Just some random thoughts...
-There is actually more gold in the bowels of the Fed Bank in NY than in Fort Knox.
-Gold is one of the leading indicators of inflation. If you look at any monthly chart of gold you will see a sideways to declining graph. It is actually the increases in productivity and cheap(slave?) labor in other countries that has kept inflation in check. The price of gold has been stagnant which is in part why central banks have been quietly selling price spikes, to get out from underperforming returns.
-Demand for gold is fairly constant. Silver however is not. Example, Kodak a major commercial for silver. Its market demand was cut significantly and one day it will cease its silver consumption. All this brought about by the world of digital cameras. There is absolutely no reason to speculate in silver or be involved with it at all, unless you need it to produce your end product.
-The Fed is not taking rates to zero. So if you have thought about refinancing your mortgage dont try and time the bottom. This is close to it. The next stimulus can come from a variety of avenues. The problem is there is so much pork in the U.S. govt that any tax cut will cripple a program(s) that probably does help those intended. If the govt could ever be held accountable the pork programs could _easily_ pay for the public work maintenance necessary
-All industries eventually cycle. Growth, maturity, and inevitable decline. When 71% of Coca-Colas revenues come from _outside_ the U.S. how can they possibly keep making $$$ through increased sales, licensing agreements etc to justify a rising stock price. They cant. Eventually Coca-Cola will sell to all those who want it and demand will be flat. Expenses never are though, and so Coke must adapt or go out of business. Simple. Like IBM as you mentioned Iarc.
-Iarc, here is 2 increases in productivity for you. It took 30 years to get the processor(brain) in computers to 1gh. It took less than 2 years to get to 2 gh. Also, why the focus on economic productivity? The biotech world is sci-fi esque. The gentleman with the artificial heart lived 59 days before his recent death. Now, what would have George Harrison paid for 2 months of life? What would you give for 2 xtra months of life? This simply was not possible even 5 years ago.
"The problem with govt is those most qualified least want the job, and those least qualifed most often seek to get the job." -author unknown