JoinedPosts by KiddingMe
Stand For Pure Worship, what convinces you that the governing body is being used by Jehovah? Thanks.
by The Quiet One ini struggled with this question before i got baptised.
what helped you to overcome any doubts?.
Never Become Enraged with Jehovah (tomorrow's WT Study)....pure vomit
by raymond frantz innever become enraged against jehovah.
(watchtower study 7-13 october).
paragraph 4.
Oops I did it again. Another mistake
by KariOtt inso it seems i made another mistake.
i expressed negative feelings to my hubby.
i'm not allowed to express anything but positive emotions.
So how exactly did this "new translation" come to be?
by sir82 ina normal person, upon hearing that a new (or revised) bible translation has been released, would have 2 questions spring to mind almost immediately:.
1) who did the work, and what are their credentials?.
2) what manuscripts is the work based on?.
Why the need for a new font?
by Splash inso with everything else being dissected, i want to know why it's important to have a font that can be copyrighted?.
the font used is very similar to a number of others, like tahoma, ms sans serif, and arial etc, so what benefit is there to employing (in the loose sense of the word) a team in japan to create a brand new western set of glyphs?.
will this help with their prosecution of those who copy/paste nnwt verses?.
Great question! What if you copy and paste the NNWT but changed the font to courier new or some other font?
What Will Be the Penalty For Using the Old New World Translation?
by LostGeneration inso who here wants to run an experiment?
if you still attend the meetings, are you willing to cling to the "old" new world translation?.
keep using it in front of all of the rest of the cultists.
The penalty wil be a charge of BRAZEN CONDUCT.
Beginning of Electronic Assemblies?
by Fading Begins indo you think this could have been an experiment to see how smoothly these events can be processed, and what the reaction is from the rank and file?
it would sure save a lot of money if events like this could replace at least the one day circuit assemblies.
there has to be some recognition that the "flock" is becoming weary and they don't have the funds to be travelling to these events.
What about electronic field service?
brazen conduct, dissensions
by hoser inas predicted by jwn loose conduct has been replaced by brazen conduct.
galations 5:19 2 peter 2:2 .
a catch all phrase for apostates.
I can also see BRAZEN being a catch all phrase to keep JWs inline. Or else they can get DF'd, for just about anything that is out of line with WTS.
Such as visiting, apostate sites more than once.
WT Policy on Deceased Pet Remains
by KiddingMe inwe will be putting our beloved pet of 13 years to rest soon.
is there a wt policy, written or unwritten on what could be done with the ashes after cremation?
i assume it's basically the same for pets as with humans but i'm not real clear on what that is.
Julia says,
However you honour your pet's remains is entirely up to you. It is no one's business, jw or otherwise.Thanks, I agree- I wish it was that simple. Anything outside of leaving it at the place for euthanasia looks weird and creepy to my household (husband & kids).
I asked "what's wrong with bringing the ashes home?" The kids had a look of horror on their face and my husband said "you know we (JW's) don't do that." Then I said, "how do you know what other JW do, your family just never did that?" Then one of the kids said, "yeah, that true, maybe it's just how you use to do things". I added, "there is nothing specifically written on this, as long as your not praying to it" He said jokingly, "you need a bible study."
He later said, "why would someone bring ashes home?" Any response given looks like I'm going overboard. I said, "to show respect, for someone who has been apart of our family." He said, "it's not necessary to bring it home to know that you have respect and the deceased pet is not going to know so we'd only be trying to make ourselves feel better."
This will be the kids first experience loosing a pet and I want them to see and understand that there is nothing wrong honoring and dignifying our pets death. I just feel like at least out of respect we should bring it home and bury.
Jeffry says,
The JW policy on cremation (of humans) is that it's a personal matter, but that they should consider local community funeral customs and avoid 'stumbling' others. There is no specific 'policy' about cremating pets.I agree, that's pretty much the gist of what, I've found. Most of what I've found on pets resemble the one Blondie referenced, that very minimum (time & money) should be done or else you are elevating or idolizing your pet above humans.
This is part of my issue. My husband is seeing this as excessive, considering all the money we've spent on our pet this past week. We started at $140 and now we are around $2000 in a matter of days for a pet he pays insurance for monthly. He is of the mind set that the animal professionals are running a racket to make money. So, the cremation company is just the next people in line to get our money.
There's a WTS article that parallel this thought too.
TheOldHippie- I agree with your thoughts and how appropriate when you say, that your pets deserve to rest in the place they love so much. I'm going to try this angle today with my husband and hope I make a breakthrough.
In regard to whether a 2013 article would sound like a 1972 article, I think Blondie makes a point when she says, "No 2013 article because the WTS feels that the 1972 article is up to date..." Also a 2013 article couldn't take the same tone regarding pets at the 1972 article.
When I get some time I will post some of the interesting articles I came across on this subject in case they can be of any benefit for someone else.
Honesty says,
Very few JW's in this area have pets because a pet takes up too much time that could be better utilized in hawking Watchtower comic books.
That's just how the WTS wants it. ;-)
Re: 2013 annual meeting
by pixel inremember, you read it here first!.
dear brothers: .
we are pleased to announce that arrangements are being made for all baptized and unbaptized publishers who read and write english, along with their minor children, to be invited to locations where they can hear the 2013 annual meeting program that will be presented on saturday, .
kiddingMe, this is the second time I read this. So I guess the ticket buisness is not happening in the U.S. I heard it from 2 witnesses. It's answered as far as I am concerned!;-)
Yes, the two witness rule applies here… Lol - I’m thinking along the same lines as DATA-DOG, that tickets are for certain areas here in the U.S. depending on the amount of space.
I doubt they would deny enterance to an inactive one, and how would they even know if that many people are streaming in. My wife wants to go. I told her I am not going, period.
I doubt this as well, a publisher is a publisher. Publishers can be inactive for various reasons, but still in good standing.
Are kids going?
Yes, as long as their parent(s) are baptized or unbaptized publishers (or they have a ticket in ticketed areas);-)
Recording is not banned people.
Unless it’s a JC meeting ;-)