I have asked my JW mom before if she would rather live 100 years ago, 500 years ago, 1000 years ago, etc. She reluctantly agreed that this is a good time to live. So much for the "the world is worse now than ever before" theory.
JoinedPosts by drwtsn32
The "world gets worse and worse" fallacy
by metatron inwitnesses commonly believe that the "world just gets worse and worse".
this always puzzled me because:.
1) if everything is worse, how can the world even exist at present - and.
WT admits, they are just a human org.
by izobcenec inwhen explaining their child abuse policy, they state:.
our procedures have been refined over time.
over the years, as we have noted areas where our policies could be strengthened, we have followed through.
They only freely admit that when they cannot deny horrible things like child molestation. When it comes to biblical understanding, the WTS viewpoint is as good as God's.
WMD Material Seized !!! Bad, Bad News !!!
by Amazing intoday in thailand a man was arrested by authorities there for attempting to sell radioactive material to an undercover officer.
he had a fairly large amount of cesium 137 ... some really cool stuff.. when i worked in the nuke industry, cesium 137 was a waste by-product contained in many of the tank farms at hanford.
exposure to it can kill you.
Homer: "Marge, it's pronounced NUKE-yoo-ler."
CoC and ISoCF just shipped!
by hurt ini just got my copies in the mail, my first orders from amazon.com; crisis of conscience (coc) 4th edition; in search of christian freedom (isocf), 2002 edition (3rd printing).
am i glad!.
there's an immediate decision to make though: some jws still visit me; some elders still come over; do i display the book on the bookshelf (like all other books) or keep them someplace out of view?
And to think... when we'd have "shepherding calls" while in the borg, we had our movie library right out in the open. It had such horrible "R" movies like The Matrix and the entire Alien collection. I would have went off on them if they commented on my movie choices, something that is supposed to be a conscience matter!
We do put away our CoC books and other stuff when JW family visits. At this point I'd rather not cause any more unnecessary tension in our relationship. But we don't hide the books; they're in our bookcase in one of the rooms.
CoC and ISoCF just shipped!
by hurt ini just got my copies in the mail, my first orders from amazon.com; crisis of conscience (coc) 4th edition; in search of christian freedom (isocf), 2002 edition (3rd printing).
am i glad!.
there's an immediate decision to make though: some jws still visit me; some elders still come over; do i display the book on the bookshelf (like all other books) or keep them someplace out of view?
he was told to snoop
Holy crap that's pathetic.
WMD Material Seized !!! Bad, Bad News !!!
by Amazing intoday in thailand a man was arrested by authorities there for attempting to sell radioactive material to an undercover officer.
he had a fairly large amount of cesium 137 ... some really cool stuff.. when i worked in the nuke industry, cesium 137 was a waste by-product contained in many of the tank farms at hanford.
exposure to it can kill you.
Amazing, did you work at Hanford? Me too, although not in work related to waste cleanup. I still live in the area.
oldest known skulls of modern humans?
by frogit inhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2983300.stm
if you missed the neanderthal tobic this might interest you.
Good information... I've only looked at a bit of it so far (there's so much!) but I saved a shortcut to it.
by integ ini think i've finally figured out why jw's don't celebrate holidays.
well, the first obvious reason is.
the g body tells them not to, but the second reason is not because it is pagan, if it were the.
You're right... the WTS is so hypocritical when they ban holidays but not wedding customs. I think another reason for banning holidays is to isolate the JWs from the rest of the world even more. This isolation helps prevent "unathorized learning" and makes the members feel even more special.
oldest known skulls of modern humans?
by frogit inhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2983300.stm
if you missed the neanderthal tobic this might interest you.
So who is to say whatever they are testing are false positives based upon some inadequate area of expertise in dating?
No offense, but your post shows a lack of knowledge when it comes to radiological dating. When I was a JW and clueless to how radiological dating worked, I had the same opinion. But after educating myself on how it actually works, I have changed my mind.
It is true that a single radiologcal dating method may be inaccurate because of various conditions. That's why science uses MANY different dating methods as a check. When you use half a dozen dating methods and they all agree on a date, you can be damn confident that the date is correct. For example, scientists might use a couple radiometric dating mechanisms but they will cross-check it with other things like sediment layers, ice core samples, tree rings, etc., etc.
Also, the analogy of using radiometric dating on a french fry is rediculous. Carbon dating works for objects that are hundreds or thousands of years old, not for things that are 1 week old. Other radiometric dating methods work for things hundreds of thousands of years old or millions of years old. It all depends on the half life of the radioactive isotope used in the dating method. (Carbon dating checks for the C14 isotope which has a half-life of 5700 years. Carbon dating is effective with objects up to 30,000 years old, if I remember correctly.)
You should read up on radiometric dating; it will probably change your mind.
Science, unlike religion, encourages people to disprove current theories. Religion is intolerant of change.
I'm Thinking of Doing Something Drastic
by Bendrr inok, here's the deal.. way back when i got df'd i kinda went wild.
started riding motorcycles, wore rock group t-shirts, got 3 earrings in my left ear, got a tattoo, and grew my hair long.
i had to cut it once back in '93 because my employer said to.
Mike, definitely much better. Plus I love how you do the typical before/after pic where you smile only in the after pic.