DatA dog---dont the scriptures say that no mane knows the full relationship between the Father and son? I cant remember the scripture butwhen i rea. It i was like "bloody hell this goes against the material realm the WT keeps us in...the earthly hope= all physical and not spiritual, Jesus divinity is somethin spiritua which the watchers try to obscure passages to hide the simple truth they dont want to admit....we dont know everything, God didnt give us his word to figure everything out, otherwise where is hope and faith? Anyway im strayin off topic mate but just my two centS. I do agree with a lot you said though
Posts by DS211
The relationship between the Father and Son. What's your opinion?
by DATA-DOG ini am curious about this.
ever since i realized that there is no proof that jesus=michael the archangel, i wondered about who jesus was.
that's how i think of the father and the son, or the word.
New Release At the 2013 Annual Meeting Of Jehavah's Witnesses.
by Brother Mike inunconfirmed rumors (but credible).
new bible.
new insight volumes (starting 2014 theocretic school year talks will be taken from the insight books).
All i know is they said last night it was a HISTORICAL event. Thats when i choked on my drool and woke up.
Today's WT Study (Who is the FDS - Sep 2013)
by ohnightdivine inplease share how your wt study went today...
Yea recently ive learned to sleep with my eyes open....until a trigger comes up thats totally ridiculous and i smirk or laugh and my wife is like "whats so funny". Lol
Today's WT Study (Who is the FDS - Sep 2013)
by ohnightdivine inplease share how your wt study went today...
Thatsfunny and they say thr great crowd are led by holy spirit and Gods "spirit-directed" they miss scriptures that say (in Romans somewhere) "ALL who are led by God's spirit, these are his sons" (i paraphrased a little sry). So if youre not led by spirit you are not a son. Someone tell me from the Bible what happens to those who dont have the holy spirit?
romans 8:9 says if you dont have the spirit you are not His......youre effed basically. So thanks GB you killed 99.9% of your followers congrats.
Paul belived paradise was heaven
by DS211 innow i want all to add whatever they want to.
i was just reading the bible reading for tonights meeting and started 2 cor 12...and what i noticed was that paul here is revealing something, a revelation or vision of sorts, here it says (and its from the nwt for lurkers).
12 i have to boast.
cold Steel--cool idea. id like to do that.
Rattigan---i understand how you feel. See when Paul and Peter wrote these letters and what not, and said things like "all scripture is inspired of God" they werent referring to THeIR letters and gch to the congregations....because they werent added to the Bible until later.
Personally guys (and girls) i am just focusing on things Christ taught...and i take the positives like being LOVING to all people, charitable, self controlled, learnin to apply knowledge and do it with the benefit of others in mind. Im under no authority nor do i wish to judge others or tell them they are wrong, especially when speculation is in swing. We as humans that believe in God and Christ speculate about the future. It gives excitement, hope, and sparks the imagination. For me to continue to ficus on the good things gives me a glimpse of what we are cap ble of.
I have faith in Christ and God and i have this without mnowing what exactly the future holds. But i trust that if i am a good person at heart then good things will happen. All the other prophetic, revelation--atory (:-D new word for the Jw dictionary) stuff is speculation at best until such an event actually occurs.
Annual Meeting on Saturday
by XBEHERE ini heard credible rumors of a large (sized) release coming on saturday.
anyone else hear this?
Hoser....the new insight books may be true because starting in January 2014 all talks on the school will be given straight from the insight book "research" books. this is an obvious attempt to keep people from thinking freely and adding things that may not be "approved".
Annual Meeting on Saturday
by XBEHERE ini heard credible rumors of a large (sized) release coming on saturday.
anyone else hear this?
Last night at the meeting the announcement was made that the was a HISTORIC meeting, one that it of the utmost importance to attend ( in our region all unbap and bap pub jdubs and minor children are allowed to attend). im going to try and record it if possible. I dont see how 2.5 hours can be used on ine big publication release. but we will see!!
JW's supposedly at Mall shooting
by zound inthe following is from annointedjw - a website i dislike the more i read from them.
this reeks of total bs to me, but interested if anyone else has heard about this.. the part that gets me, is how the hell they could know what these jw's did or said if they were killed - who witnessed this?
and the other thing that makes me rage is that these guys are martyring these jw's to further their own 'ministry' - very watchtower-like.. opinions?.
Yea i also posted this and i admit i was a little gullible in believing it (WT de-doctrination still in process). I might email thrm and ask
An awake brother and sister killed in Kenyan mall shooting
by DS211 inhey guys just to let some know, out out an article about a couple who were shot in kenya because they werent muslim.
the article is called "gaining perspective" on the site.pretty moving, and it really upbuilds others to stand up for their faith/one hope in christ.....especially toward the wt.
Oh dear God i did...imsorry (wt indoctrination still there). The ARTICLE is encouraging...the fact that two people died is sorry i was still in shock when i opened the thread but i thought the article brought out a good point...if the couple could stand up for their beliefs (Not in the org but Christ) then it can give us strength in defending our faith against persecution and "spiritual stoning" from the tower. once again im sorry about the way i worded that, hope it didnt offend anyone. Thanks perfect1 for bringing that to light
An awake brother and sister killed in Kenyan mall shooting
by DS211 inhey guys just to let some know, out out an article about a couple who were shot in kenya because they werent muslim.
the article is called "gaining perspective" on the site.pretty moving, and it really upbuilds others to stand up for their faith/one hope in christ.....especially toward the wt.
Hey guys just to let some know, out out an article about a couple who were shot in kenya because they werent muslim. The article is called "Gaining Perspective" on the site.pretty moving, and it really upbuilds others to stand up for their faith/one hope in Christ.....especially toward the WT.