Thanks for the question (and answers!) That's confused me, too.
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
What are Y O U talking about?
by robhic inexcuse me if this has been discussed before but i've been meaning to ask.
why is the word you or your always capitalized in the nwt?
) of the quotes i've seen always capitalize the words but i've never seen another bible do this.
An Appalling Lack Of Manners & Social Graces
by Why Georgia inis it just me or are a lot of jehovahs witnesses just completely mannerless and lacking in social graces?.
examples....... they don't seem to say thank you for gifts or kindnesses.. i went to quite a few gatherings and burps and farts would happen without so much as a pardon me or excuse me.
i was even told once it's natural and there is no reason to say excuse me.. they will just stop in at your house if they are in the neighborhood and stay for however long without even calling or getting your hints that you happened to be on your way out.. i have met some very nice and polite witnesses but they are few and far between.. is my experience limited - has anyone else noticed rudeness, and a lack of manners and social graces?.
I absolutely agree that mannerliness is unusual enough that when one runs across what used to be called a well-mannered person who isn't over sixty, you notice!
One reason, I think, is that our social lives are so different because our work lives are so all-consuming. Children are in day care, where there are rules, but children assume those rules only apply to that particular context and they don't tend to be taken visiting the way we used to be--where parents, especially mothers, explained what behavior was expected from them. So kids who are well-behaved in one context, often assume that there are no rules outside that context.
I also think that people who feel they are already doing more than they can do do not have the energy to be thoughtful toward other people (and children copy how their parents behave). In fact, if you are polite to someone's face (at the door), and then say nasty things about them as you're walking away, the children who observe that will often just skip the polite at the door part because they know what's genuine and tend to want to get right to the "troof." So it wouldn't at all surprise me if Jehovah's Witnesses who got sucked in after the crackdowns since the late seventies/early eighties would have no manners. No place to learn them. -
Brother Michael called.....
by jellybelly inwe had a phone call yesterday, after being "inactive" for 6 years.
not having attended a meeting in 4 years, we get a call saying they are concerned that they had heard we believe in evolution.
my partner said "not necesarily believe in it, im just not discounting it at this time.
Definitely a keeper. Nothing left for her now but to put her hands over her ears and eyes and sing a silly song. Which, unfortunately, is probably what she will do. But good for you--it is a great response.
"Replacement doctrines" - things which JWs lie about to the interested ones
by Pole independing on the denomination of their interlocutor the witnesses often claim that their religion is free of a whole bunch of non-sensical doctrines which are so common in other religions.
oftentimes, however, it proves that they have something that i'll call "replacement doctines" - beliefs which which are difficult to figure out for the 'interested ones', but which in the long run prove to be just as bad as the stuff they disclaimed or worse.
example: in a catholic country like poland, jws often boast about the fact that they don't have the confession routine, where a person has his/her sins forgiven by a priest who acts as a representative of god.
Are demons residing in objects part of official teaching? In other words, is AlmostAtheist's example, something that a JW might read in a Watchtower or find in a Watchtower outline for a talk? I'm trying to figure out if an obsession with demons, especially demons sneaking in on "worldly" objects is a natural extension of the paranoia fostered by the doctrine, or is it explicitly taught.
Thanks! -
JW ignore you for good reason
by one inthis is not an introduction to sociology, just typing without much reflection.
do you think the wt would survive if they did not shun or ignore "apostates" (or anyone who does not follow the rules), be realistic, jw org is still an small group with survival instincts..
besides ignoring, is a very tipical human trick anyway, or do you think you could be accepted in any private club you want to?
I don't see how any high-control organization can tolerate dissention in the ranks. It makes perfect sense to me that questioners must be cast out and non-questioners "protected" from the doubters. Once Rutherford took over, JWs were doomed to cult status. I do wonder what would have become of them if Rutherford's wishes had been respected as to how the organization should proceed. I'm always surprised to find that human organizations seem to hold together better when they talk about love and "family values" but really value (and exercise control through fear of expulsion and spiritual death.
Did apostates get you?
by Peppermint inas a jehovah?s witness how did you respond to apostates?
do you recall from your past any chance encounters with one?
did this actually lead to you leaving the truth?
When you were still a believer, did ex-Witnesses or "opposers" have more credibility? (I guess neither had much credibility--but who were you more guarded against?)
help and advice needed plz
by confused-n-abused inhello,im 14 years old and i am a jehovahs witness.i have done research after things happened that didnt make sense to sister has been disfellowshiped and is now out of the organization married wth 2 brother stopped going to the meetings and is engaged to be married to a non wittness in march of other brother has been reading apostate material and now doesnt believe this is the right religion and is very confused as am mother is a avid witness was baptized in 1975 and pioneered for a while in the 80's.i love my mom very much,but i know this isnt the right religion and i want not baptized but i was born in the truth so im on the ministry school and everything and im an unbaptized publisher.when my mom finnally finds out im leaving the truth it will break her heart as she really believes this is the right religion,and shes already had 3 kids do can i leave without breaking her heart?i would stick it out for the next 3or4 years,just for her,but i really dont want to.plz help me figure things out.
This is something that I worried a lot about with my son's friends who were raised in strict fundamentalist families: they tended to experiment very early (and with great determination) with things that are really not good for growing young people! (Like smoking, drinking, and being sexually active at 11!) It was almost as if they were determined to kill themselves early before their parents' vengeful God could get a bead on them.
I am, of course, in full agreement with you about the validity of the Watchtower's teachings. But I'm really hoping that you can spend the time you have left living with your mother making choices that will provide a good basis for a happy and healthy adulthood. Just getting through every day when you are a teenager living at home in a less than perfect situation (definition of every American teenager I think) can seem to justify all sorts of bad choices. But you are going to be on your own in what really is a very short time (I know how long 4 years can seem, but really, in terms of percentage of your life, it is very short) and you want to be ready to fly, not held down by addictions/bad habits/babies/etc. which were the side-effects of your attempts to cope.
Ahem. You've probably either heard or thought all this stuff before. Sorry if this is preachy. But it would be really helpful if you could focus on the future you want and what you can do now to make it most likely rather than focusing on the present that you're trying to get through day by day.
Happy New Year! -
Catholic organization donates $25 million to tsunami relief
by seattleniceguy in
it's amazing how as witnesses we used to just rip on other religions and organizations, not the least of which was the catholic church.
i was reading another article listing donations from various organizations and companies, and it looks like we're going to have a record outpouring here.
Well, that's $10 million more than Bush originally offered and only $10 million less than what has not been committed. Certainly the Catholic church is not more wealthy (more more responsible) than the United States?
John Dominic Crossan
by kgfreeperson ini've been listening to john dominic crossan on the radio and am fascinated.
what are your opinions of him as a biblical scholar?
One thing he said that keeps coming back to me--from memory so I hope doesn't distort his meaning: does our belief in a second coming reflect our inability to accept the first? He points out that Jesus was resisting imperialism, but also resisting violence. The second coming, with its images of incredible and terrifying violence may, he suggests, be our wish for God to get it right this time. To recognize that killing all those who have displeased him is the only way to bring justice to the world.
I might have been a religious person if I had studied when young with John Crossan. -
John Dominic Crossan
by kgfreeperson ini've been listening to john dominic crossan on the radio and am fascinated.
what are your opinions of him as a biblical scholar?
I've been finding all the places he's been interviewed on public radio when his books have come out and have really enjoyed listening to him.
I didn't get the impression that Crossan thought Jesus body had been buried in a shallow grave and eaten by dogs--he may have written that, but that's not what he said. Rather, that Romans used crucifiction to warn others not to do whatever the crucified had done and the purpose was anihilation. Therefore, families were not allowed to take down the bodies and properly bury them, but the bodies were left on the cross/stake where their bodies would be eaten by animals. However, certainly some familiers were able to retrieve and bury bodies--he cited the recent discovery of a buried body with a nail through its heal indicating crucifiction.
I thought his point was that nobody really knew what happened to Jesus's body and that one could see the story of the death, burial and ressurrection becoming more and more what Christians hoped had happened.
I'm resisting ordering his most recent book on Paul because I already have a pile of recently acquired but as yet unread books making me feel guilty. But I'm looking forward to reading him.