one of a kind -- gone too soon.
JoinedPosts by nowisee
Jazz Great Nina Simone Dies at 70
by closer2fine in
just a sad day
jazz great nina simone dies at 70
funny post, teenyuck. lol
funny post, teenyuck. lol
funny post, teenyuck. lol
funny post, teenyuck. lol
funny post, teenyuck. lol
l) self-righteousness
2) closed-mindedness
3) judgementalism
by proplog2 inthe watchtower tries to portray jesus as a person who avoided arguments.. why would they do this?
there are two reasons.
one reason is to keep.
well i think it is an excellent post.
probably most people have just walked away because you won the argument!!
Is everyone bitter against JW's?
by Redneckgurl ini have to post this question, because as i was trying so hard to talk to my husband about what i am learning and what others are saying, he is saying i am not doing this objectively at all, and only hearing things from bitter exjw's who are angry at the org for something.
i say this isn't true, i wasn't searching for answers due to a negative occurance in my life, and i don't believe everyone here was either.
he says i am only emotional about this, and trying to find reasons to prove all the things i have learned as wrong.
i think it might be helpful to differentiate "Jehovah's Witnesses", the corporate entity which is governed by the direction of the fds from individual jehovah's witnesses.
the corporate entity (supported by the hierarchy of elders and other overseers) has often seemed vested in protecting its own interests and power above and beyond the well-being of the flock; they have turned a deaf ear to cries for help, both from those with doctrinal questions and those who have suffered physical abuse. they have been deceptive and unforthcoming with honesty and truth. far too often they have not taken responsibility for their errors, they have not tried to right wrongs they have propagated. in far too many cases they have been lacking in the most important Christian quality, i.e. love. whether this has been deliberate or not, only God can be the judge.
it is difficult for those who have been wounded by actions/lack of action of the corporate entity not to be angry and bitter, at least for a time. this is only human.
ultimately though, as previously mentioned, we are responsible for our own choices. bitterness hurts most the one expressing it and in the end is self-destructive. so i think the best possible outcome is to move past the bitterness, and if possible help to prevent others from experiencing the same negative things.
i think that is why there are so many exjws here on this forum. being able to relate and share past experiences is very cathartic. in a way it is a form of therapy. having your own experiences validated by those who have shared them can allow one to heal and move on.
may there be healing for all those who are in need of it.
Walking on eggshells.
by foreword inwhy is it that anyone who ventures on this site and tries to defend the watchtower is immediately shot down and flamed for being blind and unrealistic?.
and anyone who can come up with proof that the watchtower is evil gets applauded for finding these facts.. some have wandered onto this site trying to defend their faith, even if at the time they didn't know the truth about the truth, and have immediately been labeled as a troll and showed the door.
i've seen threads where these individuals have been treated like total idiots and insulted (to put it in a mild manner), yet nothing was done to reprehend the insulters.
ANYone with ANY belief, opinion, persuasion, religion, philosophy, etc. should be able to say ANYthing that they want to, as long as whatever is said is expressed with dignity, respect, tolerance and ideally (but may be too much to ask) love.