If you are talking about the people that visit here who are American then I have no problem with them whatsoever.
You discover in life that there is good and bad in every nationality, and its only when you turn away from every bias that you may have against a certain set of people or nationality that you can truly see people for what they are.
However, as a whole, I cant stand American people. Im not saying they are all the same, as I said above, there is good and bad in everyone. Yet the reasons I find it hard to tolerate Americans is just simply the way they are; their culture, attitude etc.
Most of the things I really cant stand in life come staight from the good ol' U S of A. For instance, Starbucks Coffee and people thinking they must drink coffee just because Matt Le Blanc drinks it on Friends or something really annoying like that. American sitcoms and humor I also find hard to tolerate, coupled with the whole big headed American culture that seems to shine straight through Uncle Sams big white ass onto the rest of the gullible world.
America spurns out more crap than any other nation. Hollywood hypes things up to look good in the eyes of gullible youngsters, which is something else I hate about the States. And If a yank would tell me face to face that the American way of life is the best just because his country is full of this sh*t, I would put him straight.
...... chill man chill