Since it seems that the only "new" JWs are children of the current ones, I wonder if they will openly reverse this recommendation? If they do, I wonder if that will have a bigger effect than the generation change on couples who wanted children, but made the sacrifice and now it's too late?
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
Not Having Kids in 'This System....'
by lonelysheep inone of my former bs conductors and her husband decided when they got married, they wouldn't have any kids 'in this system'.
i know the world could be better, but i see no reason not to have children if that's what your wishes really are....and you're able to for that matter.
she just turned 34 and really wants to have a child.
What is "Wicked"
by BluesBrother in"main entry: wicked part of speech: adjective definition: bad synonyms: abandoned, abominable, amoral, arch, atrocious, bad news, base, contemptible, corrupt, debased, degenerate, depraved, devilish, dissolute, egregious, evil, fiendish, flagitious, foul, gross, guilty, heartless, heinous, immoral, impious, impish, incorrigible, indecent, iniquitous, irreligious, low-down, mean, mischievous, nasty, naughty, nefarious, profane, reprobate, rotten, scandalous, shameful, shameless, sinful, unethical, unprincipled, unrighteous, vicious, vile, villainous, wayward, worthless source: roget's new millennium?
thesaurus, first edition (v 1.1.1)".
the above is a recognised definition or list of synonyms for this common word in english.
I was curious about JW use of the word "christendom" so googled it and came upon this site--which does not seem to be JW, but sure looks familiar. Do you know whose site this is? -
Ever Just Have One of Those Days?
by Leolaia in1. so i wake up this morning and realize that my mom is missing.
i called her last night from 9pm to 11pm and this morning i called at 8am and there was no answer each time i called.
if she had been out earlier last night, it sure seemed as if she never came home.
Good grief, what a day! I hope your ankle heals properly and quickly and that your being sent to a cardiologist was a false alarm!!!
JW Took Out Morgage on his Home--To Build Kingdom Hall!
by Voyager ingood example of brainwashing.
would you take out a morgage on your own home to build a church, not knowing whether or not you would be paid back?
and what ever happened to the watchtower building fund for this purpose?
Well, dang it. Clearly I don't know how to edit. So let's try this:
Exactly. He sounds like NO JW that I've ever heard about! -
JW Took Out Morgage on his Home--To Build Kingdom Hall!
by Voyager ingood example of brainwashing.
would you take out a morgage on your own home to build a church, not knowing whether or not you would be paid back?
and what ever happened to the watchtower building fund for this purpose?
Exactly. He sounds like know JW that I've ever heard about!
baptism of the dead
by peacefulpete inthe cryptic words of 1 cor 15:29 have ellicited much discussion through the years.
what did the writer mean, "baptism of the dead"?
the answer may be locked up in the controversy over who wrote those words and when.
Okay. I can't stand it any more. Where do you guys teach? I wanna sign up! Failing that, where can I read what you've published. Surely not only here???
How many "real friends" did you have in your congregation?
by JH inmost congregations have about 80 to 120 people.
out of that, how many could you consider being a "real friends"?
personally, not one of them was a "real friend".
" You spend 40-50 hours a week working toward a common goal with these people. How many are you "real" friends with? One or two? That's about the same odds as at the KH."
While this is true, it is seldom that your employer expects you to consider the co-workers your true family and to restrict your relationships with non co-workers to a polite acquaintanceship! -
John Dominic Crossan
by kgfreeperson ini've been listening to john dominic crossan on the radio and am fascinated.
what are your opinions of him as a biblical scholar?
While I was buying Christmas books for my family, I bought Crossan's "In Search of Paul" for myself. I'm really enjoying it, although struggling with the poorly remembered history not very well learned almost 40 years ago!
I would be delighted to find that anyone here was also reading it and interested in discussing it. -
I choked
by Seeking Knowledge ini have done up a letter to my ex asking him to cease & desist with cramming his "religion" down our sons throat and also to stop our son from calling his wife "mom" and other issues that he's in violation of our custody order with.
it was a nice letter, i told him knock it off or we're going to mediation (in our custody agreement as well) to figure it out.
this was at the advise of my attorney.
Hmmm. They can refuse to accept the registered letter. What is one's legal recourse if they do?
Did anyone enjoy singing the Kingdom Melodies?
by Kimmee indid anyone actually enjoy singing the kingdom melodies at the hall?
some of them were fun to sing, some of them were corny.
my brother use to sing them loud but without any sound coming out of his mouth.
Sure sound like regular ol' hymns to me! (I listened to the non-English versions, so I'm just reacting to what they sound like.)