Give Little Toe a smack on the arse from me please
a wedding!!!!!
& i am invited !!!!!!
!thanks claire...
Give Little Toe a smack on the arse from me please
a wedding!!!!!
& i am invited !!!!!!
!thanks claire...
A WEDDING!!!!! & I am invited !!!!!!!Thanks Claire...
Grace Have you booked your flight yet? Paulxxxxx
some of these i didn't find very funny but i didn't omit them because i thought some1 else might like them subject: irish humour... paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an .
>meeting and couldn't find a parking place.. >.
some of these i didn't find very funny but i didn't omit them because i thought some1 else might like them subject: irish humour... paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an .
>meeting and couldn't find a parking place.. >.
Ireland has just suffered its worst ever plane crash. A small 2 seater plane crashed into a cemetry just outside Dublin. So far police have recovered 342 bodies, and the search continues.
I've sent an email.
do you have any phobias jw related or not?
i personally don't have much except having to go through very narrow spaces where i can barely fit in that freaks me out and i also fear very hot weather like over 38 degrees celsius as if it will give me a heat stroke.
I don't like heights, but can force myself to work through it.
Any kind of creepy crawly/lizard/snake etc just freaks me out though!
hope this hasnt been posted already, if it has someone tell me as i dont want to step on anyones toes !!.
well christimas will soon be here !!.
gadget did a great job of organising the forum gift exchange the last couple of years so i thought i would give him a break and volunteer to organise it this year.. for those that are new basically what it involves is that those who want to join in will post to this thread and then pm me their name and address.
Gadget, just curious, how many joined in the fun last year? Must be hard to keep track and all lol!
I think it was in the mid 70s, but I'd have to dig out my stuff to check! It takes a huge amount of my time to keep in touch with everyone involved sending messages etc to organise it, I don't envy Angharad one bit! I had been thinking about organising another one if someone hadn't of stepped in, but it would have been difficult for me with all my studying and other things I have going on at the minute. Again, thanks for organising it Angharad. In previous years I've had messages from people saying how much they enjoyed it, for some it was the only gift they received and they said it made so much difference to them knowing that someone cared enough to send a gift to someone they'd only met online. If anyones in two minds about whether to join in or not, just go for it!
i saw a part on the today show where matt was asking if it was possible an emotional disconnect to be able to forgive immidietly after such a terrible tragedy.
i personally feel it is not natural to be able to forgive something so big so quickly and it makes me think they all put on a front because they are a cult-like group too.
if they said "one family is forgiving, and another family is mad as h*ll about the whole thing,"it would be much more believable to me.
On one hand I think it must be hard for the families to have to put on a front of forgiveness for the sake of their community when it must be the opposite of what they must be feeling inside, but on the other the strength of faith they have must be like a rock helping them through this.
hope this hasnt been posted already, if it has someone tell me as i dont want to step on anyones toes !!.
well christimas will soon be here !!.
gadget did a great job of organising the forum gift exchange the last couple of years so i thought i would give him a break and volunteer to organise it this year.. for those that are new basically what it involves is that those who want to join in will post to this thread and then pm me their name and address.
Count me in too!
Thanks for doing this Angharad.
trev had an email today from the beehive network, who administer his site.
apparently, someone had made an informal complaint about some of the content, in particular the article on child abuse within the jws.
trev is away, but i contacted him, and he agreed to remove the "offending" items, which he did from work.
If they ok it, it goes back on the site. If not, he has a few other ideas
If they won't let you repost it, i could probably host it for you. Depending on how its linked up people might not even notice its on a different site.