the vets but before he got there it had died.
he had the rabbit for 3 years, you know how you get attatched to cats and dogs, well this is the same.
i am so sorry for the loss of your pet. just keep thinking of all the joy it gave you and how lucky you were to have him. even if they are gone they stay in your heart.
my best wishes, nowisee
sorry i just changed my mind about keeping this up.
i looked at the picture of the little girl who seemed so innocent and vulnerable.
i read about your slow and gradual process of coming to terms with what has happened to you. any abuse, and any degree of abuse is wrong. i can sense and relate to your pain, anger, confusion, frustration. there are many common threads in our stories.
to have the love of your father and then be denied it is so unfair, so cruel. yet it is a miracle of human nature that we can learn to give to ourselves what we were denied, and what we have lost. it is a miracle that we can forgive. it is a miracle that we can heal.
so i take comfort in your own description of yourself -- stubborn, strong willed. im glad that you are feisty and determined. these qualities serve you well. i know you will continue your journey with spirit. i know you will be (are) ok.
im glad you have friends and support here. you have shown us the best truest meaning of SURVIVOR.
my best wishes with love, nowisee
unbelievable... the guy i studied with called my house tonight after 10 years i left.
fortunately my wife answered and told him i wasn't available so i have time to think about my options.
he left his name and number.
hi david,
im sorry i don't really know the answers to your questions because ive been out a long long time.
but i did just want to welcome you to the forum.
the elders feel obliged to have you work on at least, something.
what did they tell you?
when i was young (teens) i was going through that adolescent confused phase and used to write poetry. sometimes i would show it to my closest friends at kh, one of whom happened to be an elder. he told me i was trying to bring attention to myself and take glory away from Jehovah. oh please.
share one of the odder/funnier talks you've heard (where the manuscript went out the window, along with any degree of decorum, preferably).
one time a brother had a 15 minute part and he spoke very calmly and relaxed.
he smiled all the time, but the part seemed aimless.
i thought this thread was going to be about michael jackson.
what would it take for the watchtower org.
to crumble and fall apart?
do you think it has already started?
it's only a matter of time. one way or another. they will fall.
just about everybody has a car and a story they can share.
does your car give you trouble, or would you recommend it to others?.
so, how would you rate your car?.
the gm card is really a good deal if you can make use of it. i got $4000 off my car in 98, hubby just got $2500 off. they keep trying to change the terms but we have not taken the bait, have stuck with the original terms of the card and have saved a lot!! also helps to buy off the lot and at a time of the year when the models are not brand new. but you probably know all this.
since you've learned the truth about the "truth", do you feel emotionally, mentally and spiritually stronger?
it was only after leaving wts that i learned the meaning of commitment, of self-responsibility, of being authentic, of letting my yes mean yes and my no mean no. those values i believe have become a part of who i am.
however, during the years after leaving there were up times and down times, some times of feeling blue and sort of lost, and other times of joy and happiness.
since finding a new faith i have much greater belief in something more powerful than i, something that has proven to be sustaining and reliable, and my life has become much more even and stable, so i guess stronger.
just about everybody has a car and a story they can share.
does your car give you trouble, or would you recommend it to others?.
so, how would you rate your car?.
1998 grand am. so far so good. only thing it needed was new tires at 50,000 miles.
hubby just got new 2003 chevy astrovan.
we have the gm mastercard and so far have saved $6500 in rebates. not bad.
i was in chat a few days ago, and the topic of god came up.
i was trying to understand how people can still believe in one.
now, just wanted you to know where this ?
in a generic sense, i think it is trying to do what is right by the direction of a higher power.
but i also think it can be quite personal.
for me it was being desperate and frightened, then reaching out, begging for help, and then finding direction. then following that direction.
it was me, being totally broken and hopeless, then crying out, then being given something to grasp onto and then finding that that something was actually solid and reliable.
it was discovering a Savior whom i could love, who was so worthy of my love, and then realizing that i only could love Him because He loved me first and numbered the hairs on my head and called me by name.
it was discovering a God who i could trust, a God of compassion and mercy. it was finding peace. it was not being afraid anymore.