His comments are EXACTLY why I have come to detest Christians. Even those Christians who don't agree with what he said still share the blame for being part of such a bigoted philosophy. I personally have no sympathy for ANY Christians here who take offense at what I said. All the anti- gay hatred comes straight from the Bible. So anyone who still professes to believe the Bible is a closet hater at the least.
JoinedPosts by NAVYTOWN
Duck Watchtowercy
by Defianttruth inwith phil robertson getting the boot within a day of his comments by a&e, what would happen if the lbg community started calling all of the venue managers of their convention arenas and exposing them for the hate group they are today?
just a thought.
Why hasn`t / doesn`t the "TRUE GOD" clarify his " GODSHIP" between the JEWS , the CHRISTIANS and the MUSLIMS.
by smiddy init has been about 2000 years since jesus walked the earth and has been hailed as the son of god by christians .. the jews refuse to acknowledge jesus as the son of god.. the muslims recognise jesus as only a prophet .. their are billions of christians earth wide.
their are at least a billion muslims world wide.
i`m sorry i dont know how many jews their are world wide ( please add the 6 million who died in concentration camps ).
There is no 'God' out there, that's why 'he' hasn't provided any answers. It's all a lot of made-up nonsense to keep small-minded people occupied.
Sighhhhhhhh, the Draw Close to Jehovah book again for the Congregation Bible Study.
by Stand for Pure Worship incheck out this gem from the dec 2013 km which explains why it's good to over this book a second go round.. "congregations previously considered this book during 2004 and 2005. however,for many of the approximately two million publishers who have come into the truth since then,this will be the first time that jehovahs endearing qualities have been discussed in detail.for those who studied the book before, the review will help them to deepen their appreciation forjehovahs attributes.ps.119:14".
i gotta kick out of this because i can only think of maybe two or three new ones in our congregation who weren't present when this book was first studied.
at the same time, going over jehovah's qualities isn't something new.
The 2007 'book study' that used the tired old Revelation book was my final straw as well. I recall telling one of the older women in the congregation, at the regular KH meeting: 'I've just decided I'm too old to fill my head with useless information from that book.'. I think that might have been my last meeting, come to think of it.
The name Jehovah and what it really means.
by Crazyguy inthis site has some great info on the meaning of the name jehovah.
The whole brouhaha regarding the 'name' Jehovah is so totally silly. Why would the ultimate force in the Universe (Universes??) need to even HAVE a name. 'Names' are a concept made up by human beings. Why would 'God' even NEED a name, and why would he care what humans called 'him', much less REQUIRE that humans exclusively use a human- created prescribed name? It's all really the height of small-mindedness to even buy into the JW blathering on the subject. Can't we spend our time thinking of more worthwhile things??
Disfunctional families of JW's
by JakeM2012 inthis past summer has been rewarding and distressful, as some would say, it has been bitter sweet.
my wife finished her degree and is now working at a hospital, (as a janitor cleaning windows), lol.
oh, we also live in a van down by the river!.
For JWs, it's ALL about 'attending the meetings', isn't it??? If God himself personally told them NOT to go to the meetings, they would have to ask the elders and the GB what to do. The best response to JWs is to say: 'Screw your meetings!!!'
Why do we need a pastor, preacher or priest to 'tell us' who God is, what he likes and dislikes, etc? If you really believe that the Bible is the 'word of God', then just read it and find out for yourself. And if you read the Bible and find it to be utter nonsense, then FOR YOU the Bible isn't 'the truth'. It's really all a matter of personal opinion anyway. Either you buy it or you don't, what difference does it make to anyone else?
by ADJUSTMENTS init seems in most congregations there is always the same personality types of brothers and sisters in each congregation.
self righteous ones.
holier than thou, exemplary, with dc/ca parts every year family.
The 'new study' who wears Ill-fitting clothes, supposedly is 'trying to quit smoking' and makes scanty eye-contact. Appears to be one pancake short of a full stack.
Quite an interesting first meeting with my Therapist.
by truthseekeriam inthe moment i mentioned jehovah's witnesses he headed over to his file cabinet and handed me this print out.. .
dear beloved one, .
i see your loneliness and fears.
It seems to me the therapist should have first asked you more about your personal experiences with the Witnesses, to get a better feel for exactly what your concerns and issues are. Jumping to an immediate conclusion and TELLING you the JWs are a dangerous cults seems like it was certainly premature. And handing out literature that obviously reflected HIS or HER private religious beliefs does seem unethical. Is your therapist a PhD Clinical Psychologist? If not, you might look for a therapist who is. Your current therapist seems to have a private agenda regarding religion and is willing to see that you believe the same way.
Sequencing of oldest human DNA throws up some unexpected results
by konceptual99 inheard this reported on the bbc radio 4 news just now.
snippet of the report.... its dna sequence indicates that this early european was more closely related to a much earlier species of human living in siberia about 700,000 years ago than to the later neanderthals of europe who became extinct about 30,000 years ago.. the genetic link between early europeans and even earlier asians has surprised researchers who had expected to find a closer genetic relationship to the later neanderthals, who had occupied europe for tens of thousands of years before eventually dying out after anatomically-modern humans arrived.. .
I like to ask JWs: 'Are all the Neanderthals going to be resurrected???'.
by DATA-DOG inone more highlight from the ca...for now... how to survive the end.
the bible says:.
1) prayer.
Whenever someone asks me if I'm 'saved', I simply say: 'I was never lost'. Then I up the ante by asking them if all Neanderthals are going to be resurrected and 'saved'.