And my question is, just what IS a "business professional?"
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
Does Anyone Know Why There Was a Special Meeting Called
by copsec ini heard from someone on another place i post that there was a special monday night meeting called last week.
does anyone know why?
just curious what kinda crap their shoveling at people now.
What is the mood in the Kingdom Halls nowadays?
by JH inwhen i used to go the meetings in the late 80's, the mood was good, knowing that the end was close.
later on in the 90's while i still attended once in a while, people were starting to be less zealous and were starting to put their needs before those of the kingdoms.
people started to buy houses, instead of living in apartements, they were buying nicer cars, taking vacations far away, and mostly, the women started to work, to help pay for the better life style they were living.
Why in the world would they ignore anyone in a wheelchair let alone a six-year-old?
My Life As A Dog
by Big Tex innina is the mcgruff house coordinator in our area.
remember mcgruff, the crime dog?
he takes a bite out of crime.
That is so great! And thanks for lending your expertise and energy to this project. It really is wonderful! Have any kids actually come to your door? (I think what really matters is they know they could--but I'm curious) Congratulations!
Almost a year later, and I am still angry...
by DanTheMan insome of you may remember that last march i was nearly fired from my job.
what happened was that i was having a casual, seemingly friendly conversation with a girl who i had once dated, but the conversation seemed to take a wrong turn when i told her that i was sorry things hadn't worked out between us.
her negative reaction (conveyed via body language) told me to change the subject, which i immediately did.
Dan, first, let me offer my heartfelt sympathies. This is the sort of thing that is very hard to "let go of." I wonder if it would help to write about it--not what happened and how you feel about it so much as what the incident triggers in you. I notice that you felt paranoid before (and I'm not sure how you meant that), but I wonder if this incident didn't act as "proof" that inexplicable, unfair, and bad things happen to you. It's not so much that she did you damage as how easy it was for her to hurt you and your reputation. It isn't just women who might suddenly strike out, but anyone and you are defenseless . . . etc. Maybe you will get to something very different as the underlying issue, but I think if you can dig that out, then you can work on it and let the specific person and incident and thus the resentment go.
It's probably all gonna hit the fan soon!
by onintwo inthere must be hundreds of thousands of current jw's who haven't planned for retirement.
i know that i was "in" the troof til my mid-forties and always believed what's the point?
didn't they tell us that advanced degrees were useless?
I think the baby boom is usually defined as those born between 1946 and 1968. So the "leading edge" cohort are now 57-58. I don't know what the peak year of births was, but we all, not just Jehovah's Witnesses have some interesting times ahead as more and more of us hit the low-productivity, high-need stage of life. I have no idea how social security works for the self-employed, but I suspect many of those cleaning companies didn't think they needed to be concerned about retirement and didn't contribute to SS and therefore won't even have that. I was also under the impression that congregations tend to turn their back on their old people once they get needy. I hope that's not true, but it certainly the impression I've gotten.
Generally, Witness Friends are no Prize
by metatron inin general, after nearly forty years in the "truth", i conclude that most witnesses are no prize as friends.. there are several reasons why:.
their "love" is often very conditional and qualified - sort of a "i'll be your friend as long as you count time and attend meetings" situation.. they are often so busy with theocratic busywork ( field service, meetings) that they have little time left for anything .
creative or interesting, like a real hobby.
" but usually end up "enduring" whatever bad luck or choices life has stuck them with." ¶That's what really breaks my heart--as if it is the height of accountability and moral behavior to stick with every bad decision you ever made. That and the isolation.
Home school
by Globetrotter inmy son told me the other day that he and his sister are just about the only kids at the kh their age that go to public/private schools.
almost all the other kids are home-schooled.
i was rather shocked.
I think homeschooling is rising in popularity as much as an unwillingness to subject one's child to the dysfunctional local school as for dogmatic reasons. I know families whose children are, as a result of homeschooling, far better educated and far better able to cope with the world, than their public or private school educated cohort. But I sure as hell would worry about JW homeschooling! Uneducated people who belong to a cult which distrusts and disparages learning and evidence of intelligence indoctrinating their offspring is a fairly depressing scenario.
Overseer Visits
by sandy inwhat the hell is the big deal about the circuit overseer's visit?
why does everyone have to drag their bible students and in active friends and family members to the meeting during that week?.
it is so lame and hypocritical.
Heh. I try to have a large-ish party every couple of months. Otherwise I'd never get the place clean. Guess that works for me like having a CO visit. Except my guests don't point out all my faults and suggests ways to improve!
Witnesses coming Saturday... I need HELP!!!!
by Globetrotter ini got into a rather heated discussion this morning with my unbaptised but raised jehovah's witness wife.
we discussed so many things: feb 1 watchtower article on 607 and 1914, the un, beth sarim, blood, god's mouthpiece here on earth, etc.
this was yet another attempt on my part to try to plant a seed of doubt.
I don't know--that article from Awake seems almost in direct response to globetrotter's conversation with the elders. I really was taken aback when I read it. So I'm afraid Gary is exactly right and it will depend on whether or not globetrotter's wife will be so taken aback by the Watchtower's response that she will reconsider her position. Globetrotter doesn't need to change the Watchtower--only his wife. But I do think Gary's prediction of what advice she'll be given is dead on. I wish it were not so and I will be delighted to hear it is not so!
the latest discussion between the wife & I
by Winston Smith :>D in.
edited to keep private in case is ever read in future by wife who escaped the borg .
pm me if interested in offering advice.
I looks to me as if the "perfect" JW marriage is two people joined in worship of the Watchtower Society. Their only needs are supposed to be in supporting each other in being perfect JWs. It also looks to me that the strong marriages we see evidence of here on the board are miracles! I'd like to offer my abject sympathy to all you who are suffering in marriages destroyed by the Watchtower. My brief (9 year) dysfunctional marriage was not influenced, however, by any outside pressures--it was due more to my immaturity and my husband's sense that as the man in the relationship he needed to be forceful and authoritarian even though that really had nothing to do either who he was or who he married. It had something to do with who he thought a man had to be and how a man had to behave to keep himself from being henpecked (there's another phrase that is probably coming to your minds, but I don't wish to give offense :) ). Adding the Watchtower to the difficult proposition of marriage and succeeding, as Nina and Big Tex and others on this board have, is truly inspiring!