JoinedTopics Started by Mystery
The Saviour Has Arrived!!!
by digderidoo in.
Where are you going when you die?
by Mystery ina questions that has been on my mind for 20+ years that i have been away.. and more recently - a friend of my sons was killed.
he ask me "mom where are you going when you die?
" i am worried because if you die, i don't know where you are going.
Women raised as JWs: Did the WTS views on women negatively impact you?
by berylblue ini'd really like to know.. my experience was that women who were raised in the "truth" and married to a good jw brother did not know how to make decisions.
from reading this board, this would, however, appear to be the least of their problems.. what specifically, if any, were the problems associated with always being told you were a second class person and not capable of making decisions?.
Depressed beyond Words...
by Shytears indid u ever feel so depressed u felt the only thing that could get rid of the pain was to commit suicide???
?...well i tried that tonite,i know its not a good thing ,but i felt it was the only way out..well im still here so i didnt do it,thank god,my wrists have lil cuts everywhere tho,i just hope no one sees them..if u guys remember me yall know it has been an ongoing battle with my parents cause i dont wanna be a witness.. now i literally cannot do nothing!
they dont trust me at all!
Living a lie?
by Victorian sky ini've been inactive for several months.
i know it's not the truth and mentally i've walked away.
would it be living a lie to remain inactive?
by joannadandy inher employer genuinely likes her.
she is hardworking and does what she says.
shes never raised a ruckus and always smiles at everyone.
The Daddy Difference
by teejay inmy sister sent me this article from the june issue of ladies home journal.
here are some excerpts... .
the daddy difference .
Me and my brother.
by nicolaou inan earlier discussion has been highlighting the differences between da'ing and df'ing.
xena said:i am sorry qadreena but i have never in the 20 some odd years i have been a jw ever heard of an unbaptised publisher being d/aed...marked as bad association yes..but d/ i guess stranger things can happen.... well that brought it all back.. actually xena the exact same thing happened to my brother in the early 80's.
he was only 14. he'd carried on associating with a friend of his who'd been disfellowshipped.
Diary of an Armageddon Survivor
by GinnyTosken ini was sorting through my files today and found this piece from 1996 and thought i'd share.. ginny.
diary of an armageddon survivor.
ed thorn, our presiding overseer, told us that those who were missing should have spent more time in field service.. day 2. brother thorn called a special meeting this morning.