That's just lovely. I'm eating peaches!
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
That's just lovely. I'm eating peaches!
after reading ray franzs 2 books and much information on this site we did a search comparing wt qoutes and had a local elder soon to be circuit ovsr at our house and the funny thing was he was unaware of much of the early wts.he also expressed some doubts when he applied to be a ministerial servant and they sent him back a letter making him an elder.his wife was here and when we brought coc out she jumped up like a person on fire.
the elder asked where else could we go?so there is doubt amoung the elders for sure.
i have a sense of loss however cannot support a self proclaimed prophet that is contrary to scriptural teaching and associated with falsehood and bloodguilt.
Your journey out of mind control and the lies has just begun.
The above website contains only watchtower quotes. No opinions given. Give it a shot! By far the best website on the web that has only watchtower quotes on subjects. A real eye opener!
lately he's very become impatient and rather explosive in temper.
i can't cover it up anymore, and i'm so tired of pretending in the organization.. need to leave this man and this religious organization in a hurry!.
any of you divorced because of the wtbts?
It sounds like a pretty rash decision.
Talk to a marriage counsellor. Get help in the real world; the internet is full of bad advice.
Sorry things are so rough right now.
the first post (assembly money deals), the cut and paste did not appear on the board, so i'll just post the threads.
no harm done!
Now what's with those announcements saying that they're 'under budget' every frigging sunday by thousands of dollars, hoping that they can get more cash in the donation boxes??? I used to give them minimum $20.00 for the rent of the building....
ok im a senior and its time for me to make decisions.
i either have the choice of going to this art institute thats near me, i wont be able to live on campus.
i really want to go to university of texas but my parents cant afford it let alone will they support me for living in austin.
Why don't you just pioneer?
(sorry, just being an ass... have no advice)
when does a high control group cross the line bettween being socially acceptable to being a "cult"?.
why do the marines or dod or cia earn special pleading to exempt them from being a "cult" when they seem to have most of the signs of being a cult.
is it simply the notion that theoretically they should be protecting our interest.
Way too much gobbelygook.
Jehovahs Witnesses are somewhere between a high-control group and cult. Making the leap to and fro is easy. In some ways they are more cult like, in others they are more high-control type.
We've had conversations about this forever.
is it me or does it seem that nearly all jws go through depression in varying ways??
i'm not talking about what the average person could deal with because of a loss of a loved one or a job termination, etc.
i'm referring to being depressed because you're a jehovah's witness.
I think many join because they have problems / issues and like what they hear about the future. I have never seen a group that has so many psychosomatic illnesses and is on meds.
Ahmen. Said all too well.
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
The prophet of god blames satan for lying.
I can't stress enough that he did not 'mislead' us. He lied to us. Misleading is a great way to sugarcoat something that he did. He outright lied. And he has the gaul to blame satan for this????
Brownboy is a complete and utter liar who speaks from 'god'. Makes sense to me.
Now go away Brownboy and come back as Jesus Christ's arse kisser.
i added up all the imediate members of my family who have left the b'org and more have left then remain.
this was promped by a conversation i had lastnight with my son who told me about a jw kid from his past got in contact with him out of the blue and she was telling him how many in her family were now df'ed and never planning on returning.
we were really surprised because she was an elder's daughter and one of the last people you would think would leave.. so what is your family score?
2 out, 0 in.
this is a part of my collection.. the all-blue jug and the "pinch pot" below were made in a local pottery in the 1920's and are known as wesuma ware.
(weston super mare).
the others are all doulton lambeth ware from the late 1800's, well before the company came to be called royal doulton.
My dad used to have a 'tit' mug. It was a regular mug with the shape of a woman's torso, and a pair of boobs attached to the mug with a wire. When you picked it up, the boobs jiggled up and down.
He gave it to me and I threw it out.
I recieved a gift from mexico; dead frogs nailed onto wood with carved 'corona' beer bottles, making them look like they were drunk. I threw that out too. Talk about tacky.
One of my nicer tacky souveniers is the lovely hula-dancer that you usually assosiate with Hawaii. A work assosiate went down on vacation and got me one. I had a ghetto-ride and had it attached on my dashboard until I got tired of my car and drove it to the junkyard.