Probably 'Jews for Jesus' would be a better bet than a rabbi.
JoinedPosts by Euphemism
Newbie needs a favour
by boystartsover inbeen a fade away for quite a few years now.
wrote my letter and had my name removed from the list late last year.
i hate to just jump in and ask for help right away but i was hoping someone on here might be able to help me.
Zone talk by David Splane - Four figurative giants - Education etc
by truthseeker infound this interesting talk on e-watchman's site.
it was given by david splane, a gb member.. the talk is really interesting as it gives a more focused look at the troubles the society is facing as it trys to cope with education, peer pressure etc.. .
Than he said, if you have a kid of 14, 15 or 16 years and the kid is not baptized yet, wat about your education?
At that age they should be baptized or thinking about it.I think this is a fairly common unwritten rule, but it's unusual to hear it spelled out explicitly.
Imagine you have an 18 year old son not baptized.
And that's exactly what worries them. If the kid makes it to 18 without getting sucked in, they're a lot more likely to start making a life for themselves that's not centered around the org. The WT needs to get them while they're still young enough that their environment is controlled (and also young enough to be more easily guilted or pressured).
Baptisms being "annulled" - has anyone heard of this?
by misguided inlast weekend was a long weekend in bc, so i decided to try to get my family together for a camping trip.
i'm df''d so my parents can have no contact with me so refused my invitation.
my youngest brother was never baptized.
There've been threads here about nullification before. My wife and I, when we knew a judicial committee was being formed, wrote a letter saying that our baptisms should be nullified. (We were both baptized young.) The elders held on to the letter for a couple of months until the CO came, then announced us as DA'ed.
The only case where I've heard of the WT actually annulling a baptism is when the guy had been working in a military laundry at the time of his baptism. The WT ruled that his baptism was invalid because he was "non-neutral."
WHY turn off antivirus SW - alert
by hamsterbait ini just got the newest wt cd rom.. it says:.
installation instructions.
1: close all other programs, including antivirus programs.. i have installed a lot of software in my time yet i have never been told to do this one.. does the installation add unwanted code to other files without our knowledge which the av would otherwise pick up?.
This is (unfortunately) a very common instruction in software installations. If you haven't seen it before, you must not have been looking very closely.
It's basically a lazy way for the sofware maker to avoid tech suport calls. Rather than test their installer with different antivirus programs, and figure out how to avoid/minimize problems, they just say 'turn the antivirus off.'
But it's definitely not unique to the WT.
Sexual Morality In The Old Testament Differs From That In The New Testament
by AlanF inconservative christians like the jehovah's witnesses often claim that, like the new testament, the old testament forbids all sexual relations outside marriage, including relations between unmarried people.
that is not quite true.
to see that patriarchal and israelite culture adhered to a different standard, we must first understand just how the old testament treats marriage, sexuality and related items.. the old testament view of women as property.
Narkissos wrote:Deuteronomy 32:18 connects prostitution with temple income
In NASB, this verse reads:
You neglected the Rock who begot you,
And forgot the God who gave you birth.I checked NJB to see if it had a different verse numbering, but it was the same. Was this the verse you meant?
now i'm even more confused...
by Missanna inok i started thinking tonight which is always a bad idea after i've had a long, really pressuring, day at work.
but i've been in this sort of confused uncomfortable state lately about whether i believe in god or not.
i finally got past the actual guilt of having these questions because i knew that was just what was drilled into my skull in my past.
I think that OnTheWayOut is spot on. Assuming you do believe in the supernatural, the only reason to think of it in terms of 'God' or 'demons' is because that's what you were taught to believe.
Maybe there are actually multiple gods, none of whom is all-powerful. Maybe there's actually a whole spirit world out there, and it's not divided into 'good' and 'evil' camps but contains the same range of good, evil, and in-between that our physical world does.
Some time after we left the Witnesses, my wife took a class on shamanism/paganism offered at a local New Age store. She had experiences that could be interpreted as interaction with spirits, but could equally well be interpreted as interaction with her own subconscious. She came away from the experience pretty agnostic.
Personally, I'm an atheist; I don't believe in the supernatural at all. But I think the most important thing is just to have an open mind, and not try to fit everything into predefined categories like 'God', 'demons', etc.
We are the other people (long but well formated)
by IP_SEC ini came across this piece some time back and thought some of you might find it interesting.. .
"we are the other people".
by oberon zell.
Props to this pagan for a cool story.
The only part I have to complain about is that since I'm of Semitic descent, apparently that means I do have original sin. Yahweh damnit...
More On Pharisees
by FireNBandits in"pharisee" is one of those nt words that english translators of the bible, beginning with wycliffe, decided to transliterate rather than translate, just as they did "baptism" and "apostle" and other words.
given the meaning of pharisee i can only conclude that the reasoning behind this decision was to hide the meaning of the word.
to avoid stepping on the toes of the pharisees of their own time.
Thanks, Narkissos and Leolaia!
DC News
by stillajwexelder inin the usa - the public talk is in the morning and the drama in the afternoon - an attempt to get people to stay longer?
Is this the video they released a few years ago, with the high-school chick who felt so guilty about almost making out with a guy in an SUV? Or did they do another one?
And just curious, are they doing a video/DVD of each year's drama now? They had just done the past couple of years before I left. The dialog was the same incredibly craptacular script as at the DC, but at least the production values were better.
More On Pharisees
by FireNBandits in"pharisee" is one of those nt words that english translators of the bible, beginning with wycliffe, decided to transliterate rather than translate, just as they did "baptism" and "apostle" and other words.
given the meaning of pharisee i can only conclude that the reasoning behind this decision was to hide the meaning of the word.
to avoid stepping on the toes of the pharisees of their own time.
Sorry, I don't mean to drag the thread off topic, but could someone briefly explain to me the difference between Enochic and Zadokite judaism? I gathered from a quick web search that 'Enochic' apparently refers to the Jewish tradition that produced the Book of Enoch; and I assume that 'Zadokite' is an eponymous term for the preistly tradition. Beyond that, however, I'm lost. Enoch was written in Ethiopic, so was the Enochic branch the diaspora created by the Babylonian exile?