Thanks for all the congrats guys! I am soo like blushing!
it is 17 years now since i got clean from drugs!
i was big on uppers, hash and opium.
i quit cold turkey 17 years ago with no slips since!.
Thanks for all the congrats guys! I am soo like blushing!
it is 17 years now since i got clean from drugs!
i was big on uppers, hash and opium.
i quit cold turkey 17 years ago with no slips since!.
It is 17 years now since I got clean from drugs! I was big on uppers, hash and opium. I quit cold turkey 17 years ago with NO slips since!
Had to pat myself on the back!
it's sunday morning, shouldn't y'all be at the kh?
i can't believe that you all would rather be doing something else besides sitting at the kh enjoying the latest spiritual nourishment served up from the loving must be a bunch of heathens!
heh, i am getting ready to go to work and then i am having my latest beau over for sunday dinner.
1. cause my brain is still working
2. cause if I go in I might burn up, us pagans do that when we enter christian establishments
a bunch of people at work were talking and it was amazing who some of them knew (or had a connection to...).
so, do you have a claim to fame?
mooch off an association?
Ok, when I worked for a vet I met, Bruno Gerusi, all the members of Rush, Rita Tushingham (she was in dr. zhivago), Bruce Cockburn and a the members of some canadian country band
While growing up we met, Dini Petty, the man who played the dad on the Swiss Family Robinson tv series, members of CityTV, royalty from India etc.
I also have the pleasure of admitting that through my maternal grandmother we are related to the royal family in England/Scotland as we were decended from children of affairs with the royal family.
I have been on TV doing dog demonstrations (showing people how well behaved our dogs were, what tricks they could do) and square dancing with them (yep, for real)
I watched the whole Diana thing at home, I remember my mother waking me up to tell me and we watched everything there on the tv, we were crying (Ok, I was bawling)
9/11 I watched the second tower fall live on tv, my daughter was 2 months old and I remember holding her and crying and crying. It was awful. It got to the point where I couldn't watch anything having to do with 9/11 as I cried. Have to stop writing about it now as tears are starting to well.
Challenger disaster was when I was in my second year of highschool, I don't remember too much of that.
JFK I wasn't alive nor was I alive for Martin Luther.
Elvis died?
Kennedy was shot?
75% of americans are chronically dehydrated.
(likely applies to half world population.
Read recently in a magazine that for women over 30 (that includes me) they should limit their cola intake to less that 12 ounces a day otherwise they will suffer bone loss. (I drink WAY more than 12 ounces a day, I have a 2-3 litre a day diet coke habit.
okay, everyone list names you'd never give to your child.
here's mine:.
Hector (if I had been a boy, my mother would have given me this as my middle name)
Bernie (the man who molested me was named this)
having been here for a few years, and corresponding privately with some of you i have noticed a lot of us have names that are from the bible.. so without giving too much away about yourselves :.
did your parents give you a name based on a bible character?.
did they do this while they were jws?.
Though not JW I named my oldest Damien, what a stir that caused on the JW side of my ex's family. Not to mention that he was born in room 667 in a CATHOLIC hospital.
My husband was named for the old tv strip George of the Jungle, my sister was named after a mouseketeer and I got mine cause it started with D (both my sis and I have D names).
My daughter was given her name because it means "witch" LOL.
i know some married women, and what disturbs me is that so many of them tell me that though they love thier husbands, they will go elsewhere for good sex.
sure they are flirting, but they don't sleep around with just anyone, they just have a husband & a sex partner/partners.
the women i am talking about range in age from being fairly young to 50+, so i wondered, is this normal or are the people i know just freaks?.
OK, I am a housewife and I am very lucky, I get love and good sex from my husband, I don't look elsewhere, I have it all (evil laugh follows!)