AK - Jeff wrote:
So, Euphemism, certain murders should just be 'allowed' if they are 'gang related' and such. That is flat out bullshit!
Tell that to the Mother's and Father's and Brothers and Sisters of the person who was murdered. Give me a flippin' break.
Should they be 'allowed' by the police or the courts? Of course not. But law is not always the same as justice.
I've personally known people who committed crimes--albeit not murder--as kids because of their involvement in gangs. If a person is truly no longer a danger to society, what benefit is there to anyone--even the relatives of their victims--from locking them up?
Our legal system is not equipped to make such judgments about people, and so the law must prosecute all cases equally. But personally, if I had knowledge that a person who was now an upstanding citizen had committed crimes in the past, I would not decide lightly to turn them in.