I have read your posting and felt I needed to add the recount of the deposition I had last week with Megans parents. Her mother did so badly that doing a depo on her father before the trial was not needed. here is a breif description of her statements I think you will find them horribly interesting.
Well the trail is getting close and we had depositions on thurs. I cant believe some of the crap that came out of megans mothers mouth. I seriously think she is freaking mentaly retarded. She was caught lying numerous times and any credibility she had before the depo was destroyed. There were some very sad and embarrasing times for her I am glad to say. My lawyer had asked her about the molestation of Megan by her brother in law a JW and she had stated that she didn't know about it untill a year after the fact. Then she said that it wasn't a molestation but an inapropriate sexual advance. He then asked if she had knoweledge of the affair that the same JW bro in law had with her other daughter. She also said it wasn't a molestation but an inapropraite sexual advance. He then asked her how old were the girls when this had happened and she answered 15 and 16. Then he said has your son ever been molested and she said yes. Also a JW Then he asked did you notify the police and she answered no. Next he said Have you ever called the police on any of your children and she said yes on her son when he got angry and puched a hole in the wall. Then he said " let me get this straight you call the police when your son gets mad and punches a hole in the wall but you don't when your children get molested and she said yes".
Well it was like a bomb going off in the room. There were many more embarrasing moments for her too many to mention here. She lied about Megans attempted suicides and her sisters attempted suicides which are a matter of record. She lied about their drinking habits. She lied about having nervous breakdowns. The lawyer asked her why she kept looking at her husband when ever he asked her a question and she stated Aw because he's so cute. She is such a phoney lying Bitch and it was so obvious.
I only hope she does as badly during the trial. I know I don't have this battle won yet but it was encouraging to see her fall on her lying face. The Gaurdian ad lietem was present for the depo and that too was a good thing. The only witnesses they have are members of thier congregation and they are having an overseer testify. Her sister is going to testify that when her brother and sisters were molested that they were instructed by the elders, one of which is testifying, advised not to call the police.
I will again, Keep you posted about what happens at the trial. I pray to god that the judge has the wisdom of Solomon and I get my babies back.