Is that because you are at a loss for words when it comes to advocating/defending the exploitation of children that is rampant in your cult? - 144thousand_and_one
---------------------------------------------------------------------No, I don't think I have ever been at a loss for words. The reason I didn't respond is because your allegations are simply preposterous.
Preposterous? You mean like all the false predictions of the end of the world that your cult has issued? I was there in 1975, our congregation even had it down to a month - October.
Sadly, the manipulation of parents by your cult to coerce their children into performing uncompensated marketing services on behalf of the WTS is more than preposterous; it is despicable and deserving of legislative intervention on behalf of the multitudes of innocent children that are being exploited in this manner by your cult.
The reason you've been side stepping this issue is because you don't have a good answer for it. There is no excuse for the exploitation of children that is encouraged by the WTS.
Similarly, why is it that your cult doesn't provide child care services or other activities for children during the meetings? Meetings are simply too long and too boring to expect kids to be able to sit still and quiet through their duration. - 144thousand_and_oneAgain, you have no answer for the question, but you did stoop to the use of a childish personal attack instead. Apparently, you think abuse of children is a "funny" subject, one worthy of jokes. The only joke is on you, because you are the dummy who is advocating a child abuse and exploitation cult that controls all facets of your life.
--------------------------------------------------------------------I bet you can sit for hours playing fiddling with the controls of your gameboy though, right? Be honest now. Does mom and dad know you are surfing the Internet now while you are supposed to be working? LOL ---- You Know