jgnat, what is your husband saying?
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
The UN Posts Their Letter!
by jgnat indid our letter-writing campaign work?
here are some lovely instructions drafted by syn, and hosted by valis, on how to navigate to the site yourself.. http://www.sassquatch.com/syn/un_ngo_letter/.
"what do they always tell us to do????" More?
Armageddon -- truth or fiction?
by robhic ini happened to see something on the history channel the other night and, as i was half-listening, i thought the comments were made that the word/name "armageddon" doesn't actually appear in the bible.
i did a quick search thru my electronic "e-sword" bible program and couldn't find any mention of the name in any versions.
the history channel show said amageddon was a reference to the place where all of the armies are going to meet up to throw down in the final conflict that is called armageddon.
Thanks for the link A Paduan! Verrrry interesting!
JWs target retirement homes
by Scully inin a recent post (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/67537/1051937/post.ashx#1051937) new directives to congregations by the wts included: it also suggests that the owners of all local old folks homes be contacted to provide a "free weekly bible discussion" to all elderly who want to attend in the home.
this is to be a planned weekly event to increase the number of studys pioneers hold and "provide a valuable service to the community" the society expect to see bible studies go up by 25% this year.. .
well, it is nice for us to get this heads up from the brothers?, isn't it?
While I understand the appeal of featuring a murderous sexual predator, it does seem that it would be better to talk about the financial predation of Jehovah's Witnesses. I do think that if people with little knowledge/experience with JWs have any opinions about them, that opinion would not include financial fraud. I think sending something to nursing homes/retirement communities is an excellent idea, but I think the focus on child molestors/sexual predators is not likely to be as much of a concern to nursing home administrators and having Mr. Milquetoast inveigle someone's estate out of them.
Well I Just Got Let Go! :(
by Yizuman inas of this morning at 6 am est, my boss came in to the store where i worked and told me that since "business was slow", he had no choice but to let me go.. .
i asked him why did he hire that new employee last week if business was slow??
he just looked at the counter and would not answer me.
Exactly. Please let us know how we can get help to you. It is a privilege to be in a position to help! Especially to help you who have worked so hard to take care of yourself and keep getting the legs knocked out from under you. I'm not sure if I can get pms or not (I have a Macintosh), but you can email me at [email protected].
"If you permit it--- you promote it."
by codeblue init is a very thought provoking comment.
when learning about the scandals and lies about the truth(tm)...is that how you feel?.
Here's the deal: life is about making choices (and I know it is old news, but not making a choice is making a choice) and all choices have consequences. The fact that an individual is "not ready" to make the "right" choice does nothing to obviate the consequences of making the "wrong" choice. Not speaking up, not taking a stand, not taking positive action where it is called for, may indeed be right for a particular individual at a particular time, but it still has the consequence of permitting and therefore promoting whatever is going on. Sometimes life is terribly black and white. Often the choices we have to choose among are not good, clear or easy. That's why it requires so much courage to do what we think is right; and why we so often cannot summon that courage. It isn't that someone should be condemned for not doing what's right but that there are always consequences even if we don't see or suffer from them.
Well I Just Got Let Go! :(
by Yizuman inas of this morning at 6 am est, my boss came in to the store where i worked and told me that since "business was slow", he had no choice but to let me go.. .
i asked him why did he hire that new employee last week if business was slow??
he just looked at the counter and would not answer me.
This is terrible. Can we help with more than advice? Let me know where to send it and I will mail a check right away. Or would a money order be better?
The Preaching Work: A Colossal Waste of Time
by Scully in.
many people who post here have had similar experiences to my own: x number of years going door-to-door, informal witnessing, placing books, magazines, doing return visits, but having no one ever come into the truth?
by virtue of their efforts.. members of my own family who are still jws similarly have nothing to show for their trouble of regularly engaging in the ministry over many years (decades, actually).. any guesstimates out there as to how much of your life you wasted participating in the preaching work?
I wonder how many JWs know it is all ridiculous but believe that Jehovah has for some reason set their feet on this path and they love Jehovah, so they do the best they can on the path?
Should I be over it by now?
by astridkittie ini was 16 when i disassociated myself from the jws after growing up in it, and i'm 20 now and still having issues with breaking the thought process i was brought up with.
i long ago realized the doctrine was wrong in the jws, but somehow i still find myself having issues with guilt whenever i stop to feel or act or think a way that's my own and not what someone else tells me i should feel/act/think.
other times i feel completely lost because i don't know how i'm supposed to feel or act or think at the moment and i know that's not the way i should be thinking, that there isn't a particular way i'm supposed to be inside, but... i still have the paranoia and the gut feeling that i'm doing wrong by being myself, so to speak.
You know, people are different. Some people, once convinced of the error of JW doctrine, just walk away. While they may be embarrassed at the nonsense they once accepted wholeheartedly, they are able to move into the larger world and do well. Others have learned ways of thinking that do not serve them well and, even though they are convinced of the error of JW doctrine, they are left with perceptions of the world and themselves that get in their way. (Paragraph) Sometimes it is helpful to remember that JWism is not the source of all the world's ills! Lots of people learn how to be in the world from very very dysfunctional families which are dysfunctional for lots of reasons. I think it would be very worthwhile to find a therapist to help you tease out and examine your basic assumptions about life and yourself and how one should operate in the world. That alone might very well get you started on "getting over" being raised a JW. At any rate--best of luck!
Ann sounds like "McHuge", Australian singer/songwriter
by kgfreeperson ini just heard a song called "stupid" that for sure sounds like this woman had a brush with jehovah!
anybody know her?
That does sound a little silly, doesn't it. What I meant was, does anyone know who I'm talking about, know her work?