I'm more bothered when I'm asked for prayers (i.e., please keep me in your prayers). I get more touchy when wished a "blessed day" or when people assume I am impressed by their public piety (actually, I am impressed, just not favorably.)
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
"I prayed for you"
by Scully inif you aren't a "believer", does it bother you when someone says "i'll pray for you" or "i prayed for you"?.
one of my colleagues is an incredibly kind and sweet person, and i know she says it because she believes she's doing something good on my behalf.
i always say "thank you for thinking of me", because i know that's the spirit she's intending to convey and that she cares about the situation i'm in vis-a-vis my jw relatives, but she knows i no longer believe in god (at least not in the sense that she does) - i wonder does she think that a few prayers are going to change my mind?
How can I prove to my wife the WT false prophecy quotes are real?
by The Leological One in.
my wife's just started reading through a list of false prophecies, and i'm wondering how i can prove these quotes are real and not just put up by people who hate the wt?
the ones dealing with 1925~!
If you are talking to someone who is everything she can to hang on to her beliefs, then nothing is going to help.
The last time I talked to my JW friend, he said something about not expecting to live this long and I stupidly asked why (actually I'd just been talking to a couple of other friends who said the same thing which was shy I didn't immediately connect.) He said "my early religious training." I blinked and said "of course, how insensitive of me." And then he said it was a result of his "immature thinking." In my usual tactful way I said "how can you say that--it is an explicit teaching even now!" And that, of course, ended the conversation.
I don't understand the appeal of this particular cult to this particular person, but I am finally accepting that what I understand doesn't matter at all. -
An Elder Told Me.... Many To Be Disfellowshipped Soon...
by Doubtfully Yours inan elder told me the book is jehovah's latest provision to cleanse his organization.. he said soon all people that have drifted, inactives, and others baptized and not complying with the biblical mandates for a jw, will be visited and given an option to shape up or ship out.. he said that if the person refuses the help offered by the congregation they'll be notified of the date of disfellowshipping and given time to appeal the decision.. he was so happy stating that this way jehovah's organization was preparing for the final clean-up before armageddon.
he sounded so convincing that it almost made perfect sense what he was saying.
i got goose bumps listening to his reasoning.. dy
Servant versus Overseer
by larc inway back when, they used they used the term of servant.
in the late 60's or early 70's, they changed it to overseer.
now let us look at these two words.
I was surprised when I first learned of the use of the term overseer--to me the connotation is plantation or prison work gang. And, as you have noted, the connotation seems to be apt in the JW instance.
My Book of Bible Stories
by Taylor S. ini just got my hands on a copy of my book of bible stories ... (1978).
at first i was excited when a friend pulled it out of his bag, said he'd gotten it as a kid.
then i started flipping through, looking at the pictures, feeling the memories spin in my brain.
"field service records"
"an elder"
"commenting at meetings"
"informal witnessting"
"new order family"
"heartfelt prayer"
are Bible stories?
This is truly a hoot. Thank you valis! -
Bethel wants lawyers!
by zack inat this week's service meeting it a letter was read to all congregations in usa:
bethel wants lawyers, lawyers specializing in tax law, and cpa's.
if you are in any of these professions you were supposed to talk to the po that evening.
What surprises me most about this is why would such an announcement need to be read out to the congregation. Surely the PO--probably every member of the congregation--knows if they have lawyers and CPAs in their midst. Why not talk to them directly? Especially, as quotes points out, this public call is bound to raise some eyebrows and "stumble" any number of "Christians."
I need your guys thoughts & opinions
by kls inhave you ever met someone and for some unknown reason this person just rubs you the wrong way ,i don't know if it's a vibe they give off or what but something that makes you dislike about that person.
my son who is 21 started to date this girl and there is something about her i so much dislike and i can't help the way i feel.
i have 4 grown kids all have dated and brought there dates home and i was receptive to them all but i cannot to this girl.
Ah,yes. Unfortunately, we seem to also be talking about my daughter-in-law. In my case, it may well be me seeing things in her that I cannot accept in myself. We all do our best.
Need prayers for my sister...she just got DF'd
by FreedomFrog ini'm really concerned for my sister and her husband.
they both got df'd last thurs.
and i found out today cause my mom called crying histerically telling me the news.
Is this the sister who just had a baby?
I'm really sorry your family continues to go through all this. I'm sending my best wishes and hoping this brings them all to realizing they all need to leave the organization. -
Moyle, Olin R. (Olin Richmond), 1887-1966
by lurk ini was wondering if anyone knew anything about him.?.
the princeton library has got diarys and papers etc he wrote from when he was attorney for the wts .
the diaries date from 1931-1951 theres also an unpublished book manscript called "christs glorious church" and also discriptions of legal proceddings.including some of j f rutherford.. princeton said that the diarys have never been published and no i cant get copies, but could see it by visiting whoich is not possible for me.. has anyone seen the diaries ,the book or legal papers?
How did you find out about them? Was he a Princeton alum? What an interesting find ! I wonder if Penton has read them.
New Tactic Used By Society
by minimus in...or not so new-----i'm seeing that they are getting rid of people on false charges.
to the person, they are going after them and confronting them on whatever it may be but when it comes to official reasons for deletion, they are giving false information.
this morning, i heard that another elder got deleted for going to a believer/unbeliever's wedding.it was also reported that he was caught "talking to a disfellowshipped person".
Is it possible that all this is directed at cutting people off from the congregation who might be influenced by you, Minimus?
While I understand their desire to "protect" themselves from the spread of "apostacy" I truly am baffled by this strategy of threatening disfellowshipping/disassociating and "deleting" (what a wonderful term) anyone even suspected of anything less than total loyalty to WTS. Let's see, very few converts come in from proseletyzing, most new membership comes from family members of existing JWs, so we argue against having children and we "expel" current members and an increasingly brisk clip.
Do you think it is possible that "they" (whoever) want to actually get rid of all present JWs who might possibly prove to be disloyal to the WTS, introduce totally new recruitment methods and start all over again?
I've really been puzzling over this and cannot think of any other possibility that fits this behavior. But I'm sure you all have lots better ideas!