It is a little known fact that Brother Franz loved to read his fortune cookies. He stopped the practice though when he received a fortune that read:
"It will all be done in ' 71!"
am i correct in thinking that the gb members are unpaid for their role on the board?
how, then, do they survive?
It is a little known fact that Brother Franz loved to read his fortune cookies. He stopped the practice though when he received a fortune that read:
"It will all be done in ' 71!"
did they persevere in prayer, recite kingdom about go to church because it was required!.
taken from an 1952 wt article dealing with the events of 1918...can seem to post it..i'll keep trying.
by mid-1918 j. f. rutherford and his seven associates found themselves in the federal penitentiary at .
Check this link to read a letter outlining all the fun they had in prison:
i will tell you what used to scare me real good was the circuit overseer when he would come to my parents home to stay.
my parents would get real stressed out trying to find just the right food dishs and fix his bed real nice, and fight among them self's because of the stress of it all.
so he always looked like this to me at the young age of six:
Maybe, from what I hear.
i will tell you what used to scare me real good was the circuit overseer when he would come to my parents home to stay.
my parents would get real stressed out trying to find just the right food dishs and fix his bed real nice, and fight among them self's because of the stress of it all.
so he always looked like this to me at the young age of six:
Was your CO's last name Bennett by any chance?
in the arnold schwarzenegger movie "the sixth day" (not to be confused with "end of days") people are cloned by having their brain memory pattern copied and saved on a disk.
human bodies without memories called "blanks" are also made.
at the appropriate time the duplicate memory pattern is stamped onto the "blank" human body.
A decent rebuttal to this thread can be found at:
...didn't have to buy any christmas presents......
How about invaluable training in the janitorial arts?
does anyone remember a watchtower saying that costume parties were inappropriate for christians?
i seem to remember that they were labeled in the "deamon" category, even if you had one and it had nothing to do with halloween.. is this true?
does anyone remember this crap?
Ain't it the truth! ;-)
are you still going in service?
if so, how do you present your message?
i'm sure you disagree with a lot of wt teachings, so how are you handling this?
This is a real challenge sometimes. Did you hear the suggested presentation for the new Awake! dealing with the Oil Crisis? It is hilarious. You (read: all apostates) can't really use any of the suggested presntations with any hope of being taken seriously. <hypocrisy> Just offer the mags. I'm always amazed at how many people end up taking the mags when you just low-key it. </hypocrisy> Maybe they just feel sorry for me, but then, so do I!
friends, this is a sort of poll, directed mainly at -- but not limited to --ex-elders, their wives and kids.
it was my impression that, with the possible exception of meaningful personal prayer, the other aspect of the idealized, exemplary jw lifestyle that was portrayed at the assemblies and at meetings-- the regular, weekly family bible study -- was the one most neglected.
it seemed to be something the ``other" spiritual family did and the one thing we constantly agreed we ``needed to work on.".
Do you think that the Society knows the truth about family studies? They are one of the best turn-offs for the religion that it has ever developed. How many kids determine that they will have no part of it when they grow up because of being subjected the the infamous weekly study?
so, the society is still using the phrase "spiritual paradise" ?
( dec wt).
communist countries ( you remember, the ones that collapsed?
Here is a link to Maximus' thread on this situation, alluded to by Metatron. The entire thread is very enlightening.
JW Kids Leave the Organization: Facts