Public Talks - why so stale and repetitive?
No one ever accused the watchtower of being fun and innovative.
after reading blueblades post on public meeting talk titles, i got to thinking that we must have heard the same public talks over and over again.
if there are 151 public talk outlines, that means we must have heard each one, once every three years.. a few stand out in my mind.... parents - are you building with fire resistant materials?.
gaining comfort among all our tribulations.
Public Talks - why so stale and repetitive?
No one ever accused the watchtower of being fun and innovative.
i was speaking to a lady today who isnt a witness.
she's a very intellegent, well educated and well travelled girl, and she tells me how much she enjoys reading the watchtower and awake.
i said to her that she has to be joking, and she tells me that she she likes them a lot.
I'm not interested in hate-propaganda or such narrow-minded thinking.
just about the first elder i ever met (elder a) told me there are no preferences amongst jehovah's witnesses.
"look at elder b, here.
he is a convert, whereas i am a third generation jehovah's witnesses.
Good point.
Jehovah's Witnesses are like the rest of the world ( although they like to believe different ) it's all who you know.
i have heard much railing from the wts about the snares of "worldly philosophies".
according to the wts, much of what is evil in the world, including the teachings of "babylon the great" is rooted in philosophy.
this appears to be one of their hotbutton "buzzwords" to promote irrational fear about anything related to philosophy.
I don't even believe in a "Satan", but if I did, without a doubt his biggest tool would be the watchtower society, for it is them that takes away so much happiness away from good people.
They would notice but they really wouldn't care.
You see, it is a very selfish and self-centered religion. Bottom line, they only care about themselves.
logic tells us that the "preaching work" is alot to do about nothing.
knocking on doors when no one is home is a stupid waste of time!
the odds of finding a bible study that gets baptized after leaving a person a tract or magazine has got to be ridiculously low.
99% of the people that get baptized are teens of those in the "truth".
This also goes to prove that jw's do NOT have that absolute truth they claim to have. If only jw's are going to survive the big A, then don't these "teens" have a massive advantage at attaining "God's" favour? While all those other people who are not raised jw's get slaughtered by that loving god himself.
What a f****d up religion.
i have got into the habit of checking this forum and then going out on the deck (which we call the church of flow, it's a perch about 30' up) and playing my guitar for an hour or so - particularly on nice days like today.
then i come back in, look a bit of tv, eat, read and stuff like that.
i consider my sunday's sacred, i won't go anywhere unless i have to.
Llama wrestling
i have seen so many stories here that invoke guilt and shame on innocents, what one important momyumental thing would you have changed if you had it to do over?.
mine would be not getting baptized.
I would have married a different woman.
i dont have much time to watch a lot of tv b/c im so busy w/ work and school but i am obsessed with monk and i have to watch it every friday night.
i even hate making plans friday nights cuz i dont like to miss it...what a dork, i know.
i also like family guy on cartoon hilarious.
I also like Family Guy on Cartoon Network
Funniest show ever.
Does anyone know if there will be new episodes of "The Family Guy"?
the wt would make everything easy for themselves if they made everything a conscience issue -i know i have stated this before but it is so true.
they would save any lawsuits, they would stop losing people, the brothers would be happier , no dfings, no judicials, less burden on the elders, brothers training their consciences - i just can not see a downside
Disfellowshipping is really the backbone of the watchtower because people will do almost anything to not be isolated and shunned by their families. So the wt needs to have this in order for them to hold their power and control over the "flock". That is why they will always have these commands or rules to follow.