JoinedTopics Started by kelsey007
Attack on Iraq a Bush family thing..
by kelsey007 incnn reports that: .
and, in discussing the threat posed by iraqi president saddam hussein, bush said: "after all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad.
An effective approach to the pediphile problem
by kelsey007 ini thought the idea was to help the victims.
will silent lambs change wt policy?
could happen.
by kelsey007 in
child abuse and prayer for a miricle
by kelsey007 inreligion gone wild:
The bible and child abuse.....
by kelsey007 ingenesis 22:9&10 "and they came to the place which god had told him of; and abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
and abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
and they brought a sword before the king.
Does god love children?
by kelsey007 inmany people claim that the god of the bible loves children and fetuses.
but what does the bible say?
according to god's law, children are not persons but the property of their fathers, who may sell them as slaves.
Near Death experiences- the scoop by CNN
by kelsey007 inap) --
a study suggests the oft-reported sensation of leaving the body during a brush with death may have a simple explanation in the body itself.. these "out-of-body" and "near-death" experiences -- in which people resuscitated on the operating table speak of being drawn toward a brilliant light, or looking down on their own bodies -- may be influenced by a portion of the brain misfiring under stress, the study suggests.
the paper describes one patient's visions while she was being evaluated for epilepsy and does not wrestle with issues of the soul.
From JW sheep to U.S. sheep
by kelsey007 inright after 9-11 bush could write all the blank checks he wanted.
as time took us away from the events of 9-11 the majority of americans came back to their senses and begain taking the checkbook away from him.
now the annaversary date arrives, 9-11 is remembered and the checkbook is handed back over to bush.. .
minister arrested
by kelsey007 inthis is found at
notice that they are entertaining prosecuting the parents- could this open the door for jw prosecutions?
knowingly allowing their children to be in a position where they are subject to abuse and neglect.