Simmer down now folks.
SoJ (who refuses to respond to any legitimate questions from this witness in good standing) says:
The donations are carefully spent on the world wide work. The congregations in the U.S. can afford a payment on their Kingdom Halls, for example, but 75% of the countries around the world would not be able to build Kingdom Halls without the help of the U.S. branch. Also, you think publishing the amount of literature the Watchtower does yearly is cheap?
As 144k+1 points out, you (and we) have no way of knowing that. The fact remains that the Society has millions of dollars in assets and probably even more that is liquid. Time and again we have seen the Society manipulate matters to preserve their capital, such as changing the donation arrangement. I've been in Kingdom Halls around the world, and let me tell you that we wouldn't have Kohler toilets and nice tile, carpets, seats, sound systems, etc. if building halls overseas were an issue.
I am not intimately familiar with the case, but I believe that the suits are brought forth because there was a real damage/hardship suffered by the victims because the elders and the Society failed to act to protect the victims. I believe more is involved here than just trying to pry money away from the Society.