I will buy you a beer if you take one! Congrattssss!!!!
Posts by Rip
The Happiest I Have Ever Been
by nolongerconfused inhello dear friends,.
it has been a while since i've posted here.
much has happened since i left the cult.
Warwick, Class 5 Building project, Why?
by DwainBowman inso what is a class 5 project?.
it is one done to the highest standards.
paint & drywall, fit and finish, of everything to perfection.
invest that money in helping the poor, build school and hospitals. Best Regards "christ brothers"
Please help me destroy the logic of October 2014 Conversation With a Neighbor.
by kneehighmiah inhttp://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/wp20141001/gods-kingdom-prophecy-1/.
this has got to be a joke.
anyone with half a brain would destroy the logical fallicies in this article.
Fed up with it then dumped it.
1.why would God need a date to be a king? Give one reason then I will be re-converted....
They dont understand who God is.
2. Who decides that a verse has a second , third, forth meaning?
The deliberate error of the WT or its heresy is that they want the Bible to Justifie their religion/organisation for commercial interests/longevity of the religion (place more magazines because people fear the end, have more comverts, and families who will abandon their businesses to work freely on their projects).
God is not that cunning!
30th Anniversary of THAT classic 1914 WT front cover
by wizzstick in.
please join with me, and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic wt with the front cover which boldly proclaimed that the generation of 1914 would never pass away.. the cover date of the that wt is infact this very day so let us raise a glass to this clear sign they have god's backing:.
in this the 100th anniversary of our lords return (invisibly of course brothers) it is a fine and appropriate thing to do..
Wizz thanks for the record, this group is really interesting. What was the purpose of uttering a nonsense like that on "Front Cover"? to fool everybody to run after Watchtower for salvation. Still they maintain the same utterance and interestingly many who are unaware of a record like this are running after them
What do you think of the word:"THEOCRACY"
by Rip inwhen i come accross these coined phrase like "theocratic school" i wonder if it really is time to live a theocracy on earth, and it it is not an exageration by gb to make people think they occupy a undisputable place in that theocracy where anybody who challenges them, challenges theos.. is the theocratic attitude on earth christian?
what do you think guys?.
Talibans, Boko haram want a theocracy!!
Christadelphians (Christ brothers/Sisters)
by Rip inin my plan to exit the jw i thought it would be good if i adhere to another faith group, not cultish as the jw but non trinitarian.. this is decided for the sake of my children (two sons)'s spritual safety.
i researched the internet and in the non trinitarian groups i found these christadelphian.
any idea about this group?.
thnks to all you heped me tame my path. now it s smooth
No more doubts for me! Good-bye JWN! We have THE TRUTH!
by DATA-DOG ini could go on and on about my personal journey over the last 2 years or so, but i don't need to.
everything i needed to hear to finally lay my doubts to rest happened on one meeting night.
it could only be divine providence.
Military need of the US army in cold war 1969 created INTERNET.
Publishing need of the WTBS created MEPS.
All were inspired, God bless m
Jehovah™ is the greater child murderer
by punkofnice injehovahtm is so benevolent and wonderfully merciful.
so much so he kills children without so much as a by your leave.. .
jehovahtm is surely the greater child abuser.
I feel my faith is weakening
by Brother Mike inwhen you were in the truth did you find websites like this and read what the other side has to say?
i am in that stage and i feel as if i'm seeking out the ttatt.
i feel the wt society is hiding way too much.
Musilims also have a strong faith: Mujahdines and Shababs. Faith is equally religious extremism, if you think you are loosing it by quitting the JW, you are becoming a balanced person.
Christadelphians (Christ brothers/Sisters)
by Rip inin my plan to exit the jw i thought it would be good if i adhere to another faith group, not cultish as the jw but non trinitarian.. this is decided for the sake of my children (two sons)'s spritual safety.
i researched the internet and in the non trinitarian groups i found these christadelphian.
any idea about this group?.