Whistles! Stamps floor! Wild applause!
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
Watchtower Haikus
by ColdRedRain ini'll start.
blood ideology.
a baseless doctrine, hark!, legalistic crusade, kills children quickly.
Another resource
by Justin instrictly genteel - theocratic resources/skk theocratic library, a pro-jw site, now contains publications from the rutherford era, including: the finished mystery (1917), millions now living will never die (1920), the harp of god (1921), deliverance (1926), and creation (1927).
the russell writings are found on this site as well.
link: http://www.strictlygenteel.co.uk/
So why isn't the watchtower shutting them down?
Intelligence Questions
by Simon intry these (i think i got them right, i'll post my answers after other people have had a go as well):.
a bat and a ball cost 1.10 in total.
how many pence does the ball cost?
Only one I got was the doubling time. Sure hope I don't have to look for a new job any time soon!
Has anyone else ever wondered about.........
by t297crazy inhi i have been reading everyone's posts for a few days.
i've been away from being jw for about 10 years, but only recently has it occured to me what a bunch of crap the whole thing is... i am still young, and so therefore it seems odd to me that all of my family are strong jw's.
especially my dad he was an elder), who i always associated with being a very intelligent person.
Not about my parents, but certainly about the few JWs I know. From my point of view, the "know too much" to believe this--but, obviously not. All, by the way, were "born in." I have decided that they have decided that, forwhatever His reasons, Jehovah wants them to follow this path, so they are following it.
But it is very painful to watch. -
My day at the assembly, er, convention
by Pistoff inwell, i could not avoid going today; a close friend got dunked and i had to go.. i was not even in my seat when i was already writing down egregious mind control bs: the first of the day and here it is:.
(verbatim) "obedience in the congregation to the elders is the same as obedience to jehovah personally".
my day got started with that puker.. ok, sit down and take more notes; not enough caffeine to take it straight.
They're right you know: respectful and cheerful obedience to the elders is what keeps you from independent thinking. The only way to keep your faith--that doing whatever the Watchtower says is the only way to please Jehovah--is to never think about any of this stuff. The only way to keep obeying the elders is to find a way to do it respectfully and cheerfully (otherwise you'll lose your faith that doing whatever the Watchtower says is the only way to please Jehovah.)
That, it seems to me, is the core belief--follow the Watchtower and its minions no matter what if you want to please Jehovah. It seems to me that people who manage to stay Jehovah's Witnesses accept the fact that Jehovah is capricious and crazy and possesses a terrible and easily triggered temper. So all this is an elaborate form of showing submission to the alpha animal.
Human beings are interesting, no? -
Gays and the Bible.
by gumby infirst of all.....i ain't bashin gays here......just have a question.. this morning i read in the paper that the united church of christ has unanimously approved of same sex marriage.
this now is the largest protestant sect who has approved of gay marriages.. my question is.......how does religion justify a way of life the bible condems as sinful?
what is their scriptural argument to justify this action as proper?.
Part of the difficulty is in your assumption that all Christian sects believe that the Bible is inerrant and consistent. Fundamentalists claim that, but UCC's (mostly) aren't fundamentalists. They also aren't (mostly) evangelicals. From the UCC web site:
"It affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own in reality of worship, in honesty of thought and expression, and in purity of heart before God."
I'm not a fan of any religion, but even I concede that some are better than others.
http://www.ucc.org/aboutus/family.htm -
Life-threatening blind fanaticism
by Grace inin the aftermath of yesterday's london tragedy, the radio stations were rife with those calling in and talking about some religious fanatics on the other side of the world.
the radio commentator himself talked about how barber shops in baghdad were being bombed and barbers were having their lives threatened (or taken) because of one religion's decrees that hair should not be cut.
the commentary kept asking how do we negotiate with people like this?.
I'm in a book group that's reading "Panther in the Sky"--an historical novel about Techumseh--which is reminding me that Americans have never had difficulty establishing rationale to take what they wanted by any means necessary and for turning their victims into their oppressors. I'm too ignorant to know if this is simply human history of if there's something about how western civilization developed that lends makes this inevitable. Certainly religion has provided part of the rationale, but without it, we still seem to do just fine at assuring ourself that raping and pillaging is really self defense.
It would be lovely if religion were an effective counterbalance to what is probably a characteristic of the behavior of human organizations instead of being a shaper and motivator of it.
The Watch Tower is seeming to be very small beer at this point. -
Frog's first semester Uni results are in!
by Frog ini realise this is probably quite a dull subject for all my friends here, but this frog can't help but to share her happy moment, cause she's just bursting at the seams with self-congratulatory praise!.
i just logged on to the uni website to get my long awaited semester one results.
i knew i had done well with my essays, pop quizzes etc throughout the semester, but i attributed that to the fact that i had weeks to fine tune my writing and research.
Congratulations! What's most important, of course, is what you have learned and how confident you feel about your knowledge and abilities, but isn't it wonderful to get that affirmation from your profs!
Google earth.........freaking sweet!!!!
by Heatmiser inhttp://earth.google.com/
i have been playing with this for a couple of hours.
it is sweeeeeeeeeeeet.. glenn
No fair. Windows only.
My brother wants to talk to me about why I left the org. He is JW.
by avengers inas many of you know i live in holland.. i'm visiting the us now and my brother who is now at the convention.
in tacoma wa wants to talk to me about the reason why i left the org.. actually i'd like to, but what i'm afraid of is that it will turn into an argument,.
he and his wife are really gung ho dubbies and .
I agree with Frog--he doesn't want to hear why you left the organization. He wants to tell you why you shouldn't have left and why you should return.
Sounds like a good discussion to skip!
Good luck.