LOL @ hampsterbait.
"Your light is SOOO two hours ago!"
anybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
LOL @ hampsterbait.
"Your light is SOOO two hours ago!"
anybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
The Searcher and leaving_quietly, thank you for those awesome references. I'll be spending some time reading the Wicked Shepherds article later this evening.
Bobcat - interesting stuff. I never thought about the Diotrephes fiasco. One thing you mentioned...
... the Hebrews passage would seem to be dealing with a more general attitude of not wanting to be under any authority at all (at least in the congregation).
Well, that's a pretty good description of where my mindset is now. I will NEVER allow myself to be lorded over again. So the scripture better mean something else or it will be filed away with "You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" for consideration in another life.
"Be persuaded by those going before you, and yield to their admonition".
That does make a lot of sense. I imagine we here are as qualified to translate the Greek writings as anyone on the NWT committee. Maybe more so!
Should that day come, I think everyone - including Simon - will celebrate this site’s fade into irrelevancy.
Hebrews 13:17 - Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you.
Psalms 146:3 - Do not put your trust in nobles,
Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.
Are these scriptures unrelated in that one is talking about a spiritual headship and the other is talking about a government authority?
I've always understood the Psalms passage as being connected to spiritual headship because it is tied to salvation. If that's the case, then what son of earthling man am I supposed to be submissive to AS IF HE were keeping watch over my soul?
Is this one of those find-a-happy-medium examples like "obey the superior authorities" and "we must obey God rather than man" conundrum?
If the Psalms passage is not related to the other, then my question still stands: Who is the bible telling modern Christians to be submissive to and what human can possibly stand in a position of being responsible for someone else’s soul unless we're talking solely about adults vs. minor children?
okay, russell based his measurements of the pyramid chambers using inches to determine 1914.. however, what if we used egyptian measurements?.
Does this mean 1914 is...... wrong?
armageddon is happening oh my god!!!
my tv is crashing and flashing its about to quit, i should have known the great tribulation started a few months ago when the tv started acting up.
all the warning signs and yet i didn't notice....woe is me and my gnashing of my teeth, i may miss the game on tv tonight, its so much worse than revelations said it would be.
And Crazyguy hid himself in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains. And he keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: “Fall over me and hide me from the face of this Samsung seated on the TV stand and from the wrath of it's sparks, because the great day of it's demise has come, and who is able to watch football?"
And Crazyguy will weep and beat himself in grief over his TV when he looks at the smoke from the burning of it, while he stands at a distance because of his fear of her sparks and say, ‘Too bad, too bad, you great TV, Samsung you strong appliance, because in one hour your warranty expired!’
just got an email from elder sharing illustration from assembly.
the holy spirit does not seem to be in control as it supposedly was in the 1st century.
it's just lube now.
Holy spirit doesn't fap us... it's the Vaseline that makes fapping easier.
Okay, I got it.
i don't know about ya'll, but i did not appreciate the 1980s enough.
i was too busy lamenting how different they were from the 1960s and 1970s to bask in and appreciate how wonderful they were.. this is 80s music, especially new wave music, and 80s fashion and culture appreciation thread.
what did you love about the 80s?
80's were awesome. Graduated high school in 85. Not even the borg could ruin it for me. They may have screwed up my chances for higher education but that didn't prevent me from enjoying the hell out of high school.
I once received a Theo. School, #4 talk assignment on avoiding extra-curricular activities at school. I handed it back to the elder and told him I couldn't do it. I was in three extra-curricular activities and had no intention of backing out OR giving the talk.
But I digress...
so, about a decade ago there was a big scandal in my city concerning an young elder raping his 13 year old sister in law.
the elder got reproved but was never turn over to the police.
the girl's mom was an immigrant and very uneducated and decided it was best to forgive after the elders, whom one was the young elders dad, instructed her to remain silent and rely on jehovah.
... Oh for crying out loud. I give up!