Abaddon, I feel you missed the point about menstruation being only one of the things we are required to purify ourselves after and before we pray. Why is that the only one that bothers you? Because it has been treated with unhealthy regard by other religions? It is not viewed the same way in Islam (or isn't supposed to be; I can't speak to the attitudes of every Muslim in every culture; some of us do still hold on to non-Islamic attitudes).
I don't think I missed any point about menstration Merry. I know there are other parts of the cleaning routine for men and women, it's just Allah, in contradiction to all known medical science, thinks a menstrating women CANNOT be clean. Or do you think menstrating surgeons take a day off to avoid infecting their patients with girl cooties? Y es, I do deliberately try to make it sound ludicous; because it IS. Not Islam being ludicrous, but thinking Allah can be guilty of such silliness being ludicrous.
I was pointing out that IF religion X (say Papua New Guinea Animism) has silly supersticions about menstration, one would not think 'aha! evidence of divine guidance', even if the Papuan Animists think so. On would say 'ah, yet another exmple of women being disciminated against due to primative supersticions'.
Or do you think such supersticions in other faiths are indicative they are also in receipt of divine guidance?
You can only have it one way or the other.
Now, if you hold the Papuan Menstration taboos as being due to ignorance, why would Allah command that Muslims persist in such ignorant supesticions? Why would Allah want his people to copy people who worshiped rocks (no, not a hidden crack at that meteorite thingy) and bushes.
If you hold that such beliefs as indication of divine guidance... you have to ask why divine guidance seems to be baseless gender-predicated discrimination...?
You seem to feel the Qur'an IS reliable. Yes.
Well, we differ. Why do you feel the Qur'an is more relaible than, say the Bible? Despite the grandiose claims made about an unbroken chain of recitation from Muhammad's time to our own, you must know that Islamic scripture has gone through at least two phases of collation and editing, so the Qur'an is no more unchanged since Muhammad said it than the New Testament is since Jesus.
Other proof the Qur'an is not reliable;
- Surah 10 says there are six cretive days. Sura 41 says 8.
- Surah 7 says the Pharoh used crucifiction as a punishment; there is no proof of this at the time.
- Surah 20 says a Samaritan helped build the golden calf; if so the Smaritan neede a time machine as they didn;t exist asa pople until 1,000 after MOses.
- Surah 9 says the Jews believe Ezra is the Son of God. This is utter rubbish.
- Surah 18 says Alexander the Great wa a Mulim and died of old age. Hahahahaha. This is so wong as to be absurd.
Rest assured there are more than enough such errors to show your confidence in the accuracy of the Qur'an is misplaced.
If you are interested we can talk about these topic (evolution and whether the Qur'an is inspired) in another thread.
Cool. I look forward to a chance to explore this topic more, whether on another thread or on my own.
I think we should. The lies of (big-C literalistic) Creationists of both Christian and Islamic persuasion make many sincere people think ANY acceptence of evoluton as rejection of god. Such an opinion is the result of a total misrepresentation of evolution by those same Creationists.
I am truly not trying judge anyone (including myself), but when I observe things with which I do not agree, I feel a call to self-reflection and I try to express the hope that others will do the same. I believe we can question motives without judging them. We are doing a lot of that on this thread, imo.
Oh true.
Our enslavement to God in turn means that we have to suppress many of our souls’ desires and inclinations. Therein lies one of the greatest secrets to unleashing our real human potential. This is so because it is our human potential that separates us from the rest of this creation, and it is to the extent that we are able to conquer our physical nature that we realize that spiritual potential.
Yes, but my point was, in part, that bland assurance one is following THE way, in the face of contraindications as I have pointed too, is in no way enslavement to god, but to oneself.
Now is the time to give ourselves to our Lord, totally. The trials and tribulations we are currently witnessing will only intensify as we move closer to the end of time.
Oh please not the Mahdi. Please, do two things for me. Find the Qur'anic reference to the Mahdi. You probably already know I know that you almost cetainly know there isn't any.
No one mentioned the Mahdi, only the end of time.
So you DON'T hold Sunni views about the Mahdi? ALthough your comments NOW show it is not neccesarilly an immediate hope, you do realise before I mentioned it, it did sound like it was very soon. Interesting (and I'd fully expect you to point out such things about me :-)
I don't think you're mean at all. I am frequently trying to examine my desires, but they are often deeply hidden.
They might be hidden, but one can discern what they are by one's ACTIONS. Your actions have drawn you to a faith with many parrallels to that which you grew up in.
I do feel valued equally.
Maybe if you lived in Turkey or Iran, you'd feel differently. Maybe you feel valued equally because you are isolated from any Muslim community and can approach Islam as an anchorite (female hermit), interpret it in your own way, and not be forced on a daily basis to experience it as your sisters in Islam do. Prehaps your feeling of equality would be tempered if you actually had experience of dealing with 'born-in' MUslim males
I hope not, but I pray that if I am committing shirk it will be revealed to me more clearly. The self-examination continues...
Well, some religious traditions actually see shirk as impossible, as they view humans as being PART of the divine. Not that I neccesarily belive that but it is interesting.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. As I say, I'd be delighted to give my pennies worth on Islamic Creationism and Qur'anic reliability one day.