I hope my son's have the same feelings as you when I am gone. (mentally or physically)
(((take care)))
i miss you so much i just cant say how much i hurt inside.
i think back to when i was just a child and how you gave me the food from your plate when there wasnt enough for each of us to have dinner.
you always put me first, your joy in life came from seeing me happy, knowing i was safe and i had everything you could give me.. i miss doing my homework with you, the way you taught me to draw and how much confidence you always had in me and i still remember how you gave and gave until you had nothing more to give me.
I hope my son's have the same feelings as you when I am gone. (mentally or physically)
(((take care)))
9 Why is such a firm stand (DF) appropriate even today? …….Well, reflect on the severe cutting off mandated in God's Law to Israel. In various serious matters, willful violators were executed. (Leviticus 20:10; Numbers 15:30, 31) When that happened, others, even relatives, could no longer speak with the dead lawbreaker”
Can’t you just see them sitting there nodding their head in agreement. “Yes, yes I understand, you cant’ talk to a dead person so…. You can’t talk to a DF’ed person either. I see the parallel in the law”.
“In fact, if a son was a drunkard and a glutton, his parents were to bring him before the judges, and if he was unrepentant, the parents were to share in the just executing of him…..”
Since it is against the law to just kill them; shunning isn’t so bad!
The more I read and have learned the angrier and angrier I am at my father. He was an extremely intelligent man. But I guess the elder headgear fitted him perfectly. The pedestal I had him on is coming down bit by bit.
We argued discussed this over and over and over and over. He always made me feel I was wrong by not agreeing with shunning. I realize now, he just said the same thing every time. I would go and for different ways to show him it was wrong… he would just repeat the same scriptures……. Every time.
i just wanted to let you know that we recieved the judgment today and we won!!!!!
i will get my babies back this sunday.
i have just had a huge load taken off my shoulders.
Congradulations Larry!
I am so glad everything turned out this way.
i would really like your input on something which is causing me a great deal of pain (and costing me a lot of money as well).
my brother is a very strange person.
well, the entire family is.
I completely understand small town mentality. Is this person looked up to in your town? If not turn it around on him. If he is and his “word” will affect others in your community I would do as avishai suggested. If not taking it all of the way; at least telling “the town” you are going to; of course after telling him you are going to.
I have done it. Just the suggestion of pressing slander charges on the person, fixed the problem for me. (I don’t know if it will be the same in your case) But he is the one that has been in hiding now; not me.
things that the wts could never get away with putting in print but have free reign to say verbally
heres my summary of the dc after recently having the veil lifted from my eyes re the wts
look for the alcohol talk.
Thanks Winston.
as i sit here with my glass of wine
things that the wts could never get away with putting in print but have free reign to say verbally
heres my summary of the dc after recently having the veil lifted from my eyes re the wts
part 1/6
My mom and sister (family) just returned from the DC. I was wondering the issues and focus of this years convention.
Thank you for sharing.
Sorry you had to sit thru it.
all - of course i'm new to this board (or any board) and have an 'issue'.
my father and step-mother are both jw's and i know i can't argue with them.
however they're important to me and yet after a visit, i feel as if they are chipping away at my own spirit.
Tracy -
You didn't say old your daughter is. If she is young; please don't let your parents tell her things like "you are going to die if you don't worship Jehovah". Valis is right - don't let them get to your daughter.
You are old enough not to let them "scare" you. Even if your daughter is in her teens; if she had been around your family a lot, she probably trust your parents, she shouldn't she? Now grandma & granpa began telling her about the end of the world. It would scare any child or young adult.
Protect your child above all else.
i've been thinking about some of the posters i've met on the exjw boards these past couple of years and you came to mind as one of the most level-headed and balanced people i have encountered on this journey.. i appreciate your humor too.
we have not always agreed but what the hell, if life were just one head nodding "yes" after the other, we would still be in the tower.
Waiting -
Please email me at [email protected]
PM's and my profile doesn't work.
Thank you
for the court hearing on july 17, i need examples of jehovah's witnesses who have kidnapped children out of hospital or not provided essential medical treatment.
this would include children who died for refusing a blood transfusion or needed phychiatric care and commited suicide.
incase i have been to busy to say thankyou, please forgive me.
I don't really have any information to share, i wish I did, but I do wish you the best with your case.