Hi cha ching : it went well . I used the can't take the stress . I had a nevious break down before and felt it coming again . I really have had health problems the last two yrs . Stress brought it on I was told . So anyway they tried to encourage me to come back . I told them how the way I was treated there added to the stress . They left both hugging me . I said I'd have to see how my nerves where and take it from there . So it was left at that . We have six children . Three dont believe it anymore . Three are very cult minded . You can show them things and they can find a way around it . So we keep trying . I still believe in Yehovah just not this org . We'll see what comes next .
Posts by Shaul
suggestions for elder a nd co visit
by Shaul ingetting a visit tommorow our kids that are in are concerned as to why we are missing meetings.
our family is basically ignored by the congregation long story we just don't want to go anymore.
i have told the kids how rotten i have been treated and also i have had some seriou health issues but you know you should still be at the meetings.
suggestions for elder a nd co visit
by Shaul ingetting a visit tommorow our kids that are in are concerned as to why we are missing meetings.
our family is basically ignored by the congregation long story we just don't want to go anymore.
i have told the kids how rotten i have been treated and also i have had some seriou health issues but you know you should still be at the meetings.
getting a visit tommorow our kids that are in are concerned as to why we are missing meetings. Our family is basically ignored by the congregation long story we just don't want to go anymore. I have told the kids how rotten I have been treated and also I have had some seriou health issues but you know you should still be at the meetings. Want to keep the lines of communication open with my kids that are still in so don't want to be dfd. Anybody have some ideas of what to say when they come???
Has anyone Heard of things going on?
by Shaul inhi ; we got a text from one of our children today .
her and her brother are basically are disowning us .
we haven't gone to meetings for a while .
Hi ; We got a text from one of our children today . Her and her brother are basically are disowning us . We haven't gone to meetings for a while . Is something been said at meetings , or is something coming out about ones who miss meetings ? Need to know Thanks
I want to Believe in Something
by James Jackson inafter serving in an appointed position for over 26 years (21 elder, 5 ms,14 pioneer), i have no more dreams of paradise, bored at the meetings, do not enjoy the field ministry.
the desire to do anything is gone.
i want to believe in something!.
James Jackson ; I was almost identicial to you . I watched a video called "The Secrets of Solomons Temple " by Micheal Rood . I learned more in that short time than at many meetings . Check it out , Use your Bible To Verify what is said . It may help you to believe in something far greater than what the org ever offered.
by The Searcher init-1 p. 523 - "just before israel entered the promised land, in 1473 b.c.e., jehovah made a covenant with natural israel at moab.
" (de 29:1; 1:3) .
why deceptively use the word "natural"?
Seacher , you have come to the same coclusions that we have . Once you read the scriptures without a slant put on them . It takes a while to get fifty yrs of indoctrination out of your head , and see what the Bible really teaches .
by The Searcher init-1 p. 523 - "just before israel entered the promised land, in 1473 b.c.e., jehovah made a covenant with natural israel at moab.
" (de 29:1; 1:3) .
why deceptively use the word "natural"?
Yes . And if you read Deut 30:3 - 6 . You see that Yehovah knew they would go bad , but in the last days regather them . This hasn't happened yet . The northern 10 tribes where dispersed in 720 by the Assyrians ,and scattered among the nations . This prophecy is still to be fulfilled . There is more proof of this in the scriptures ."if you don't edit it out "
Annual Meeting open to anyone in Australia?
by RayPublisher ini just saw this quote on a forum for uber jwdubbs:.
"in australia branch territory everyone can come, public included, however not going publicly advising it, plus no tickets are going to be used".
i wonder if that's really the case?
Talked to a friend from Aussie yesterday . They go to the KH and have it video linked to all the halls .