Two excellent posts!! I love the 'death stroke to the horn' bit.
It would be even funnier if it weren't so likely to happen
Keep on rocking in the free world...
here is a glimpse of the future.
this is the 2009 edition of "revelation, the big finale real soon" published by the wtb&ts (a ngo and un dpi).
page 195. revelation 13:14,15.
Two excellent posts!! I love the 'death stroke to the horn' bit.
It would be even funnier if it weren't so likely to happen
Keep on rocking in the free world...
just a bit of background first: my pal ray works as a barman in a nearby village social club.
sometimes he enjoys a pint in my pub, and sometimes talks with my estranged pal, dub-in-the-pub.
some years ago he married lucy, a vivacious middle-aged lady with something of a reputation.
He should tape every phone conversation with the psychotic bitch; if she doused them in paraquat and called the police, and now decides she's not going to tell the truth, he's still up for attempted murder.
He should get her out of his life; can he love her that much?
Keep on rocking in the free world...
as a witness what occupation did/do you hold?.
i was speaking with a friend of mine that is a former witness and we remarked about how many of us have worked in some sort of janitorial work.
Let's see if anyone can beat my total!
I left school with 4 'O' levels; I was going to do 'A's, but just couldn't be arsed as my parents had never, not once, encouraged me in any academic way what-so-ever, as long as I got a D or a C they didn't care. I guess American style that would be 'barely got out of High School'. Growing up I worked at my brother's stables a bit, and as a book order packer for a Veterinary Association.
I started work in the Civil Service, but left after 18 months as I was bored shitless.
I then worked as a Shelf-Stacker (part-time) whilst Auxing. I really don't know which was worse. I also did some maintenance jobs and some window cleaning.
I then worked as a Order Picker for a Mail-Order Company (a bike specialist), getting transferred to the 'phone after two weeks 'cause the boss heard me handle two calls at once whilst everyone was on lunch. I got promoted to the Custom Order Manager. Great job, as I was a bike freak at the time.
I moved to Recruitment Consultancy for a few months when I was going to get married, as I needed the money, but the company let me go after I got back from honeymoon. Never been so pleased to be fired in my life. Imagine every unpleasent personality you've known in one room.
I did a bit of work as a cycle courier, and about a week as a cab driver.
Then I worked in Telesales, followed by managing Customer Services for a Mountain Bike Company, going on to design a range of bikes (1989 Muddy Foxes if ya wanna know). Another great job, but I got shafted by an Office Manager they bought in who wanted his own boys in position. The bastard got fired about nine months after I walked out, and the company went bankrupt after abut eighteen months. Hahahahahaha.
I moved out of London and worked for an Advertising Agency as an Account Executive for a few months. This was around the time of Desert Storm, and my company went under with the resulting cut-backs everyone made.
I was unemployed for about seven months.
Then I worked for a radio station as an Advertising Sales Executive. About this time I began to detest sales. I remember sitting talking to this builder one day, knowing that what he could afford to spend on advertising wasn't enough to re-coup the costs, and that it was either my commision or his kids holiday. Ugh.
Along with a few other major changes in my life (leaving my marriage and the Dubs), I left work and started College, getting the equivalent of the 'A'levels I'd missed out on in one year instead of three.
This meant I could go to University. All through this period I was working in clubs or pubs as a barman. I also, during the Summer holidays worked variously as a T-Shirt packer, Cold-Sore Cream display stand builder, Motorcycle courier, Bookmakers Clerk (on-site), Warehouseman (in a refridgerated warehouse!), Milk-Carton watcher of them on the conveyor belt and stacker of the pallets that I stacked as they rolled off the conveyor belt (the worst job ever), drug dealer, singer in a band (I got paid, it was work), and a few that were so dull I can't recall them at all.
Also at University I edited the Student's Newspaper, and was a student rep for bus company, and a student guide for foreign students - which is how I met my girlfriend.
It all went a tad awry when I gave myself up for fraud. I'd been rather creative about getting student funding, and for a variety of reasons decided to own up. Rather than finishing Uni' I had to get a job to pay the fine, and be available for Community Service. This meant a stint working for a Builders Merchant in telesales, and then some time in a 'phone company in customer services, before getting a job in a Call Centre. My Community Service was 240 hours of carpentry.
I got promoted twice in short order, including getting a 57% payrise when I made got made an Account Manager. But the job bored me, so I chucked it in and started a 'Web-Design Company'. The ' and ' are 'cause I never really got it off the ground as I was using the freedom of not working 40 hours a week to basically spend as much time with my girlfriend in Holland as I could, and studying to complete my degree.
After a year I got a job in Holland and moved countires. I got screwed over by a language school before starting with my current employers, a Computer Manufacturer, where I started on the 'phones just under a year ago in the IT Department. I'm now Assistant Manager. I must be doing something right but I'm buggered if I know what it is.
On October 12th I take the final exam that when combined with my full-time work at Uni and two years of part-time work will finally get me my fucking degree.
Adding up identical jobs I had in different places (like barman) and different postions in different companies, that's 46 jobs I think. I don't know if that's good or bad!
I actually want to write, or be in a band, or just win pot loads of money, but I'm with the gal I love now, so I can wait for more dreams to come true.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
do you remember those truly wonderful occasions when the meeting was in full swing, and something/one would make you laugh much so that you had to go out.
(and yes, your were sat on the front row!
you would go out and feel terribly guilty, and when you thought you were under control, you would venture back in only to find that the air was still full of laughter (on your row)..............truly wonderful meetings!!
Brother in Marylebone Congregation had a habit of saying 'Heavenly Father Jehovah' time and time again in prayers.
I once made a mistake of counting them... at 25 I was already in severe pain trying not to laugh... at 35 I started snorting. At 48 I was seconds away from braying, but he fortunately got to Amen.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
ok bobsgirl got a bunch of advice, now i'd like to hear from the women.
our anniversary (27 years)is this weekend.
i've rented a place that has beach access and a hottub (on whidbey island for those in the seattle area).
Mr Moe; do you mean 'nookie' by any chance... 'nukie' sounds like letting a bomb off in her panties.
Come to think of it...
Keep on rocking in the free world...
just curious...does anyone know if there are any famous jw's?
i have heard about the jackson family (michael, janet, etc.
) and prince, however, i have been unable to find any official web site information that confirms their beliefs.
Yeah, Theresa Graves studied with my Mum and Dad... I remember going to Twickenham with her. Last I knew she was living in Beverley Hills married to a Bro who drove a bus.
I know(ish) Ken Richmond, he was in my circuit.
Patti Smith was raised a Dub until 12 in a 'divided home'.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
if most of you were jw's at one time, am i right in assuming that most of you are uneducated?
anyone here actually have a degree of some sort?
Frightmare is a very low quality Troll. It's obvious it's going to do a 180 and go ya-ha, no matter what. That's not even worthy of the term Troll. Perhaps Trollette, or maybe Trollop is a better term. Or wanker. Decent trolls actually have a degree of intelligence and can get people going.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
the posts in the elders meeting thread got me thinking about this, so i've spun it off for into another thread.. were you ever 'counseled' because "some" in the congregation were disturbed by things you said/did/listened to/watched?.
here is just some of the stupid stuff that the elders brought me in on.
though they were usually handled through shepherding calls, not in the back room at the kh.. 1: because i decided to change my first and middle names.
Oh god...
Well, I was told off for taking a Sunday off to do a Charity bike ride.
I and my then girlfriend were called in front of the elders for no reason other than she had been disfellowshipped, was now re-instated, and I was going out with her, and the fact she had a kid made their ickle bwains hurt.
Of course, if the shits had left me alone and my parents hadn't come down on me, I'd have gone out with her for longer than six weeks before getting engaged, and longer than six months before getting married. But they forced my had and I got into a horrible marriage.
There was a brother who'd have a go when I didn't wear a matching suit and trouser; he argued they had to match even though the TMS said 'suit-jacket' as the standard of dress.
My hair was too long.
My jean were too tight.
I played Dungeons and Dragons and got found out.
My taste in music did not include The Lighthouse Family so was un christian (I actually had a Led Zeppelin Album).
I am so glad I'm not a Dub any longer!
Keep on rocking in the free world...
in response to norm norwig's usual wide brush of generalization,that sweeps in all religion as causing all the problems of the world....... a prophet finds honor at last.
by cal thomas.
syndicated columnist.
Hi Rex,
Okay, prove your intellectual weakness and dishonesty by not really dealing with any of the issues I raised in my post.
The bollocks you did spout about the mystical doo-da stuff is exactly the sort of unsubstansiated hogwash that the guys who drove the planes in to the WTC spouted, except it's a different brand of hogwash.
As for the idea of 'once saved always saved', any one with the intellectual strength of a salamander can see there are some serious problems with the concept.
So a saved Christian will simply have a tractor-trailer roll over his head to 'call him home' after raping someone or killing someone? Once saved always saved is a doctrine of surpassing moronitude. No wonder you like it.
How cosy. Just like various totalitarian reigemes where an upper echelon were above the law.
Oh, and I'm not a JW cretin boy, as well you know. Trying to squirm around the fact there are organsiations tht claim to represent Jesus who are obviously false, yet are allowed to persist by Jesus is unconvincing, no matter how you frame it.
Nike is quite dilligent about copyright infringement... I think god could do better.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
in just a few years all of us here will be forgotten, we will be dead and buried.
all our dealings will mean nothing.. ok there may be a few written works flying around for awhile, that some us have taken part in, and maybe a few of us may have been able to effect some changes for the good of some.yet all this can and probably will be reversed in a blink of an eye.some new cult or ruler will arise and start the whole cycle of pain over again.. the earth anyway, as a limited lifespan.
if mankind does not destroy itself, either our sun or some comet will.. so everything will end one day, as if no life ever existed here on earth, no rememberance, no purpose, no nothing.. so does it pay to dwell on the "big picture" of life?.
Yup, existence is pointless.
We are a cosmic joke.
Go slash your wrists now or pull your head out the sand and LIVE.
I can not think of anything more exciting than giving my meaningless little cosmic joke of a life meaning by what I do and how I do it.
That's what being a human is all about. Striving beyond what we have as animals. Giving meaning to the meaningless, form to the formless.
To just wait for death and wish there was a great skyman to kiss it better is just a waste of life.
And as there is only one, I'll be damned if I do that.
I might not be a Bach, an Einstein, a Ghandi or a Mandella.
But I can make a difference, touch people around me, and live on, not in some idiotic abstract of eternity, but in the lives of those I leave behind.
It's such an exciting prospect I can't even really begrudge the time I have wasted before realising 'the truth', or the times I am just a comfortable little animal in the warm with a full belly and a sexual mate, with nothing more than physical enjoyment and emotional joy (nothing more? god, I'd settle for that!).
No guru, no method, no mantra, no book written by some sun and drug fried goatherd to base my life on. No 'faith' (the greatest swindle of history - 'belief' - "honest guv, Mr skyman kiss it better now show me the money"), no fear (how can I worry about something I cannot change - if you're being marked good and bad by Mr Skyman you have to worry how many red ticks you have when you die, me, I just die), just fresh wonder every day.
Am I right? Are you actually complaining about all of these riches? I agree with your analysis of why people go for religion (basically fear of the dark and laziness), but "I almost envy ignorance, for it does not see the futility" is not my resultant meme.
Ignorance is kneeling to non-existant skypeople. That's nothing to envy!! Life is only as futile as YOU let it be.
Keep on rocking in the free world...