"These ones" always annoyed me. Who else says that?
JoinedPosts by worldlygirl
Loaded words
by Odrade ini know this subject has been done before, but.... some words we used as jws have a different meaning to us, even now.
encourage, truth, witness, apostate, worldly... .
so how did those words get so loaded?
My Girlfriend's a JW, but I am not, What to do???
by Another Guy injust wondering if anyone can help, so heres a little insight into the situation.. we've been friens for ages but she always told me we could be nothing more she said "theres stuff you dont know about me & you wouldnt understand" but one night i kinda hinted that i knew and she fessed up not only bout being a jw but also bout how she felt only thing is she says its not gonna work, but she wants it to work she wants me to convert and i want her to leave the orgainization.
her mothers been a witness for ten years but her father is not.
also she hasnt paid much attention to it either till a few months ago and shes starting to get into it now.
Sorry, but I'm with the general concensus now... RUN. Don't wait until you're too involved and it is too late. I've been there and done that. My life will never be the same.
How Will History Treat The Jehovah's Witness Religion?
by minimus injust as presidents and prime ministers think about how history will view them, one must wonder what legacy the watchtower society aka jehovah's witnesses, will have.
to some, the witness religion is so irrelevant that whatever happens, it means nothing.
yet, they have been in existence for over 100 years and according to their records, are still going strong......what will history or what does history say about this religion??
Maybe in a movie similar to: "The Guyana Tragedy - The Jim Jones Story"
by integ ina jw relative brought out something i actually had to agree with.
we were discussing positive vs. negative aspects of the "truth".
she brought out that the witnesses do not participate in war, and i thought 'gee, that's probably a good thing'.
I think they promote good morals and family life.
Amac, read some of my previous posts. I couldn't disagree with you more.
help, cuz i am like a scared baby
by Vivamus init's 2 am, and my whole country is asleep and i badly need to talk, and someone to hold me.
i have been out of this fucking cult for nearly two years, and i have not been bothered by demonz since then ... until now.
right.. i woke up, not able to breathe and see a thing, and i grabbed the phone to call my boyfriend, but i must have misdialed ( thank god, cuz he'd think i was nuts otherwise) and then i tried to scream, but i couldn't.
I suffer from sleep paralysis too, and it is sooooo frightening. Viv, you poor baby. Hang in there.
Do you grind your teeth?
by SheilaM ini've been having horrible pain mainly the back of my head, migraine but not ya know.
well i went to the dentist to day and he seems to think it is stress <boy why would i be under stress
does anyone use one did it make the pain go away??
Sheila, if you happen to be taking an anti-depressant, that may be the cause of your grinding. After I started taking Effexor, I ground my teeth so badly that I actually started to wear them down in the back, and I had KILLER headaches. Sometimes my jaws would throb all day long.
The medical term for this is "bruxism" and it shows up as a potential side effect of several anti-depressants, but first of all, no one knows what it means and second, the doctors don't seem to mention it.
The mouthpiece works as long as you (or Thunder) don't mind you drooling all over your pillow!!
Can I get to heaven?
by JesusFreak ini was wondering if i become a jehova's witness tonight and die tommorow, will i go to heaven?
Sure, just take a right in Purgatory. It's about 20 billion miles north.
What does your name mean?
by Insomniac inok, i'm sure this topic has been covered before, but i'm new here, so indulge me.
what do everyone's screen names mean?
some are pretty self-explanatory, but a few have me intrigued.
I've never been a JW. I'm just a WORLDLY GIRL! (When I started posting, I had just been arguing with my then-husband about the disparaging way his family referred to "worldly" people or "unbelievers" - UNBELIEVINGGIRL was just too long!!!
Elder Kid Behaviour An Issue? 22/10/2003 Awake!
by Stephanus inin the young people ask section, the question is posed: "how can i come out from under my parents' shadow" then you get two quotes from supposed elders' kids, identified only by their first names.
one says he is only known as his elder father's son, whereas the other one feels pressure to live up to high standards being an elder's son.
the tower's response?
I think the elder is showing his winkie to the little boy on the front row.
Being honest with myself and my past
by Dawn ini was talking with my husband a few nights ago about a situation with my jw family that really upset me.
it is truly a ridiculas situation which my husband (never a jw) agreed, and as i ranted on about their indoctrination and their beliefs he looked at me and said "you're right, but how can you act so shocked, you used to be just like them.".
(((((((((((Dawn))))))))))))) Don't worry about the past, focus on the future.
There but for the grace of God go I.
Always has been one of my favorite sayings.