You Know,
No Larouche quote or link?
Do the names Hiroshima and Nagasaki mean anything to you?
Also, I am not understanding (if the demons know they are toast) why didnt they get Hitler the A-bomb plans? If it wasn't their "time" only one other beings time it could be: Jah himself.
Do you have kids?
If you see your kid, or your neighbors kid getting beat up by an older, bigger, more powerful kid, and you do nothing but say: "Well, I told him not to go outside. Im going to let him get beat up as a sort of object lesson. And if by chance he gets hurt, (or dies) hey, no problem, I can always have another kid."
You would say that as a father, your lack of action is NOT in any way indicative of personal responsibility?
Jehovah is waiting for HIS specified time, patient, because he does not desire any to be destroyed? OK Yet, some will always be destroyed. If the test questions are obivous then end the test. But dont play with people's lives like a puppet master.
Today I just took my 1915 born JW grandfather to the doctor(His JW son and daughter are "too busy" ). I see lots of old people in the waiting room looking not too well and closer to oblivion than not and wonder (slightly) if Nietzsche was right: That the kindest act a man can do is to gather his family and friends and end his life in his prime, before they see the decline all experience before death. The best part is that as my grandfather sits on the doctors table, he's saying of his health problems, "All this due to Adam. Adam and Eve" Woe is me! Then he starts telling me to go back to the KH, "this system this and, this system that" etc. His whole life has been a bill of goods that he has to pay for with his death.
Waiting on the WTBS, fosters, inculcates, BREEDS, a lack of life responsibility and that is a perfect way to be manipulated by fear. You never have to take action. You simply drift. You then look to other people's suffering (suicide bombers, Enron, terrorists, El Nino) as signs of your delieverance. You actually view these as glad tidings. Say what? As long as your pain is ended, who gives a rat's @ss who else dies? After all your God has blessed the event? Where the hell is your humanity?
That is why I say: How about a real test? Take away Satan and his "demons" influence. Restore man to a sinless state, bring the earth back inline FIRST. Show mercy by sparing life, not taking it. See what happens to that hard hearted CEO when he doesnt have to work 100 hrs week to keep up with the Jones' Or, here is a wild thought, when a man works for a dollars' wage and gets to keep the full dollar instead of 60 cents to the tax man and 40 cents for him. It is these sorts of external events as well as of course a mans heart condition that twist him into what he is. Not the least of these are Gods rules which he cannot keep, leading to all sort of lovely experiences: DF, child molestation, hypocrisy, shunning, blood stance, no part of the world.
Doesn't Seven of 6 post remind you of the LA riots? That is in part how JW's are. Self martyrs with a overinflated sense of entitlement because of their "suffering" much of which is self appointed by their actions and beliefs and some of which is systemic.
"He gives man _instincts_. He gives you this incredible gift. Then for his own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel; he sets the rules in oppostion. It's the goof of all time. Look but dont touch. Touch but dont taste. Taste, dont swallow. And while youre jumping from one foot to the next, what's he doing? He's laughing his sick head off" -The Devil's Advocate