There are Witnesses that choose suicide on a daily basis, in hospitals around the globe and the brotherhood brag and applaud this insane thinking. People in glass houses....etc., etc.
i recently picked up the nasty habit of smoking.
i have been hiding it from my wife for about a month now,(she is still a witness) to make a long story short i only smoke when i drink and go to the casino.
in lake charles well she busted me and was actually nice about it and said it would be our secret as long as i did not bring them in the house are ever smoke around the kids.. sounds like she might be comming around maybe, i only hope.. anyway i had to tell someone.
There are Witnesses that choose suicide on a daily basis, in hospitals around the globe and the brotherhood brag and applaud this insane thinking. People in glass houses....etc., etc.
I live in GTA.(Woodbridge) I would like to meet you fellow Canucks if possible.
one former bethelite was talking about a close relationship he had with a governing body member.
(i happen to have a couple of tapes of this gb member the former bethelite mentioned.
they were talks he gave on prayer.
Hi Amazing,
Exactly what I was saying on another thread. They HAVE TO BE AWARE of the farce. Why can't Ray Franz see this? Maybe he is a lot smarter than I and figures you can catch more bees with honey, or whatever that saying is.
i didn't really know these people that well.
i was only ten.
we were at their house eating dinner, one sunday after the meeting.
I'm with you on this one. Let's beat the shit out of Bobby, but be carefull not to kill him. Just to the point that he needs a blood transfusion. I am sure that a coward like him would be the first in accepting one.
Truly sick and heartless.
these days it's pretty clear that the jw organization is running on autopilot.
charles taze.
russell, joe booze rutherford, nathan knorr and freddie franz all had a certain amount of vision.
To: Raiman Freddy & Lunatic Bobby
I suppose thst all of the truckloads of liquor that were delivered to Booze Rutherford weren't for his consuption? Oh! I know! He used them as Xmas gifts for his non jw friends and neighbours right?
Ah! yeah! that's the ticket. I suppose you both were married to Morgan Fairchild also.
this topic was inspired by another one dealing with the pointless loss of life of four jw teenagers.
upon reflection, it seems even more pointless than before.
and it makes the jw policy on blood aritrary to the point where it rubs shoulders with actual criminal conspiracy.
Quote: "the Catholic Church concerning which the Society has pilloried this competing religious organization for years."(Sorry I don't know how to do the quote bit.}
With all do respect Franc, I get tired of hearing things like this from ex jws, born again Christians, etc. This is like saying that Wal-Mart is competing with the hot dog vender down the street. The jws always humor themselves thinking that the Catholic Church considers them as a threat. It is the Catholic Church's total ignorance of this minor cult that allows them to convert Catholics in the first place.
If one were to look at the stats of man-hours expended trying to convert people; the jw religion would have to get a total failure. If you study other minor, made in the US religions that began at about the same time or later, you will discover that they are much more successful than the witnesses are. Even some that do NOT bust your huevos Sunday mornings.
When my jw ex first left, I attended a few meetings with former jws and various other professed Christians. Imagine my surprise at one of these meetings when I had everyone in total disbelief by stating that Catholics are read three scriptures during every service. I was fortunate enough to have a former Catholic in the room that substantiated what I stated. The Watchtower propagates so much garbage about the Catholic Church to the point that ex Catholics even believe the "bullshit" The thing that most Protestant religions don't realize is that the Catholic Church has scripture to back up most of their doctrines also.
I find it quite interesting being in my position. I am a very nominal Catholic; therefore, I am not too fanatical about my beliefs. Every Christian sect has some good points and some very weird points. Anyone sitting on the outside looking in, cannot, in all consciousness, truly believe all of the fairy tales that are contained in the Bible
Again, let me state that I enjoy reading your posts. This comment kind of triggered something.
Keep those posts coming.
oh im going to puke, i did a copy and paste from aisnes db, all real jws.
the part where she says the awake and wt mags surpass a college education really sent me over the edge!.
"i have 5 children.
I think that you are getting a little confused here. No offense please. I don't want to question whether you excelled in verbal communication, or your reading and writing skills, but I read somewhere that the publications are written at about an 8th grade level. They also have cheat sheets at the bottom of the page, so the thinking is already done for you. I am sure that the ministry school has some merits, but the mags are not of much value, except in destroying trees and very good for the bottom of my bird cage.
Respectfully submitted,
(headline) toppled tower.
(dateline) october 2029, brooklyn, new york; associated internet media news service.
after a century and a half of preaching and publishing, the wtbts (watchtower bible and tract society) has closed its doors.. the group was started in the 1870s with most of its doomsday doctrines borrowed from the second adventists, another american-born religion of the 19th century.
AP- Octber 21, 2029
It has been reported today, that top agents from the North American Federation, have lined up approx. 100 men known among the Jehovahs Witness cult, as of "The Anointed Class" in order to prove or disprove a long standing belief that these particular species of the human race have no testicles. ( For over 100 years, adherents of this cult, could never figure out how they knew that they were of "The Anointed") It can now be announced, without doubt that , out of the 100 men that were inspected, they could not find one testicle among them.
In a related incident, in the former USSR, they performed the same test on 100 women adherents, and they were able to count 37 testicles.
If you profess to be of this class, please post clear pictures for all of us to see.
from a well deserved rest.
i went to indiana to see my youngest daughter (what a joy).
i'm now back at work and preparing for my move to south carolina.. blessings to ya all.. yerusalyim.
Welcome back Yeru,
I hope that you are not moving to where the need is greater!
God bless,
millions now living will never have a life that should have been the proclamation in the 1920s.
it certainly turned out to be the case for those who listened.
often you get a real insight into this by considering the wasted-life stories that appear in the magazines.
When I first discovered this little gem about brother Rottenford, I mentioned it to my estranged jw wife. She did not have a clue as to what I was talking about. About a week later, she very smugly tells me that she spoke with an older sister and she knew all about Beth Sarim(sp). The fact that this was deeded to the ancient worthies, and Rottenford lived the life of riley, while there was a deep depression going on, Flies right over their heads. In fact, it is my understanding, that they felt all tingly inside whenever it was mentioned.
Cult mind control anyone?